GSY Video PS4

The current generation of consoles is (finally!) leaving its last moments, and it's with great pleasure that we are releasing our first videos from one of the consoles that will keep us very busy in the coming years, the PS4. And of course, what better to start with than the very "in your face" Killzone: Shadow Fall?

This is also the first try for our full 1080p60 capture setup, and while I think the videos look good, I know they could have been even better.
Commented on 2013-11-20 23:44:37
looks great, im dissapointed in GAME here in the UK though ive spoke to a few people from there and they say they will not have any stock of the ps4 for people who have not preordered, all their stock is allocated to preorders only :/

i thought that sony cut preorders to a certain number to make sure shops had some stock in for people who didnt preorder :/
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Commented on 2013-11-20 23:48:00
Now that we've seen some quality videos of what the PS4 is capable of (at launch), how do we compare this to flagship PC graphics (BF4 and Crysis 3 being the obvious choices). I'm not talking about art direction, purely technical performance between PS4's launch exclusive and the likes of the best PC offerings.
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Commented on 2013-11-20 23:51:13 In reply to lawless82
Posted by lawless82
looks great, im dissapointed in GAME here in the UK though ive spoke to a few people from there and they say they will not have any stock of the ps4 for people who have not preordered, all their stock is allocated to preorders only :/

i thought that sony cut preorders to a certain number to make sure shops had some stock in for people who didnt preorder :/
Sony can't control the retailer.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 00:44:51 In reply to catharsis
hmm i dont know if your trolling or being serious because you certainly can not compare £349 console to a c that costs double, which is what you need to play bf4 as high setting
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Commented on 2013-11-21 00:46:08 In reply to catharsis
how were these pics capture they make the game look crap lol i know its not but those ingame shots are bad quality
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Commented on 2013-11-21 02:17:41
Gamersyde, please make some MP videos too. The quality of your videos is always amazing and i want to see the MP in its true quality so bad.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 03:24:29
It looks gorgeous and that's it. Anything else is so plain you will be bored to tears. Just like Killzone: Mercenary
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Commented on 2013-11-21 03:33:51 In reply to Megion
Posted by Megion
While being pretty it is a complete disaster in other departments. If you want to be bored to tears, go for it.
This coming from somebody who never wanted this game to succeed in the first place. Negative comments since day one. What a douche.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 03:39:28 In reply to bubble2020
You confuse me with someone else, used to be my most anticipated title until buying it at launch. I am all for a good FPS but campaign, aside from the ending, is as awful as Ghost and BF4.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 03:55:44 In reply to Megion
Posted by Megion
You confuse me with someone else, used to be my most anticipated title until buying it at launch. I am all for a good FPS but campaign, aside from the ending, is as awful as Ghost and BF4.
Maybe I am confusing you with someone else, but I don't think so. I recall your icon being next to some very disproving comments and comparing this game to several "superior" games that had nothing to do with Killzone. I'd dig around to find these comments, but I'm lazy and I've already procrastinated enough on my soon-to-be-due work. So... I guess I'll just take your word for it.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 03:56:43 In reply to catharsis
Posted by catharsis
Now that we've seen some quality videos of what the PS4 is capable of (at launch), how do we compare this to flagship PC graphics (BF4 and Crysis 3 being the obvious choices). I'm not talking about art direction, purely technical performance between PS4's launch exclusive and the likes of the best PC offerings.
Crysis 3 looks a lot better than this, and I can play that maxed out 1080p at 60fps for the most part on a GTX780 HOF. And that's with an old PhenomII955 1100t. It will be even better once I replace it with a 4770k or something.

Regardless, this game looks really good. Certainly looks as good as most PC games and fantastic for a console game.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 04:23:22
Amazing setting for a fps game. 7/10 is not bad what some people think. I don't care if ghost or bf4 is better. This will be my first next gen game whenever I get PS4
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Commented on 2013-11-21 04:26:47 In reply to lawless82
Posted by lawless82
hmm i dont know if your trolling or being serious because you certainly can not compare £349 console to a c that costs double, which is what you need to play bf4 as high setting
lawless or clueless, you don't need a PC costing twice the cost of a PS4 to play BF4 at high settings i could quite easily build a PC for less than £465 that could easily play BF4 at 1920x1080 @ 60 fps.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 04:35:59
just for those that are curious as to what im talking about watch this video to find out more.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2013-11-21 05:30:12 In reply to bubble2020
Posted by bubble2020
This coming from somebody who never wanted this game to succeed in the first place. Negative comments since day one. What a douche.
I don't know who either of you are, but he's not wrong. This game looks great, plays great, but the campaign is a disorganized mess.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 05:48:12 In reply to Phaethon360
Posted by Phaethon360
I don't know who either of you are, but he's not wrong. This game looks great, plays great, but the campaign is a disorganized mess.
I agree, graphics are top notch and the controls are much better, but the game is just missing one thing, they forgot to make it fun to play. The MP is just ok not great but the SP is easily the worst killzone campaign yet. I have no idea what GG were thinking.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-21 06:01:14
Visuals look amazing (havent played it to see it in its true form) and if controls are as good as people say then great and finally!

The SP does worry me abit since its a mixed bag from various people, but then again I thought Crysis and Warhead oe oft he best FPS games i played while others say its bland and boring so who knows lol

I hope the SP atleast entertains me since i really like what i seen from the new gameplay mechanics other than go A to B and just shoot your way through with no tools or gadget to mix it up abit.

Bring on 29th!
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Commented on 2013-11-21 08:06:53 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
I agree, graphics are top notch and the controls are much better, but the game is just missing one thing, they forgot to make it fun to play. The MP is just ok not great but the SP is easily the worst killzone campaign yet. I have no idea what GG were thinking.
Yup, having a REALLY hard time forcing my way through the final chapters. Unequivocally TERRIBLE singleplayer. Not fun, not interesting, bad/disjointed story, GREAT multiplayer.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 08:14:52 In reply to Sath

I think you'll like it then, I thought it was a great game 8 to 9/10. Plays just like my favourites: FEAR, republic commando, Crysis coincidentally those games got hammered too with the same review scores. Perhaps the mass market just doesn't like FPS in this style, I mean it can be pretty hard when they send out 16 guys to kill you and you don't use your tools like the sonar scan properly.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-21 09:09:24 In reply to plmko
Posted by plmko

I think you'll like it then, I thought it was a great game 8 to 9/10. Plays just like my favourites: FEAR, republic commando, Crysis coincidentally those games got hammered too with the same review scores. Perhaps the mass market just doesn't like FPS in this style, I mean it can be pretty hard when they send out 16 guys to kill you and you don't use your tools like the sonar scan properly.
When i play a FPS (sci fi only) i want tools and gadgets or suits with abilities to give me options to approach situations I want, Crysis was perfect for this and i love it while others say its bland and boring and nothing but a tech demo...I would like to know what their idea of "original FPS is" if thats not original.

Games like Crysis, Bioshock and it seems like Killzone SF is offering various ways to play, but I dont know how much stuff you will get in KZ interms of tools, I just know the Owl can stun, put shield, supress fire and then gadgets like wallhack from Shadow Marshal himself (such an badass name, i love it!).

I do take these impressions into consideration when I play it, but I dont hold on to them so much until I play it myself.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 09:47:47 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
When i play a FPS (sci fi only) i want tools and gadgets or suits with abilities to give me options to approach situations I want, Crysis was perfect for this and i love it while others say its bland and boring and nothing but a tech demo...I would like to know what their idea of "original FPS is" if thats not original.

Games like Crysis, Bioshock and it seems like Killzone SF is offering various ways to play, but I dont know how much stuff you will get in KZ interms of tools, I just know the Owl can stun, put shield, supress fire and then gadgets like wallhack from Shadow Marshal himself (such an badass name, i love it!).

I do take these impressions into consideration when I play it, but I dont hold on to them so much until I play it myself.
Yes I think, I like the same sort of FPS style games then, Crysis is one of my favourite FPS, must've played that Single player like 15 times and never got boring. I suppose 'original FPS' these days is where you have a general purpose gun like a M4 rifle and can kill enemies in 2-3 shots whilst standing your ground like CoD, changing weapons isn't a necessity but just a variety factor.

KZ is completely not like that, bullets generally are pretty weak and require you to change gun modes on the fly such as the Helghast rilfe with the shotgun secondary. I found myself stealthing with the pistol, shooting the Helghast to stun them then run in for the melee kill, or when I'm surrounded I'd use something with high rate of fire to break the Heghast coming at me and motivate them to take cover, this allows me to change position where I can then use weapons like Sniper or Red Dot rifle. In the apartment playthrough GG showed, they used C4 to breach rooms, instead of that I just got a chain gun and blew a hole in the wall and killed everyone inside instead, sounds like Crysis :)?

The tool set isn't large, you've already listed everything there is, but how you use them can really change your game, say sending out the OWL to kill with it's chain gun can distract and draw attention, meaning the Helghast will start to flank the OWL and not you, this means you can take better positions or retreat to regen health.

Overall I thought it was a good linear FPS, some sections were completely open whilst some where corridor linear but still had options such as hidden air vents or climbable roofs. In fact the game felt more open than the Battlefield 4 campaign.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 10:07:19
Thanks for the videos
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-21 10:12:59
By your describtion, yep, same taste then.

Crysis and Warhead has been my most played FPS titles and I would still get PS4 version if they release with Cryengine 3 with awesome graphics at 1080p (rumors around they were gonna do something like that).

For me generic and bland is were you are a normal soldier and all you do is follow order and just pick random guns and start shooting, you got zero abilities or tools to mix the gameplay up, thats boring to me.

Btw about the bullet damage in KZ, it depends on the difficulty and how much bullets enemies will take, I loathe bulletsponge shooters with a passion so I will probably play on Normal so its a decent amount of damage being done.

So Shadow Marshal doesnt get anything to use other than the wallhack scanner? kind of a game, guess they wanted to focus more on the Owl interms of gadgetry.

But yeah overal i am still super excited to play it since I havent seen any footage yet (not enough of retail to spoil myself) to say its boring.
Though people are reporting in some boring levels later on like some sort of a freefall section of some sort.
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Commented on 2013-11-21 10:27:06 In reply to Sath

Oh really it depends on difficulty? I thought it was just player health, played it on hard mode, seemed fine to me, I guess enemies are kinda spongy.

But yeah you don't get any new tools, but the way you use the tools change in the game story, you also get other weapons such as the C4 or laser trip mines to change the gameplay a bit.

I suppose some levels could be 'boring' for some people, lots of quiet sections with no enemies, but those levels still have great dynamic vistas with things happening in the background, things for you to see such as NPCs or some simple platforming. I like that kind of stuff anyway, it's not like the sections where you do kill don't have enough enemies to swarm you.

Play for yourself, I went into the game thinking it was going to be as bad as the reviews said, instead I got a game that played like some of my favourites, which also got hammered by reviews.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-11-21 10:39:19
I always thought enemy health is based on difficulty, the lower the less bullets they take AKA no bulletsponge, the higher the more bullets they take but you get injured too quick...its a shame they can do a mix of both.

And i agree with next gen visuals, and the fantastic art design and graphics of Shadow Fall i dont mind no-shooting parts and just let the vistas, the atmosphere just show up and i am walking around with a weapon seeing all the good stuff. Its nice to breka away from constant action and shooting too.

But yeah I am definitely doing that, KZ is my only title i am buying with Ps4 launch so i am excited to play it.
If it does turn out as bad as people say then its a shame, but I dont know that until i play it.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Guerrilla Games

$135 of $400 per month

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