Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Other game of March, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, and its too long name, are imaged with a traditional launch trailer.

Commented on 2013-03-07 20:08:08
I'll buy it just for the graphics ^_^
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Commented on 2013-03-07 20:56:54
there are people already raging that it is even worse than UNS2, with the 5 hours of decent fights, and other 10 hours of shitty "rpg" barren corridor runs between battles and useless drivel.

Thats what wanting to release 4 times the same game in a generation, like you are activision creates. had they concentrate in half of that they could even make more than just decent narutos but mediocre games. They could even improve their concept to create a decent "adventure" game.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-03-07 21:20:58
Dont forget insanely alot of loading each few 1-2 minutes.
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Commented on 2013-03-07 21:26:26
Suppose that's what you get when you're nerdy enough to buy them all. Serves you right then. I only bought & played the first 2 (and still think they're great). Don't really care what the Naruto nerds have to say about it.
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Commented on 2013-03-07 21:28:38
Can't believe it still doesn't have anti-aliasing
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Commented on 2013-03-07 21:33:35
That's indeed a bummer, still on my radar though.
But i'll be waiting until the price drops a bit.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 00:06:51
Oh baby. Oh baby :D
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Commented on 2013-03-08 01:10:27
Ehh I'll pass. I understand why they dropped 4 though. How many Japanese game franchises this year outside of Nintendo have something that'll sell a 1 million every release?
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Commented on 2013-03-08 01:19:46 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
there are people already raging that it is even worse than UNS2, with the 5 hours of decent fights, and other 10 hours of shitty "rpg" barren corridor runs between battles and useless drivel.

Thats what wanting to release 4 times the same game in a generation, like you are activision creates. had they concentrate in half of that they could even make more than just decent narutos but mediocre games. They could even improve their concept to create a decent "adventure" game.
The obvious flaw in your logic or argument is that Naruto games don't sell anywhere close to the worst of "Activision's fabled series" then of course is that this game is based on an anime/manga franchise unlike Activision's fabled game series.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 01:21:54
Love how that is always the excuse. I jizz in my pants over this shit and it doesn't sell as well as CoD, so obviously we forgive any shitty business practices!
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Commented on 2013-03-08 01:57:26
reviews not doing to well for this one ...
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Commented on 2013-03-08 04:02:01 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
reviews not doing to well for this one ...
Reviews on this game are more or less irrelevant. These games are made for hardcore fans of the manga/anime, and most hardcore fans won't care how it reviews, because games of this nature will never be looked upon kindly in most reviews, and fans of this very aware of this fact.

The majority of gamers out there would not be fans of this style of fighting game. It isn't very deep, nor does it really reward skill. It's rather easy to mash and compete and the use of the substitution jutsu can be downright excessive. There are any number of flaws that I could point out from previous releases, and that I fully expect to be in this release, as well.

However, if you're a huge fan of the manga and can't get enough of it, and are fans of these games to begin with, then you more or less will get it, regardless of what reviews say. There are some games that reviews simply can't properly place, because they share any kind of enthusiasm for the subject matter.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 09:41:21 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
reviews not doing to well for this one ...
Based on the metacritic review scores it's not as bad as you're making it out to be (76% + SP is what i'm looking for). Depends on what your 'good game/bad game'-bar is set to. Most gamers tend to go: "Below 80% ? This is utter crap then!" which is simply not true (in KORNdog's special case it's more like "Below 90% ? This is utter crap then!" ^_^). I'd give any game a chance that can score 70% and above.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 13:46:20 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
(in KORNdog's special case it's more like "Below 90% ? This is utter crap then!" ^_^).
not quite. i buy what i like (reviews be damned), and i hate games i don't like (logical?). this, this is middle ground, and for middle ground. i rent. not bad enough to ignore, not good enough to waste money on. but even as a rental it's pretty damn low priority.
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Commented on 2013-03-08 17:53:22
Sounds perfectly logical, and i agree with the reviews. And i think it's noteworthy to mention that there's a trend regarding this -> Lots and lots of mixed game reviews over the last months & years, never been this different. So it's probably safer to play it for yourself than to rely on a reviewer's word (even Jim Stirling is wrong sometimes -> Deadly Premonition).
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Commented on 2013-03-09 19:26:03 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Love how that is always the excuse. I jizz in my pants over this shit and it doesn't sell as well as CoD, so obviously we forgive any shitty business practices!
For FUCKS sake dude, do we have to resort to pulling out sales numbers? I mean seriously its like you have no concept of you driving around in an empty truck and someone else pulling up beside you in a truck filled with freshly minted pallets of hundred dollar bills!

That is a bad analogy yes but your logic of "forgiving" game devs? where is that logic whenever a Call of Duty game is released? it does not exist here and that naggy, whinny crybaby attitude just doesn't do a dent in Call of Duty sales, keep in mind who mentioned Activision first and what obvious game is the undisputed infamous king of sales this gen that other game devs/pubs fear releasing their games close to that game's release date.
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Commented on 2013-03-10 21:02:01 In reply to Optimusv2
Posted by KORNdog
not quite. i buy what i like (reviews be damned), and i hate games i don't like (logical?). this, this is middle ground, and for middle ground. i rent. not bad enough to ignore, not good enough to waste money on. but even as a rental it's pretty damn low priority.
i coudln't have said it better Korn

.. i own the first two games ... oh wow look i'm a fan lol .. but i'm not feeling this one :D ... now your minds will explode trying to comprehend :p

I'm not sure ... I guess on a personal level, reviews aside I am waiting for the fighting in this series to get deep but like some of my friends always point out that will never happen in consideration of the true target audience this title is intended for but a man can hope
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Commented on 2013-03-10 23:27:49 In reply to Akumajo
Posted by Akumajo
For FUCKS sake dude, do we have to resort to pulling out sales numbers? I mean seriously its like you have no concept of you driving around in an empty truck and someone else pulling up beside you in a truck filled with freshly minted pallets of hundred dollar bills!

That is a bad analogy yes but your logic of "forgiving" game devs? where is that logic whenever a Call of Duty game is released? it does not exist here and that naggy, whinny crybaby attitude just doesn't do a dent in Call of Duty sales, keep in mind who mentioned Activision first and what obvious game is the undisputed infamous king of sales this gen that other game devs/pubs fear releasing their games close to that game's release date.
Yeah, and if the guy with the empty truck drives like an asshole, he should get a ticket, just the same as the guy with the full truck. I don't see how different rules apply because you have different numbers in sales. It's called standards, and yours are double.
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Commented on 2013-03-11 15:40:37
Now that i 'test played' it: Dang, and i thought adventure was to come back big with this third installment, but nooooo... I should probably save my money and give Rise & Broken Bond a second spin. Just like both it's UNS predecessors, the Story Mode is so sleep-inducing that at some point it only infuriates you to turn the goddam console off. They really should reassign Ubi with the task.
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Commented on 2013-03-11 23:04:59
You guys need to realize this game is fan service and not a true fighter or adventure game.
It gets re released with new characters because people who read/watch the series just want to have fun with the latest developments in the story.

Yes it sucks that it's not competitive and deep, and yes it's a shame the adventure side is shallow.
But those are not their aim. They want to make something that looks even better than the series, and gives fans the opportunity to play with their fav characters new and old.

They can't really afford to spend years on each iteration because the story is moving so fast and will likely end soon.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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