Images PC Xbox 360 PS3

Irrational Games have published three new screenshots of BioShock Infinite today. The title will be out in 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Check out the screens below.
Update: Variant screen showing HUD added.

3 Images

  • New BioShock Infinite screens - 3 Images
  • New BioShock Infinite screens - 3 Images
  • New BioShock Infinite screens - 3 Images


  • New BioShock Infinite screens - HUD
Commented on 2011-05-23 22:17:04
good, good...

now some more gameplay footage /pls
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Commented on 2011-05-23 22:34:59
character models don't look great, but artistically it's awesome.

i hope the final game is as cinematic as the first footage led us to believe. with plenty of set pieces and edge of your seat moments.

this is what bioshock 2 should have been from the get-go. these sort of games don't work anywhere near as well if you aren't discovering and exploring a new environment. hence why bioshock felt like more of the same, and was boring and lacked atmosphere because of it imo.

still ages away tho, too far away to start getting excited
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Commented on 2011-05-23 23:23:58 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
character models don't look great, but artistically it's awesome.

i hope the final game is as cinematic as the first footage led us to believe. with plenty of set pieces and edge of your seat moments.

this is what bioshock 2 should have been from the get-go. these sort of games don't work anywhere near as well if you aren't discovering and exploring a new environment. hence why bioshock felt like more of the same, and was boring and lacked atmosphere because of it imo.

still ages away tho, too far away to start getting excited
BioShock 2 simply never should have happened - just another cash-in by yet another publisher trying to milk more money out of an IP than they had any right to attempt to milk from it.

I agree with you 100%, these games work best when you are discovering/exploring new environments. If Take Two was insistent on making BioShock 2, then the least they could have done was not put it in Rapture. I have all these wonderful art books of all the locations, ideas, and even in-game assets that Irrational Games through away, in the five or six year process of making BioShock - any one of which would have been a perfect setting for BioShock 2. The one I liked in particular, being an island where they ran dangerous human experimentation. True the setting is a bit more gaming cliche than the final concept for either BioShock, or BioShock Infinite, even so, it already had a BioShock-esque skew to the idea, plus would have added a completely new environment for players to explore, and provided the publisher Take Two with at least a halfway original cash-in for their greed.

Anyway, BioShock Infinite looks amazing - but I expect nothing less from Irrational Games. They have been making AAA+ game titles for ages, and I do not expect that to come to an end anytime soon. 2012 is shaping up to be one helluva year, and several serious GOTY candidates (Mass Effect 3, The Last Guardian, BioShock Infinite) are already showing up on the horizon, and I expect more serious contenders beginning to filter into media awareness at this year's E3 and beyond. And we have a lot of great gaming, possibly the best gaming this gen, to look forward to in the coming year. And while that is far out enough not to get worked up about just yet, I believe it's still going to be a pretty exciting time nonetheless. And I am glad that yet another proper BioShock game (not a cash-in) will be a part of that.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 00:14:46
It looks great. The art in this game is really nice
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-05-24 01:31:41
Shawn Elliot is the level designer for this game...the guy is simply brilliant, its so cool to hear him analyze old games on GFWL podcasts, his mind really gets into the details behind some of the design decisions

This game is going to be special
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Commented on 2011-05-24 01:35:44 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
character models don't look great, but artistically it's awesome.

i hope the final game is as cinematic as the first footage led us to believe. with plenty of set pieces and edge of your seat moments.

this is what bioshock 2 should have been from the get-go. these sort of games don't work anywhere near as well if you aren't discovering and exploring a new environment. hence why bioshock felt like more of the same, and was boring and lacked atmosphere because of it imo.

still ages away tho, too far away to start getting excited
I dunno what you're seeing.. the character models look great!

I do agree its way too early to get that just makes the wait all the longer. But this is BIOSHOCK... its going to be awesome.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 02:39:14
damn this game looks awesome... good thing my laptop should be able to blitz it as well...since I can play witcher 2 on ultra
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Commented on 2011-05-24 02:44:55
are you kidding me? I loved the first atmosphere better, they bombed with this one on that imo, it just doesnt feel like bioshock anymore, they just tagged the name for the money. It will probably be an ok game but still it just doesnt feel right, theirs plenty of stuff needed to be done underwater, I mean, you can use your imagination and re build rapture into another twin city re imagined, all kinds of crazy foliage and architecture down there with pinnacle moments of sea level disasters that you can spot if you look above while in rapture, I dont know anything!!, these developers have timelines they dont have time for imagination. It's all about the stinkin money.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 02:57:37
oh wow what the hell?? its Wild Wild West, with Will Smith, awesome, frikking awesome guys, meh, I will wait but I think I am going to gulp MW3... ewwww did I just say that.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 03:12:22 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
Shawn Elliot is the level designer for this game...the guy is simply brilliant, its so cool to hear him analyze old games on GFWL podcasts, his mind really gets into the details behind some of the design decisions

This game is going to be special
Whoah, really?! I thought he'd just be community manager or some other low-level job. That's awesome, I hope he impresses as much with design as he does with critique ;)
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Commented on 2011-05-24 05:02:21 In reply to infamouz956
Posted by infamouz956
are you kidding me? I loved the first atmosphere better, they bombed with this one on that imo, it just doesnt feel like bioshock anymore, they just tagged the name for the money. It will probably be an ok game but still it just doesnt feel right, theirs plenty of stuff needed to be done underwater, I mean, you can use your imagination and re build rapture into another twin city re imagined, all kinds of crazy foliage and architecture down there with pinnacle moments of sea level disasters that you can spot if you look above while in rapture, I dont know anything!!, these developers have timelines they dont have time for imagination. It's all about the stinkin money.

1 - this is Irrational Games making a new BioShock, not some hired gun brought in by the publisher to make a new BioShock cash-in. Irrational games has been making BioShock games since long before they were called BioShock. And every last one of them has turned out not only an inspired masterpiece of interactive gaming, but some of the best and most influential videogames of their time. Expect no less from BioShock Infinite.

2 - So when can't a game change location, and even change antagonists and protragonists, and be the same game? I guess all those GTA games taking places in different cities, aren't really GTA games at all. And all those Final Fantasy games talking places on entirely different worlds, I guess those aren't Final Fantasy games either. Maybe you should actually open your mind, and broaden your horizons a little.

3 - Once again, this is Irrational Games, one of the most strikingly creative game developers on the planet, and one who's publisher is more than happy to allow them to take all the time they need (like four, or five, or even years between games) to be as creative and imaginative as they want/need/desire to be. Besides, what's more imaginative? Yet another lurking romp through Rapture or a Rapture inspired clone, or something altogether different from Rapture. And only alike Rapture in the spirit which lead to Raptures rise and downfall? Seems to me, the only one lacking of imagination is you, not the developer. As the only thing you seem to really want, is yet another clone of the original BioShock. Well sadly the publisher already gave us one of those a year ago by a different developer, and it was an uninspired snorefest, to put mildly. If all you want is another clone, then go play some more of BioShock 2 and be happy.

4 - Yes. it's all about the money. Gaming is a damned business for crying out loud, where games cost tens of millions of dollars to develop, on top of tens of millions of dollars to market, and no guarantee any of that money will ever be recouperated. Yet at the same time, sometimes being all about the money is about being all about creativity, and allowing the truly inspiring and talented development studios have the free will to do as they want - that's how we got BioShock in the first place.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 05:37:37
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Commented on 2011-05-24 11:06:22
I still think its mad they carried this on as a series, i thought the first one ended well enough to leave it at that
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Commented on 2011-05-24 12:04:48 In reply to catfish
Posted by catfish
damn this game looks awesome... good thing my laptop should be able to blitz it as well...since I can play witcher 2 on ultra
samee :) Albeit with Ubersampling and AA off. Get a good 30+FPS, though it does stutter sometimes
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Commented on 2011-05-24 14:27:57
I'm not impressed by the look of this, looks cartoony and just not that appealing in graphical terms.
I loved bioshock 1 because of the horror aspects but since there have been dropped in bioshock 2 Im not fond of the series, so this is definetly not a must buy.

Ill wait a couple of months and wait for the reviews.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 20:09:53
As much as I liked Bioshock I couldn't play the sequel for more than the first hour, it was the same fucking thing. Here's hoping they did more than change the scenery with this game
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-05-24 20:14:14
Looks great IMO, very great.
Love the location and the artdesign is great.

Gameplay seems to be very Bioshock which is great IMO, and I bet the music will be the same style with atmospheric and moody.

Can't wait to see more!
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Commented on 2011-05-24 20:23:32 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Looks great IMO, very great.
Love the location and the artdesign is great.

Gameplay seems to be very Bioshock which is great IMO, and I bet the music will be the same style with atmospheric and moody.

Can't wait to see more!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-05-24 21:07:42 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
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Commented on 2011-05-24 21:15:34
What is that even suposed to mean?

Shake my head*
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-05-24 21:16:33 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
What is that even suposed to mean?

Shake my head*
He agrees with me?
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Commented on 2011-05-24 21:19:22 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
He agrees with me?
What kinda response is that then?

The he bitchs when I make some inmature response.

Shake my head even more*
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Commented on 2011-05-24 21:26:53 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
He agrees with me?
actually, no.

the picture is of tony the tiger, the maskot of kellogg's frosted flakes (i assume you know of them?). his slogan was "they're grrrreat" which pokes fun at the amount of times sath used the word "great" in his comment.

man, it really sucks when you have to explain a joke. *sigh*
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Commented on 2011-05-24 21:28:52
Well we are not some telepathic aliens here.
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Commented on 2011-05-24 21:31:06 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Well we are not some telepathic aliens here.
you shouldn't need to be. but alas, you clearly didn't "get" it, so never mind. move along. nothing to see here.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
2K Games
Developed by
Irrational Games

$135 of $400 per month

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