GSY Video PC PS4

The game whose announcement made BlimBlim cry is now officially available everywhere. Shenmue III is obviously not a triple A game, and those who naively believed that a rather limited budget would be enough to compete what the biggest publishers can do today are bound to whine in the days to come. This sequel to the all cult classic series on Dreamcast is faithful to the two original games, which will undoubtedly feel dated to younger players, who probably won't realize that this third installment is way more detailed in terms of visuals. Now of course, it shouldn't be compared to the most technically impressive games out there, there would be no point in doing that. We don't know yet if the game's story will be engaging enough to keep the fans interested, but we hope to find out soon.
Note: We'll try to add 4K footage as soon as possible.

Commented on 2019-11-19 22:53:44
Shenmue is love. Shenmue is life! 
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Commented on 2019-11-20 05:48:14
I really wish I could play Shenmue 3, but I'm still busy with Red Dead Redemption 2, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, The Outer Worlds, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Indivisble, Disco Elysium and Digimon Cyber Sleuth.

Too many great games to play them all. Shenmue 3 could have been delayed till next year in consideration of people's backlogs... hahahahahaha j/k
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Commented on 2019-11-20 13:40:12 In reply to Sdarts
Same here, i have way too many games on my backlog already. I miss the days when most games were around 8-10 hours so i was able to pretty much finish every game i bought. Now everything is like 40+ hours. Currently playing jedi fallen order but after that there is nothing coming out that interests me until February. Plenty of time to catch up 
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Commented on 2019-11-20 13:45:00
Unless you are nostalgic for the English voices  the Japanese  sound so much better
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Commented on 2019-11-20 20:43:02 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
Unless you are nostalgic for the English voices  the Japanese  sound so much better
ditto. Its not nostalgia, they are factually worse in here than they were in Shenmue I, or even the horrid Shenmue II dub.

Going in with the japanese.
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Commented on 2019-11-28 10:06:51
I've platinum'ed Shenmue 1 and 2 in preparation for this release as i was so hyped and i had a blast.

I've played Shenmue 3 for a few hours now and it feels so good. Coming straight out of 1 and 2, I felt right at home in the best possible way. 
I get commercially it tanked and outside Shenmue fans it seems to have very little traction but honestly all i care about is there was enough to make Shenmue 4 happen. There really is nothing like a Yu Suzuki game. The considered place, fact you can open every drawer in a cupboard and it'll have different things that make sense and some with fun lore Ryo will comment on, the fact it's just so peaceful and serene even though at its heart it's about a young man thirsting for revenge for his murdered father. The wisdom you get from NPCs, some of whom try to get you off the revenge path, the badass Kung Fu and getting better and better at it. The side activities like jobs, gambling, training. The sense of place is excellent. And I could go on and on... It's just all together a complete joy :) 
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About the game
Published by
Deep Silver
Developed by
Ys Net

$135 of $400 per month

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