The last State of Play is now over, we saw some interesting things and you can watch the videos (on YouTube unfortunately) right here.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
Solar Ash
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Knockout City
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade – PS5 Features
All comments (5)
Sifu looks like that long hallway scene in Daredevil's season 1, it's from the developers of Absolver, so chances are that it will be a great game. Returnal's gameplay and the character's suit and movements reminded me a lot of Quantum Break's gameplay, which isn't a bad thing.
Solar Ash looks less interesting than the first time I saw it. Thought it would be more fast-paced and have smooth and fast transitions, instead those moments where the character climbs that black goo and changes animations, really stop the flow of speed.
Warframe is the best game when it comes to chaining and keeping the flow of movement fast and smooth, so that when you mess up, you really feel that flow interruption or slow down. It's like in a Racing game where you slow down in a straight section, it doesn't feel good and you know it.
Solar Ash's new trailer gave me those same feels just by looking at it. Probably too late in development to change it now. Doesn't mean the game looks bad, just isn't as fast paced and smooth-flowing as I imagined it to be.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits looks even more gorgeous than the reveal trailer. Hopefully I will still be alive to one day see a The Legend of Zelda look as gorgeous as this game. That shot where they show the mountain and the whole village is simply mind-blowing.
And the best ninja girl in Gaming is back, with sick moves and combos. Just waiting for the inevitable PC version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake at this point. All the PS5 enhancements fit perfectly on PC. If even Kingdom Hearts has come to PC, FF7R is inevitable - always was.
Even Sony is releasing its games on PC because it gains more money with games that stopped selling well long ago, so just have to wait for that stupid timed exclusivity to end. Plenty of excellent games, movies, TV shows, Anime, books, etc to keep one busy until then.
Hopefully the next parts release day and date on PS5 and PC. Same for Final Fantasy 16, if Sony doesn't offer Square Enix a ton of money to keep it out of PC for a year or two, which they most likely will. And Square being Square... crap
That Kena last boss was dope, though.
Only a fool can't discern between the cg cutscenes and the real gameplay, but props to the dev team to make the models/art all so consistent as the trasition to what is actual gameplay visuals be seamless with the animation fidelity.