Trailer Xbox 360

Perfect Dark XBLA is now scheduled for a March release and here is a new trailer that should please the old Nintendo 64 gamers in you.

Commented on 2010-02-13 14:57:44
this looks really good. pleased it's got multiplayer with it...and a rock steady 60fps. Has the price been confirmed yet?
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Commented on 2010-02-13 15:04:52
I don't really get why they bothered with the graphical updates though? Couldn't they have spent some more time making it look decent? Right now it looks like something right between what a n64 and a ps2 could do. Either soup it up for real or just keep the original look?
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2010-02-13 15:08:03
somebody was mentioning 800 points
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Commented on 2010-02-13 15:23:15 In reply to Megido
Fans that have been crying out for it want it as they remember it, the same artisitic design. Changing the look of it completely would probably not of been appreciated by those with fond memories of it.

They cleaned up the look and made it HD because most of us played N64 games on small SD screens.. stretching those SD textures out on bigger HD screens would make the game look far worse. Where as now it's kept it's shine, and artistic merit
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Commented on 2010-02-13 15:34:29
The textures would look the same in any resolution, they would look just as ass on a big SD-tv. But never mind that, i just think some of the textures could have done with a bit more work and still retained the same feeling, like the black tile texture in this shot for example:

All i'm saying is that if they are going to make such minor updates, why bother at all?
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Commented on 2010-02-13 15:54:11
wow this looks great, definitely brings back some good memories, especially with the music and sound effects. The only thing that bothers me is Joanna Darks face, she seems to have a bit of a pig nose, but other than that everything looks amazing imo, and only a few more weeks until release :)
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Commented on 2010-02-13 16:06:17
Who cares about the frickin textures??? I'd be happy with no improvements at all, just to be able to play this over Live!! The fact is, it is improved..60fps...1080p. They have retained everything AND more including the originals 4 player split screen!! Arcade gaming doesnt get any better than this imo!
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Commented on 2010-02-13 16:13:17 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
The textures would look the same in any resolution, they would look just as ass on a big SD-tv. But never mind that, i just think some of the textures could have done with a bit more work and still retained the same feeling, like the black tile texture in this shot for example:

All i'm saying is that if they are going to make such minor updates, why bother at all?
I don't understand what your moaning about...

They port Perfect Dark to 360, upgrade the graphics pretty significantly and you say, "why bother?".
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Commented on 2010-02-13 16:29:33
Upgrades might be significant from the n64 perspective but the graphics are, even for a downloadable title, pretty much abysmal for a current title. Now it doesn't look like a N64 game any more, it looks like a game with blocky geometry and wonky textures. Something i wouldn't mind so much in a game from 2000 :P

Basically, i think the original looks a lot better considering the hardware, and they should have done a better job with the upgrade or just kept it vanilla.

The "why bother" is only directed at the gfx though, i understand quite well why they are re-releasing it.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2010-02-13 16:49:23
looks lame

who wants to play a FPS from 1998 in 2010? I think nostalgia is strong with this one but it will let people down IMO. Looks like a corridor shooter to boot
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Commented on 2010-02-13 17:09:06
When they annonced the remake I expected them to do something similar with it like they did with Conker on Xbox. They should have remastered the textures and models a bit more at least I think. I've been a huge fan of the original Perfect Dark but this one I won't buy for sure.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 17:13:15 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
looks lame

who wants to play a FPS from 1998 in 2010? I think nostalgia is strong with this one but it will let people down IMO. Looks like a corridor shooter to boot
it's actually from 2000, only 2 years difference, but still.....but you're definitely right about the nostalgia part, anybody who didn't play the original will probably walk away feeling unsatisfied, it's pure fan service. And it looks like a corridor shooter because it is a corridor shooter lol but it's just an incredibly good one :)
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Commented on 2010-02-13 17:19:15
I think the complainers should stick to their idea of perfect games such as "Modern Glitchfest 2" etc and leave the fans of classics like this to enjoy and appreciate it even coming to Live in the first place. Cant wait to hook up with the true gamers on PD and have some good old fashioned mp fun.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 18:46:54 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Upgrades might be significant from the n64 perspective but the graphics are, even for a downloadable title, pretty much abysmal for a current title. Now it doesn't look like a N64 game any more, it looks like a game with blocky geometry and wonky textures. Something i wouldn't mind so much in a game from 2000 :P

Basically, i think the original looks a lot better considering the hardware, and they should have done a better job with the upgrade or just kept it vanilla.

The "why bother" is only directed at the gfx though, i understand quite well why they are re-releasing it.
Mate, it's the original game that's retaining everything from back then, only sharpening it up. It's not meant to be a total re-write for current gen tech. It is not a new title. Much like Doom on XBLA was, I doubt fans of the original would have been happy if they'd made the monsters all high polygonal, with super HD bump mapped textures. If they did, why bother? It would just be Doom 2.5 somewhere in between Doom 3 or a half arsed Doom 3. If you wanted that, then they could just port Doom 3 over. Point is, if they wanted to ramp the game up to current gen standards, then there would be no point in releasing it over XBLA. It would have been DLC for PDZ. How many FPS's on XBLA have a current gen look to them? None. This port will do nicely as an arcade game. No one wants to pay 1600 points for something that looks slightly better than this.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 18:50:37 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
looks lame

who wants to play a FPS from 1998 in 2010? I think nostalgia is strong with this one but it will let people down IMO. Looks like a corridor shooter to boot
Yeah, you're off by 2 years, but nevermind. So you never played the original PD? Where you living under a rock? PD was so much more than a corridor shooter. To say something like that just shows a complete lack of respect for a classic and a lack of knowledge about the game in general.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 19:22:55
This just reminds me and I'm sure others that they should have just done a Goldeneye re-release instead of Perfect Dark. I realize the complexity of that issue already though, just sayin.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2010-02-13 19:26:22
They may be able to pull a Crysis and just rename it or something.
"Golden Fries"
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Commented on 2010-02-13 19:28:06
McDonald's probably already has a patent on saying that

Golden Rye
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Commented on 2010-02-13 19:30:28 In reply to PlumbDrumb
Posted by PlumbDrumb
They may be able to pull a Crysis and just rename it or something.
"Golden Fries"
Or another part of the human anatomy. Erm...Golden Bollocks, or Golden Ring (as a metaphor for anus of course). What about Golden Shower?
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Commented on 2010-02-13 19:31:44 In reply to dingleberry
Posted by dingleberry
Yeah, you're off by 2 years, but nevermind. So you never played the original PD? Where you living under a rock? PD was so much more than a corridor shooter. To say something like that just shows a complete lack of respect for a classic and a lack of knowledge about the game in general.
Nostalgia is playing a bit part though your post proves it, I doubt the FPS genre would be any worse for wear if PD never existed.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 19:40:56 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
Nostalgia is playing a bit part though your post proves it, I doubt the FPS genre would be any worse for wear if PD never existed.
Actually, it would be poorer for it IMO. PD implimented a lot of ideas that forwarded the genre on consoles. Sure it was only the followup to the most defining console FPS ever, and don't even mention Halo.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 19:49:41 In reply to RYANSENSEI
it's pure fan service.
Indeed, that's exactly what it is. It's pure nostalgia, and although I 'get' nostalgia, games like this will hardly impress anyone that never played and loved the original.

So I definitely get the criticism towards this game, but I also (kind of) get the point of this game. But I don't get the hype for it...
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Commented on 2010-02-13 20:00:51 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
So I definitely get the criticism towards this game, but I also (kind of) get the point of this game. But I don't get the hype for it...
I do. PDZ was a massive let down. For some, a remake of the original would have done, but as that didn't come, a port of the N64 game will have to do. Oh, and it's a chance to test the MP over Live. I got the impression back then that the maps were designed, and crying out to have more than 4 human controlled players on them. There were so many sniping spots for that player guided rocket to reak havok with.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 20:06:41's a game for the people that asked for it. A few here are missing the point of it. Complaining that it should look different from how it originally hit 2 generations ago - thats not the game people asked for. You were offered that in PDZ.

This, along with Goldeneye (can't happen), and Killer instinct, has long been demanded of Rare.. so to complain that it's now being offered at a faultless 60fps, in 1080p, 4 player splitscreen, 8 player online.... rather than it being a simple emulation with all the technical faults and limitation that go along with that.. seems strange to me.
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Commented on 2010-02-13 21:27:05 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles's a game for the people that asked for it. A few here are missing the point of it. Complaining that it should look different from how it originally hit 2 generations ago - thats not the game people asked for. You were offered that in PDZ.

This, along with Goldeneye (can't happen), and Killer instinct, has long been demanded of Rare.. so to complain that it's now being offered at a faultless 60fps, in 1080p, 4 player splitscreen, 8 player online.... rather than it being a simple emulation with all the technical faults and limitation that go along with that.. seems strange to me.
Absolutely and i really don't understand all the negative

I still have my N64's (5 of them in fact) and despite my keeping them for mostly Goldeneye and PD, the idea of playing an even more snazzy version is something i'm very happy about here

The game does still hold up and it's a great chance to do it all again with it looking extra lovely to boot

The atmosphere as a result of all the new will be slighly different i imagine what with re-imagined textures and a bigger sense of space, but change is good too

And 800 points is something you frankly can't moan about either

This will likely be one of xbla's biggest sellers
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About the game
Published by
Rare Ltd.
Developed by
Rare Ltd.

$135 of $400 per month

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