Images PS4

Sony's Playstation 4 will finally be available in Europe at the end of this week, and we've decided to propose you a bunch of Killzone: Shadow Fall screenshots we took with the console's Share function. Once you have linked your PS ID to your Facebook and Twitter accounts, uploading images is easy and fast. It's a very nice feature, but you should be warned that social networks will clearly become filled with potential spoilers in the weeks/months/years to come. Beware of your friends!

Gamersyde images

  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
  • Our shared images of Killzone SF - Gamersyde images
Commented on 2013-11-26 23:55:27
Looking forward to Friday!
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Commented on 2013-11-27 01:22:06
ah i didnt preorder and apparently sony wont be allowing anymore ps4s for people who didnt preorder
they released a article saying if people want a change to get one if havent preordered they will be selling them in their london event on thursday night where they will have a certain amount, and said if people want one before xmas

so looks like shops wont have any extra stock which sucks
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Commented on 2013-11-27 01:23:30
hmm it a shame the quality of the snap shots is not that great, it seems the screen shots from the 1080p trailers look a bit better :/
these are grainy and jaggy and lots all the good detail
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Commented on 2013-11-27 01:35:21 In reply to lawless82
Posted by lawless82
hmm it a shame the quality of the snap shots is not that great, it seems the screen shots from the 1080p trailers look a bit better :/
these are grainy and jaggy and lots all the good detail
Share captures have less then great quality. 720p for starters, then there is compression at the consoles end, then there is compression at facebook/twitters end. Kinda gone through the meat grinder. Fine for capturing goofy moments in games though.

Asda just announced they've secured stock for non pre-orders at midnight. Tesco and argos are the same i think.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 01:37:42
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Commented on 2013-11-27 01:45:10 In reply to KORNdog
i cant get to any of the stores, i know noone who drives who could take me and they are 12 and 18 miles away :(
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-27 05:52:17
Freaking love the atmosphere and artstyle, just 2 more days until I can get a PS4 and this game!
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Commented on 2013-11-27 07:04:39
Ughhhhhhh I just finished the campaign and that may have been the worst single player game I've ever played. Really liked the last two games, and I don't think I've ever been so disappointed. Wow. Awful.
In reply to
Commented on 2013-11-27 08:24:31
I gave up on the campaign, it was just too fucking awful. MP can be ok in short bursts but the maps are very choke point heavy and watching my team lose b/c my idiot team mates run into said choke points over and over drives me mad. The game has no in-game party or chat system (fucking stupid design choice) and is just not team friendly in any single fucking way. It does far too little to encourage team work and thus the matches are usually full of lone wolf retards. My frustration level is at boiling point as you can tell lol. I just finished playing a couple rounds so I'm probably more pissed than normal but holy fuck this game is a disaster.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 08:28:02 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
I gave up on the campaign, it was just too fucking awful. MP can be ok in short bursts but the maps are very choke point heavy and watching my team lose b/c my idiot team mates run into said choke points over and over drives me mad. The game has no in-game party or chat system (fucking stupid design choice) and is just not team friendly in any single fucking way. It does far too little to encourage team work and thus the matches are usually full of lone wolf retards. My frustration level is at boiling point as you can tell lol. I just finished playing a couple rounds so I'm probably more pissed than normal but holy fuck this game is a disaster.
Pretty obvious this was rushed for launch. How can you forget voice chat?
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Commented on 2013-11-27 09:17:18
Surprising to hear how shitty the maps are as Guerrilla are normally spot on. Even their DLC map packs have always been excellent and with a cheap price to boot i've always thought CoD should take notes from these boys.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 10:26:17
Sony shoot themselves in the foot with the screenshot function.
Very low quality jpegs without the possibility/feature to save them in the hard disk...
They need to upgrade their system asap.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-27 10:33:35 In reply to foreigner
Posted by foreigner
Sony shoot themselves in the foot with the screenshot function.
Very low quality jpegs without the possibility/feature to save them in the hard disk...
They need to upgrade their system asap.
Yeah okay lol

I think its a great function Sony just needs to update it so the screenshots are png into the HDD instead of compressing it into a site.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 10:46:33 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Yeah okay lol
I think its a great function Sony just needs to update it so the screenshots are png into the HDD instead of compressing it into a site.
Yeah thats what i said too. We agree!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-27 10:49:59 In reply to foreigner
Posted by foreigner
Yeah thats what i said too. We agree!
You basically said the screenshot function was a bad idea unless they do the whole HDD stuff.
I think the screenshots are decent enough, but wouldnt hurt if they update it to proper native image than changing it.

People say the Killzone SF screenshots they show dont do any justice to the game, it looks way better in the game so thats a shame the images degrades it.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 12:03:10 In reply to scoobs0688
Posted by scoobs0688
Ughhhhhhh I just finished the campaign and that may have been the worst single player game I've ever played. Really liked the last two games, and I don't think I've ever been so disappointed. Wow. Awful.
Bold statement. Is it worse than BF4's campaign, because that was fucking painful, head scratching bollocks. Honestly, if devs don't want to put an effort into entertaining single players experiences anymore, they can fuck right off, and take franchises like this with them if they're going to be so poor. I can forgive the Battlefield series for it because that game is MP orientated at it's core, but for things like this, they are nothing but show ponies doing nothing but concentrating on graphics whilst everything else goes out the window. I remember the days where I would play Goldeneye or PD over and over. I think developers need to ditch the COD Hollywood model of building an FPS campaign, and go back to designing cleverly designed non linear levels that are objective based. An FPS with maybe 20 levels or so where you get multiple choices and multiple outcomes. That would be refreshing, no?
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Commented on 2013-11-27 12:05:51 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
You basically said the screenshot function was a bad idea unless they do the whole HDD stuff.
I think the screenshots are decent enough, but wouldnt hurt if they update it to proper native image than changing it.
I meant that it was/is a pretty good idea badly executed.
If you compare these screenshots with others from the same game at more lossless compression you will realise that most textures are missing up to 1/3 of their detail. This is like Sony discrediting the graphics of their own machine, hence my "Sony shoot themselves in the foot " comment.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 12:39:46 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Bold statement. Is it worse than BF4's campaign, because that was fucking painful, head scratching bollocks. Honestly, if devs don't want to put an effort into entertaining single players experiences anymore, they can fuck right off, and take franchises like this with them if they're going to be so poor. I can forgive the Battlefield series for it because that game is MP orientated at it's core, but for things like this, they are nothing but show ponies doing nothing but concentrating on graphics whilst everything else goes out the window. I remember the days where I would play Goldeneye or PD over and over. I think developers need to ditch the COD Hollywood model of building an FPS campaign, and go back to designing cleverly designed non linear levels that are objective based. An FPS with maybe 20 levels or so where you get multiple choices and multiple outcomes. That would be refreshing, no?
... and if KZ was great fun with a terrific single player, but lacked in visual flair you would be busy bitching also.

Not that i don't know what you mean, but boy - gamers are a hard crowd to please.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-27 12:40:07 In reply to foreigner
No way in hell this game can be worse than BF, COD and MoH type of campaigns, i refuse to believe that.
Its okay if you hate it, but worst? I dont know, maybe for you but maybe you had too exagerated expectations...just saying.
Posted by foreigner
I meant that it was/is a pretty good idea badly executed.
If you compare these screenshots with others from the same game at more lossless compression you will realise that most textures are missing up to 1/3 of their detail. This is like Sony discrediting the graphics of their own machine, hence my "Sony shoot themselves in the foot " comment.
Now i understand, then yes, we can both agree on that.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 14:30:51 In reply to BooMMooB
Posted by BooMMooB
... and if KZ was great fun with a terrific single player, but lacked in visual flair you would be busy bitching also.

Not that i don't know what you mean, but boy - gamers are a hard crowd to please.
Don't assume. I'm not one to moan if visuals aren't great in a game. So long as the game is good. That's what concerns me. If you like playing the same kind of bollocks over and over again, fair fucks to you. I want next generation to be more about visuals, you know.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 14:50:28
I think you can have games that are high on presentation and gameplay choice. Really, this is where the first Crysis absolutely excelled. Definitely my favourite FPS of this gen (or last gen whatever).
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Commented on 2013-11-27 16:06:57 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Bold statement. Is it worse than BF4's campaign, because that was fucking painful, head scratching bollocks. Honestly, if devs don't want to put an effort into entertaining single players experiences anymore, they can fuck right off, and take franchises like this with them if they're going to be so poor. I can forgive the Battlefield series for it because that game is MP orientated at it's core, but for things like this, they are nothing but show ponies doing nothing but concentrating on graphics whilst everything else goes out the window. I remember the days where I would play Goldeneye or PD over and over. I think developers need to ditch the COD Hollywood model of building an FPS campaign, and go back to designing cleverly designed non linear levels that are objective based. An FPS with maybe 20 levels or so where you get multiple choices and multiple outcomes. That would be refreshing, no?
I've never played a battlefield singleplayer campaign, seems like a giant waste of time
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Commented on 2013-11-27 16:13:39 In reply to KORNdog
just to let you know SUCCESS i went onto and saw they had launch day stock of 2 bundles so i grabbed the killzone mega bundle with the extra controller and camera for £429.99, they sold out litterally 2 mins after i got my order in :D im getting it delivered friday

to make this better i actually only wanted the normal killzone bundle which was £400 so i listed the extra controller and camera and ebay and got £75 for them, sold them right away :D so it works out i got the bundle i wanted in first place for £354.99 BARGAIN
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Commented on 2013-11-27 17:41:20 In reply to scoobs0688
Posted by scoobs0688
I've never played a battlefield singleplayer campaign, seems like a giant waste of time
Bad company was the shiznit. Battlefield 3 and 4 were not too bad either. All first person shooters will eventually climax in terms of story and single player.
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Commented on 2013-11-27 19:03:15
I'm hoping either half life 3 or halo 5 (less likely) can bring a little glory back to the FPS single player arena. The only truly great FPS campaign I've played lately was bioshock infinite and that was more story than gameplay. Halo CE, half life 2, perfect dark (n64), the type of game you can play over and over and still enjoy. What a rare thing that is today.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Guerrilla Games

$135 of $400 per month

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