Sony released this new trailer of Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time, named Nefarious.
CraCra Y a un souci sur les forums ? (1 Week ago)
nostradamus very few with religious beliefs are naive or zealots, but for sure don't find amusing their beliefs being thrown in for clout. maybe STFU with that discourse? (4 Weeks ago)
der_ton Pretty sure Loakum was making fun of religious naive people who thought that God and Trump have a good connection. And the most recent "Bruh..." means "Bruh, don't you get my sarcasm?" (6 Weeks ago)
Loakum @b0vril: Bruh… (8 Weeks ago)
b0vril @Loakum: You know who else God protected from assassination? Hitler. (10 Weeks ago)
Loakum God protected Trump. The world witnessed that miracle. (11 Weeks ago)
Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)
All comments (18)
anyways, I can't wait to get my copy from shopto, they're really great pricewise. too bad there isn't a special edition with a ratchet or clank action figure.
I own a PS3 and a 360 and probably play my PS3 more due to LBP being one of my all time fav games. You never run out of seeing cool ideas, I LOVE it.
As for R'nC, I see little about this series that really evolves other than the wonderful visual style. I agree, CoD, FF (especially FF), Halo, etc... all are hurting for a lack of updates as well. I agree with that 100% and have said that about all those games befoer so there ya' go huh?
Fanboys of a certain system or game really need to open their eyes and realize that a slight criticism of something is different than "trolling." I get really sick of all these PS3/360 fanboys jumping down everyone's throat for saying a game has flaws.
I think I'll just add "in my opinion" as my sig so people might relax a little. For fuck's sake...
And yes, I do hate people that troll, but that doesn't mean this franchise has to be perfect in everyone's eyes. I laugh my butt off at the jokes in these games, but I still have an open enough mind to realize they could be adding more of an evolution to the series....IN MY OPINION.
ok, back on topic. This looks good. lol
looks nice :)
ok, back on topic. This looks good. lol
But I do disagree about everyone having a bias. I can't remember ever commenting on a game being bad or having a flaw SIMPLY b/c it is on the PS3 or 360. Some might, but to project that immature behavior on to everyone is an ever worse sort of bias.
make sense? I hope so. It really is a shame how fucking hard it is to share an honest opinion on these sites anymore. The online Gaming community is getting pretty fucking lame...
edit: as to the guy I quoted, my frustration is not meant to be directed at you specifically. I understand where you are coming from, but I get annoyed at people who defend of a game they like as if it's sent from heaven. It's not like I called the game trash, just made a silly joke about how often the game comes out with, imo, not a ton of new ideas.
While its easy for anyone to say a series needs new ideas its another thing entirely to actually come up with them without destroying what already works so well.
I understand why these games haves tons of fans, but for me there just isn't enough to keep me as interested. It's just my opinion.
As for comparing it to other games, not exactly a lot of competition in the genre parameters you created lol.
I'd say LBP and Mario Galaxy are miles better than this series (as of late) though, but that's simply my opinion. To each their own.
I own a PS3 and a 360 and probably play my PS3 more due to LBP being one of my all time fav games. You never run out of seeing cool ideas, I LOVE it.
As for R'nC, I see little about this series that really evolves other than the wonderful visual style. I agree, CoD, FF (especially FF), Halo, etc... all are hurting for a lack of updates as well. I agree with that 100% and have said that about all those games befoer so there ya' go huh?
Fanboys of a certain system or game really need to open their eyes and realize that a slight criticism of something is different than "trolling." I get really sick of all these PS3/360 fanboys jumping down everyone's throat for saying a game has flaws.
I think I'll just add "in my opinion" as my sig so people might relax a little. For fuck's sake...
And yes, I do hate people that troll, but that doesn't mean this franchise has to be perfect in everyone's eyes. I laugh my butt off at the jokes in these games, but I still have an open enough mind to realize they could be adding more of an evolution to the series....IN MY OPINION.
Gotta have me some big guns - Day one.