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Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 0 will be available on Jarnuary 19th for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One and 360. The game will also be packaged with Resident Evil HD in the bundle Resident Evil Origins Collection.

5 screens

  • Resident Evil 0 coming on Jan. 19 - 5 screens
  • Resident Evil 0 coming on Jan. 19 - 5 screens
  • Resident Evil 0 coming on Jan. 19 - 5 screens
  • Resident Evil 0 coming on Jan. 19 - 5 screens
  • Resident Evil 0 coming on Jan. 19 - 5 screens
Commented on 2015-12-08 19:13:10
Shaking my head here. Deary fucking me, what is it with Japanese devs dressing female characters up like slutty school girls in all their games, despite the serious premise? It's just wrong! In fact, looking at the male character here (forget his name) his outfit is shite too. They need to knock that shit on the head.
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Commented on 2015-12-08 19:43:52
Agree. Nothing against school dresses, but this is too stupid. I would like to know, where she carries that weapon. Maybe in a lunch box.
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Commented on 2015-12-08 21:01:30
What shocks me more than anything is how they haven't gotten over the school girl thing yet. Will there ever be an over-saturation? I would have thought it would get old a decade ago.

Makes zero sense. Not even sexy. Just dumb. Oh well, RE hasn't done anything for me in a long time.
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Commented on 2015-12-08 21:46:02
Guys, relax. Her dress says Capcom, so I'm sure it's part of some DLC.
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Commented on 2015-12-08 22:01:46
PC has plenty of this.....
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Commented on 2015-12-09 12:31:48
Dont see anything wrong with the outfit tbh, If we are going to have women in games lets make them sexy and give them skimpy outfits.

Im sure alot of us have enough non sexy women in our lives...The point of games is to get away from real life.
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Commented on 2015-12-09 14:26:52 In reply to HarryFreq
Posted by HarryFreq
Dont see anything wrong with the outfit tbh, If we are going to have women in games lets make them sexy and give them skimpy outfits.

Im sure alot of us have enough non sexy women in our lives...The point of games is to get away from real life.
Yes, but some of us are older than 13.
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Commented on 2015-12-09 16:46:03 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Yes, but some of us are older than 13.
Ooooohhh!!!! BURN! Oh wait... that's also something a 13 year old says!
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Commented on 2015-12-09 18:35:27 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Yes, but some of us are older than 13.
Most gamers are older than 13, The last thing us male gamers 13 to 103 need in games is ugly women in ugly clothes.

Keep them hot and in sexy clothing!

Im off to Ann Summers now to get the missus some erotique wear, Must be my inner 13 year old coming out.
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Commented on 2015-12-09 22:02:02 In reply to HarryFreq
Posted by HarryFreq
Im off to Ann Summers now to get the missus some erotique wear, Must be my inner 13 year old coming out.
You know, that just doesn't sound right at all.
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Commented on 2015-12-10 00:23:48 In reply to HarryFreq
Posted by HarryFreq
Dont see anything wrong with the outfit tbh, If we are going to have women in games lets make them sexy and give them skimpy outfits.

Im sure alot of us have enough non sexy women in our lives...The point of games is to get away from real life.
As long as you're ok with them making their male characters equally sexualised? You know, fairs fair right? Big bulges with physics whenever they move. Half naked with glistening, oiled up broze appearance. Maybe a thong? Or why not go jock strap?
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Commented on 2015-12-10 00:54:52 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
As long as you're ok with them making their male characters equally sexualised? You know, fairs fair right? Big bulges with physics whenever they move. Half naked with glistening, oiled up broze appearance. Maybe a thong? Or why not go jock strap?
Gaming would die on its arse if that were ever to happen!

Can tell your a massive fan of the GOW series though, im right aint i?
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Commented on 2015-12-10 08:29:44 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
As long as you're ok with them making their male characters equally sexualised? You know, fairs fair right? Big bulges with physics whenever they move. Half naked with glistening, oiled up broze appearance. Maybe a thong? Or why not go jock strap?
exactly, am tired of the double standards, people do not want look female in costume go look at a cock then, but shut the fuck up about how woman look in games
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Commented on 2015-12-10 10:27:50 In reply to HarryFreq
Posted by HarryFreq
Can tell your a massive fan of the GOW series though, im right aint i?
not really. in fact you couldn't be more wrong. lol
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Commented on 2015-12-10 13:28:58 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
not really. in fact you couldn't be more wrong. lol
That's a pity Kratos sounds like he'd be your ideal man.
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Commented on 2015-12-10 13:35:37 In reply to HarryFreq
Posted by HarryFreq
That's a pity Kratos sounds like he'd be your ideal man.
ah. god of war. not gears of war. they are pretty good (both are tired franchises at this point) Bob from Tekken is more my bag though ;)

staying on the theme of resident evil though...capcom have been know to sexualise their male leads too.

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Commented on 2015-12-10 15:55:25 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
ah. god of war. not gears of war. they are pretty good (both are tired franchises at this point) Bob from Tekken is more my bag though ;)

staying on the theme of resident evil though...capcom have been know to sexualise their male leads too.

Im glad thats the case for some games keep you boys happy.
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Commented on 2015-12-10 22:17:12 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
ah. god of war. not gears of war. they are pretty good (both are tired franchises at this point) Bob from Tekken is more my bag though ;)

staying on the theme of resident evil though...capcom have been know to sexualise their male leads too.

Those outfits make the Village People look straight in comparison.
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Commented on 2015-12-10 22:24:14 In reply to KORNdog
Lol, I can't imagine women finding that sexy That looks purely designed for gay men.
Guys need to stop trying to design "sexy men" for the ladies. All you end up with is a guys idea of what is hot on women, applied to a man.

Women are not attracted by the same thing. If you asked my wife, it would be a bearded man in uniform, lol, so not much different from Chris Redfelds normal attire.

I'm far from a feminist, and this is still ridiculous. This is like Rob Leifield, early-teen, "sexy". It's such a low bar.
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Commented on 2015-12-11 01:27:26 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Women are not attracted by the same thing. If you asked my wife, it would be a bearded man in uniform, lol, so not much different from Chris Redfelds normal attire.
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Commented on 2015-12-11 13:02:11
So many puritan SJWs here.

These are most likely selectable outfits and i wouldn't be surprised if Capcom purposely used these outfits just to annoy the prude western SJWs. The Japanese are sick of your **** and having to constantly censor and/or not release their own games for the west because of your backwards kind.

Tumblr is that way >>>
Go whine on there.
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Commented on 2015-12-11 13:59:36 In reply to NoClipMode
Posted by NoClipMode
and having to constantly censor and/or not release their own games
i think we can all live without another extreme beach volleyball. lol

but if you're so desperate for some computer generated titillation, you can still import that shit.

P.S. is billy supposed to be the guy from mercs on the megadrive?
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Commented on 2015-12-11 17:25:08 In reply to NoClipMode
Posted by NoClipMode
So many puritan SJWs here.

These are most likely selectable outfits and i wouldn't be surprised if Capcom purposely used these outfits just to annoy the prude western SJWs. The Japanese are sick of your **** and having to constantly censor and/or not release their own games for the west because of your backwards kind.

Tumblr is that way >>>
Go whine on there.
Lol, "SJWs" are hardly ever "Puritan". Usually this sort of thing is Feminist fodder. Personally, it's less about sex appeal, and more about taste and context. You can still make a woman sexy without the uber low bar of adolescent T&A. This is tame as far as that goes. "Backwards kind" Frickin' LOL.
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Commented on 2015-12-12 06:25:16 In reply to NoClipMode
Posted by NoClipMode
So many puritan SJWs here.

These are most likely selectable outfits and i wouldn't be surprised if Capcom purposely used these outfits just to annoy the prude western SJWs. The Japanese are sick of your **** and having to constantly censor and/or not release their own games for the west because of your backwards kind.

Tumblr is that way >>>
Go whine on there.
Calm down on the crack pipe there. Are you seriously gonna talk about Japan and censorship?
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Commented on 2015-12-13 05:19:26 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by Frozpot
Women are not attracted by the same thing. If you asked my wife, it would be a bearded man in uniform, lol, so not much different from Chris Redfelds normal attire.
Abomination!! ....I see what you did there.
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