GSY Video PS4

inFAMOUS: First Light will be available to download starting tomorrow (the box version being released on September 10 in Europe), but we were sent our copy of the game yesterday, just in time to prepare a bunch of super HQ videos. This stand-alone DLC will have you play as Fetch, one of the main characters of Second Son, so you will be able to find out more about her past as a young conduit. We haven't had time to play much, so we can't really tell you what it's worth, but the new neon abilities which have been added make traversal even more dynamic and exciting than with Delsin. The new neon clouds allow to run even faster, catching up with lumens in dedicated races, but collecting the other lumens in the city is just as fun as they force you to use Fetch's abilities and the neon clouds to their fullest potential. Battle arenas are also available to earn even more skill points and to compare your score with other players. All in all, it seems to be a pretty good deal for $14.99/€14.99.

Gamersyde images

  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Gamersyde images

Official screenshots

  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
  • Our videos of inFAMOUS First Light - Official screenshots
Commented on 2014-08-26 15:04:22
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Commented on 2014-08-26 15:24:00
Looking gorgeous. Those 60fps videos are very smooth too. :)
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2014-08-26 15:29:00
I'll be playing this myself when the stupid thing unlocks in 4hrs. Gonna have to refrain from watching this...
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Commented on 2014-08-26 15:46:10
Game looks awesome, but damn that girl is fugly as hell :*(
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Commented on 2014-08-26 16:21:29 In reply to King_Grunt
Given her background i'd not expect a model.
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Commented on 2014-08-26 16:51:15
missions look boring as hell
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Commented on 2014-08-26 17:05:53
Graphics are awesome, and I can't wait to get to know the story I love Infamous Second Son, for me first Infamous was too self-serious and 2nd was too dark
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Commented on 2014-08-26 19:55:56
Sony accomplished the impossible with Second Son, its crazy how game so short can still be so repetitive.
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Commented on 2014-08-26 20:02:22
looks good BUT i read on IGN its 4 hrs of gameplay

which may be ok for some but it has crappy filler missions like augustine making you train in a facility etc
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Commented on 2014-08-26 23:17:33 In reply to KomrathDE
The most confusing thing for me about Second Son is the name. Wasn't there a criminal group in the first game called the First Sons? But the "Second Son" title doesn't seem related at all so what is the deal with that?
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Commented on 2014-08-26 23:27:45
That looked so boring!!!

I'm sure they could have done a lot more.
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Commented on 2014-08-27 07:14:54 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
That looked so boring!!!

I'm sure they could have done a lot more.
Send them an email with all of your genius ideas, bet they'd appreciate the help.

I only played about 20 or 30 minutes before work and I ended up just doing side missions because I'm an idiot and have to do them all. Games still seriously pretty as hell and fun to traverse the city (even more fun with her specific powers). The arena stuff w/ Augustine at the beginning feels super cheap, wish they'd spent all of their time on seattle stuff rather than this arena/seattle back and forth.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2014-08-27 09:20:25
The introduction at least really reinforced just how lackluster Seattle is in Infamous. It's grown stale. That said I enjoy how straight forward the new side missions and upgrades are. Very Crackdown like how they handle upgrades. First thing I want to do is experience all the new powers, so being able to get access to them ASAP is good.

As someone who just wanted more of Second Son I think they delivered on that, but to complainers I wouldn't expect anything game changing out of this.
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Commented on 2014-08-27 09:45:21 In reply to Phaethon360
Posted by Phaethon360
The introduction at least really reinforced just how lackluster Seattle is in Infamous. It's grown stale. That said I enjoy how straight forward the new side missions and upgrades are. Very Crackdown like how they handle upgrades. First thing I want to do is experience all the new powers, so being able to get access to them ASAP is good.

As someone who just wanted more of Second Son I think they delivered on that, but to complainers I wouldn't expect anything game changing out of this.
Best part about it is we get more Fetch. Great character IMO.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2014-08-27 10:58:04
None of the characters aside from the brothers really stood out to me. Eugene and Fetch were just there. I'm kinda weirded out by how all the ancillary male characters resemble one another. Smoke guy, Fetch's bro, and creepy pervert guy. Same voice actor I'm guessing.
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Commented on 2014-08-27 11:02:31 In reply to Phaethon360
Posted by Phaethon360
None of the characters aside from the brothers really stood out to me. Eugene and Fetch were just there. I'm kinda weirded out by how all the ancillary male characters resemble one another. Smoke guy, Fetch's bro, and creepy pervert guy. Same voice actor I'm guessing.
Yea I thought the creepy guy was Delsin's brother under cover lol... clearly used to exact same actor and just had him do a silly voice. Pretty lame, honestly.

Completely agree that their character design (especially for the males) is way too samey.

You do like Fetch though... right? Fun character and personality
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Commented on 2014-08-27 11:25:03 In reply to scoobs0688
No need to. Crackdown already showed them how to do this kind of thing right, they obviously chose to ignore it.
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Commented on 2014-08-27 11:30:49 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
No need to. Crackdown already showed them how to do this kind of thing right, they obviously chose to ignore it.
Boy, I really just have to disagree with you on that one. We all have our opinions though.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2014-08-27 11:56:00 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
No need to. Crackdown already showed them how to do this kind of thing right, they obviously chose to ignore it.
Crackdown 2 should be enough to shatter those nostalgia glasses. Saints Row IV is the best attempt since.

And I don't really feel one way or another about Fetch, they didn't do much with her character and so far hasn't been too eventful yet.
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Commented on 2014-08-27 12:13:42
Loved her on my evil playthrough of Second Son.
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Commented on 2014-08-27 12:23:41 In reply to scoobs0688
At least you chose to disagree than outright slag me off. Appreciated :)

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Commented on 2014-08-29 07:33:47
Shut up !
Take my money
I love iSS. I hate DLC for money ,but I can't resist this time.
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Commented on 2014-08-29 07:34:21 In reply to Xultra
Posted by Xultra
Shut up !
Take my money
I love iSS. I hate DLC for money ,but I can't resist this time.
Peace out homie, word up
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Sucker Punch

$135 of $400 per month

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