GSY Video PS4 Xbox One

Available on PS4 and Xbox One since February 2, UFC 3 returns to enter the ring. We offer you some videos of the PS4 Pro version. One of them was captured in resolution mode, which allows to play in 4K 30 fps. In performance mode, the game runs at 60 fps in a lower resolution. As you can see, the graphics look really photorealistic.

Commented on 2018-02-05 04:50:34
A big stepdown compared to UFC2 unless everything majorly changed from beta. Worse animations, physics and model collision, combos are locked behind cards (hello p2w) and generally it's more of a grind with UT perks and everything else being limited in number of fights. I'm disappointed.
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Commented on 2018-02-05 07:38:58 In reply to MinorDespera
It's EA, they have decided to go full head-on into microtransactions and pay-to-progress - or grind the game and yourself to death, by designing games to get as much money as possible from the customer as the biggest reason for these games existing in the first place.

Even in a free-to-play game, these systems EA is putting into their games would be bad, which is why there's good and bad examples in the free-to-play business model and this is one of the bad.

The fact that you have to pay $60 just so you can have the "right" to pay even more money or to mindlessly grind and waste away your time - which is already a finite amount - just makes not buying these games the easiest of decisions imho.

I love the Dragon Age series, but after learning that they have scrapped some of the work that had already been done in DA4 and restarted the project as a "Live/Games as a Service" game and a "Reboot" for the series - a reboot that no fan asked or wanted - just made me kinda of give up on the series, like it's dead now - just like Half-Life.

I feel the same for Anthem, which everything looks great, but EA will almost certainly epicallly fuck it up somehow, so it's best to just forget about it. And all of this for what, just so that very rich greedy a-holes get even more rich, even to the detriment and at the expense of the customers.

Just take your money and precious time elsewhere. Go buy any number of other far better and excellent games, or just watch 6 great movies - last I heard a movie ticket cost $10 in the US, buy food, etc. Basically, just use them more wisely than spending them on EA games - they definitely do not deserve your money and, specially, your time.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2018-02-05 08:26:11 In reply to Sdarts
As far as I know, the lootboxes are only present in the ultimate team mode, just like it's been in FIFA for years.
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Commented on 2018-02-06 15:43:12
What is this? this looks identical to UFC2 in every damn way!!! did they just changed the number 2 to 3?
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Commented on 2018-02-06 16:26:50 In reply to 2040
No, they changed quite a lot things gameplaywise, but not for better. The only gameplay element from UFC2 that stayed intact is grappling/ground game. Stand-up has been completely reworked. Now you can move and attack, that's a first. Now you also cannot chain any attacks you want, instead it's dictated by the combo cards that give you, well, certain combos you can execute. So say you want to do a quick jab into leg kick, well you can't do that. Then there's overcomplicated attack input that sometimes has you holding LT, RB, LB and pressing and attack button, optionally also holding your thumb on movement button. Gone is the parry. All in all I loved UFC2 system way more, and it's not just a matter of familiarity.
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Commented on 2018-02-06 22:53:33 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
No, they changed quite a lot things gameplaywise, .
Good to know all those usefull info....but would it kill them to enhance the graphics?
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Commented on 2018-02-06 23:25:43
"really photorealistic" was very generous of you.. :) are you seeing something I´m not seeing?
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About the game
Published by
EA Sports
Developed by
EA Sports

$135 of $400 per month

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