Trailer PC Xbox 360 PS3

After yesterday's video of the demo recorded by our good friend DjMizuhara, now is the time for the latest behind-the-scenes video of Batman: Arkham Asylum. For those of you who have been locked up in a dungeon somewhere, let me remind you that the game will be released in late August on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 while the PC version will only hit the shelves on September 18.

Commented on 2009-08-08 16:21:46
Awesome game,I cant wait for the release.
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Commented on 2009-08-08 17:43:51
Bring it on!!!
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Commented on 2009-08-08 18:28:02
Excellent stuff, can't wait!

~funkyellowmonkey(ps3 id)~
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Commented on 2009-08-08 19:29:26
Summer's best conclusion.
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Commented on 2009-08-09 00:37:22
The ONLY thing missing in the demo (and i'm afraid in the full game too...) is.....blood. I mean come on...the game is clearly not meant for the youngsters, so why not add to the realism and put blood in it?
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Commented on 2009-08-09 01:04:51 In reply to Moonwalker
Posted by Moonwalker
The ONLY thing missing in the demo (and i'm afraid in the full game too...) is.....blood. I mean come on...the game is clearly not meant for the youngsters, so why not add to the realism and put blood in it?
i dont see where it would fit in and feel appropriate tbh. batman doesnt kill, so it isnt like he's going to rip off some goons arm and beat him to death with it. and similarly, his stealth attacks are so non-violent it wouldnt fit there either. sure they could add blood flying all over the place like they'd been busted wide open with even the slightest punch, but it wouldnt really work and it certainly isnt something that i think the game *needs* unlike the cod series back in the day where it actually makes sense for it to be there, being a shooter and all.

i dunno, maybe i'm in the minority, but i just dont see where blood would fit into the game at all?
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Commented on 2009-08-09 08:38:21
Wouldn't mind blood. The demo was entertaining. Weird people in Gotham city build gargoyles INSIDE the buildings.... well, good for batman.
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Commented on 2009-08-09 11:56:26
Um, something about this vid, did anyone else notice the black thing on the desk that was blurred out? Just when it sweeps into the dev office on one of the desks right near the camera something is blurred out, anyone any idea what it is?
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Commented on 2009-08-09 12:18:31 In reply to Tomarru
a ps3 or an xbox360 devkit.
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Commented on 2009-08-09 18:14:58
no.. blood would look out of place in the batman universe i think.
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Commented on 2009-08-09 18:52:28
unreal 3 engine is still kicking...
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Commented on 2009-08-09 21:13:46 In reply to Tomarru
Posted by Tomarru
Um, something about this vid, did anyone else notice the black thing on the desk that was blurred out? Just when it sweeps into the dev office on one of the desks right near the camera something is blurred out, anyone any idea what it is?
PS3 slim confirmed!!1!!!11one!111!!11
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Commented on 2009-08-10 12:24:20
Played the demo last night. Really sweet game. The opening sequence with the batmobile heading towards Arkham was amazing, plus the Character Bios are a nice touch. Especially Joker's Psych interviews. Will get full game when price comes down.
Posted by KORNdog
PS3 slim confirmed!!1!!!11one!111!!11
Yeah, but will it be any cheaper? I bet they'll still expect you to pay the same price for a smaller product. Grr...
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Eidos Interactive
Developed by
Rocksteady Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (1 Week ago)

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