Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

A splash of blood, that's what you'll see in those two trailers of Splatterhouse dedicated to the splatterkills.

Commented on 2010-11-19 21:55:26
i like the blook spread in the background...but on the screen, that messed up the looks.
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Commented on 2010-11-19 21:55:40 In reply to catamask
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Commented on 2010-11-19 21:57:28
Hit detection is all over the place.

Looks nice though.
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Commented on 2010-11-19 22:05:13
well, there goes any hopes i had for the game. last time we saw it i was semi-impressed, was even open to the prospect of us getting a half decent splatterhouse revival. but after watching those i dont even think i'll bother renting it. looks mindless in the worst possible way, like that terrible TERRIBLE conan game.
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Commented on 2010-11-19 22:24:11
Conan is alright. Not saying it's brilliant and it get's conciderably worse towards the end but it is still a decent game.

I think this looks on par with what trailers have been showing previously though. I don't see any hit detection problems at all. Sure, it's not Ninja Gaiden or DMC, but i don't see any swings or punches that should have hit but didn't or vice versa.
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Commented on 2010-11-19 22:43:01 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
Conan is alright. Not saying it's brilliant and it get's conciderably worse towards the end but it is still a decent game.
i disagree, but i'm not going to try to change your mind about it :P
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Commented on 2010-11-19 22:44:52
Thats not what I meant by hit detection, maybe I use that term in a more broader sense but what I meant was that when he strikes something there is no reaction to it at all, its like if he is swinging the weapon or whatever at the air or something,no feedback, enemies dont react, it doesnt look that they being hit nor the hit feel like it has weight to it.

basically that.
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Commented on 2010-11-19 22:47:07
Yeah well, that's just visual feedback, not hit detection. I can agree with that though, it doesn't look super dramatic or impactuful.
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Commented on 2010-11-20 02:11:50
Looks tacky and crass. Obviously the original was too, but it got away with it due to it's old school visuals and nice soundtrack. Speaking of soundtracks, the music this trailer for the new one is possibly the worst music I have ever heard in my entire life.
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Commented on 2010-11-22 12:13:39
No dismemberment!? No inner organs flying around!? Anyone can splat some blod on the screen. We need the whole package.
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Commented on 2010-11-22 14:36:46 In reply to Dinsdale
Posted by Dinsdale
No dismemberment!? No inner organs flying around!? Anyone can splat some blod on the screen. We need the whole package.
I think Conan is the only game i've ever seen that actually let's you rip your opponents intestines out. The splatter kills have plenty of dismemberment anyway, and i'm pretty sure i saw more than one enemy get sliced in two in these videos :)
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Commented on 2010-11-22 18:51:57
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Thats not what I meant by hit detection, maybe I use that term in a more broader sense but what I meant was that when he strikes something there is no reaction to it at all, its like if he is swinging the weapon or whatever at the air or something,no feedback, enemies dont react, it doesnt look that they being hit nor the hit feel like it has weight to it.

basically that.
I didn't see much of that. The only time it looked like he was fighting "air" was when he had the bladed weapon. It looked like the enemies reacted to every blunt strike...
@Dinsdale- in the second vid he beats baddies with someone's arm, rips someone in half, and pulls some heads off...
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Bandai Namco Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

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