Xbox 360 PS3

As the game just went out in the USA and is about to be released elsewhere, here come the 10 first minutes of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The video, taken from the Xbox 360 version, features the tutorial of the game as well as the well known first mission on the big boat. More gameplay videos to follow quickly, as usual.
Update: Second video is online. Disturbing ingame cutscene, quite awesome as an introduction to the game.
Update2: Third video added. It's the full third mission of the game.
Update3: Fourth video added. It's the short clip in 720p/60fps of the impressive first act's 7th mission .
Update4: Fifth video added. Same level as the previous file, but longer and not in 60fps.

Commented on 2007-11-07 04:28:04
OMG its Stunning!
cant wait to play it !
so many AAA games this 2 weeks (AC+ME+COD4) !!
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Commented on 2007-11-07 05:35:25
how many missions does the game have? and i heard its around 5 hrs long is this true? thanks
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Commented on 2007-11-07 05:51:38
Well i'm playing the game on hardend, 2nd hardest difficulty, cause after training the game reccomended it. I'm currently on act 2 out of 3 and i hear there is an epilogue section i guess. From what i've read, the game is taking longer to complete, cause i'm guessing everyone who says this game is really short is doing playing on easy or medium. The singeplayer experience itself is simply amazing, it's not short from what i can tell and i'm probably only halfway through the game, it's challenging and the story surprised me at how good it is. The multiplayer is for a lack of better words "freakin awesome". It's like another game you gotta get through and not just playing online going no where. There is a rank structure, wich is common now a days, have to say things to battlefield. Along with these ranks you unlock things like new weapons and perks. Also instead of having online achivements it has this more game interegrated achivement system where you do these "milestones" to unlock modifications for your weapons.
simply put one of the most well put together games and sure to be fun for months on end. I mean it actually seems like you can beat multiplayer :)
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Commented on 2007-11-07 06:22:35
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
ZzZzZz looks so boring to me.These FPS war games makes me sick (too many of them now), ok the graphic is nice but the gameplay sucks.Run here shoot that, run there shoot someone else......ooohh 2 people standing there, lets throw a grenade...ZzZzZz.
Commented on 2007-11-07 06:30:06 In reply to rayko
this game went further then my expectations. i, in all honosty, enjoyed this game way more then halo 3. yes i love halo 3 and no i dont own a ps3 so im no fanboy here, but this game is really awesome. single player is short, but i dont mind going in to play it again. this was amazing.
Posted by rayko
ZzZzZz looks so boring to me.These FPS war games makes me sick (too many of them now), ok the graphic is nice but the gameplay sucks.Run here shoot that, run there shoot someone else......ooohh 2 people standing there, lets throw a grenade...ZzZzZz.
you're missing out.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 07:00:35 In reply to rayko
Posted by rayko
ZzZzZz looks so boring to me.These FPS war games makes me sick (too many of them now), ok the graphic is nice but the gameplay sucks.Run here shoot that, run there shoot someone else......ooohh 2 people standing there, lets throw a grenade...ZzZzZz.
What do you want to do, solve a puzzle?

Looks great, I'm definitely picking this up tomorrow.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 07:20:19 In reply to rayko
You have a point there.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 08:44:34
Damn, French version.. :P

Cannot wait to play this myself.. Hopefully I'll get it tomorrow or the day after..
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Commented on 2007-11-07 09:49:26
i love these high quality 10min vids. keep up the good work gamersyde.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 10:21:29
Great game. A couple of revieweres complaining about the design of the game (respawning etc), even putting videos on youtube, just laughable, how about just going with the flow? COD is not about putting you in a battlefield where you can finish the war by yourself, it's about being surrounded by it, it's scripted, who cares, half life 2 is scripted too, i didn't see anyone complain about that shit.

IMO Cod4 is pretty refreshing, sure it could've been longer, but the campaign has such a great pace, full of memorable moments, it actually rivals movies. And the multiplayer is kickass. So a part of me is sad that some would choose to bash the game for what it doesn't do, instead of praising it for what it does do, and what it does do is offer you a great experience.

IMO this is the best FPS i played in ages, people praise HL2 episode 2, man this puts episode 2 to shame, congrats to Infinity Ward, hope COD5(or COD6?) is even better than this, great success for you.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2007-11-07 10:32:17
Best Call of Duty ever.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 10:47:33
Offcourse the game is scripted.. You simply cannot create a storydriven game that rivals a movie without leading the player with scripted events etc.. People who complain about scripted events in games like this are just ignorant imho, they are simply not understanding what the game is about..

I'm surprised the SP is so short though.. Gamespot's review said it's only 5 hours? Is that true? That would make it shorter then HL2:EP2 (which is an Episode, not even a full game).. But in the end I don't really care tbh.. CoD's SP always was kindof a bonus for me, because I always bought the game for the MP in the first place, together with most of my gaming friends..

I really cannot wait to play it.. From what I've seen of it, read about it, and after I played the Xbox 360 beta and PC SP demo, I'm convinced this is the best CoD ever indeed..
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Commented on 2007-11-07 10:55:29
Looking good to me.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 11:09:13
Can anyone tell me if COD 4 runs at 60 fps? Recently reviews are missing some core technical info such as this one (no reviews told me that Ratchet and Clank future runs at 60 fps for example). And again, all the reviews of COD 4 i read only say "Runs smooth".
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Commented on 2007-11-07 11:26:28
Didn't the GameTrailers review say it was 60fps? I know I've heard it somewhere ...
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Commented on 2007-11-07 11:30:06 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Can anyone tell me if COD 4 runs at 60 fps? Recently reviews are missing some core technical info such as this one (no reviews told me that Ratchet and Clank future runs at 60 fps for example). And again, all the reviews of COD 4 i read only say "Runs smooth".
Maybe they don't mention it because it doesn't matter? Is 'runs smooth' not good enough for you?

I always thought fps was just an issue on PC's.. There it depends on what hardware you have and what settings you run the game at, but on consoles there's always just 1 setting and 1 type of hardware..

And it's not like you will notice lack of fps using a controller anyway is my experience, compared to mouselag which can be very annoying on the PC..
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Commented on 2007-11-07 11:32:48 In reply to Inflatable
Posted by Inflatable
Offcourse the game is scripted.. You simply cannot create a storydriven game that rivals a movie without leading the player with scripted events etc.. People who complain about scripted events in games like this are just ignorant imho, they are simply not understanding what the game is about..

I'm surprised the SP is so short though.. Gamespot's review said it's only 5 hours? Is that true? That would make it shorter then HL2:EP2 (which is an Episode, not even a full game).. But in the end I don't really care tbh.. CoD's SP always was kindof a bonus for me, because I always bought the game for the MP in the first place, together with most of my gaming friends..

I really cannot wait to play it.. From what I've seen of it, read about it, and after I played the Xbox 360 beta and PC SP demo, I'm convinced this is the best CoD ever indeed..
Yes it is only about 5 hours. But let me tell you, it happens more stuff in these 5 hours than in most other games who have twice as much lenght. Still it is imo, the only real flaw with the game, the lenght, BUT, it is a very easy game to replay SP wise, because the game offers such a movie like experience, that you will probably want to replay the game, the fact that it's short actually makes a replay easier too, but i'm not trying to defend its lenght, it is short, altough very high quality.

I wouldn't say it's shorter than Episode 2 though, about the same i would say, the difference is in what you get in that time span.

And Nakano, the game does indeed run at 60 FPS(360 here, PS3 should be the exact same), no slowdowns, just amazing that the game looks this good and runs this good.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 11:35:12
GOTY in my opinion,cant wait to play it on friday
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2007-11-07 11:58:27 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Can anyone tell me if COD 4 runs at 60 fps? Recently reviews are missing some core technical info such as this one (no reviews told me that Ratchet and Clank future runs at 60 fps for example). And again, all the reviews of COD 4 i read only say "Runs smooth".
The 360 version (and I assume, the PS3 version, but I'm less certain) is 60fps. The beta was too.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 13:31:44
Can somebody tell me if the game supports DTS?
And yes, both versions run straight in 60Hz.
( offered two 60Hz vids a few weeks ago - watch the difference with the 'Last Stand 60Hz' clip!)
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Commented on 2007-11-07 14:28:33 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Can anyone tell me if COD 4 runs at 60 fps?
I can't wait for people to stop asking this question....
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Commented on 2007-11-07 14:32:33
I must be the only Xbox owner who despises games like this!
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Commented on 2007-11-07 14:35:30
The comments are making me lean toward buying this game, I'm really not interested in MP, I just want the SP, but being so short I'm on the fence..

If I were to get it, I'd probably go with the STEAM version... that way I don't ever have to worry about installs and discs or time limits for downloading.
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Commented on 2007-11-07 14:41:28 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
I must be the only Xbox owner who despises games like this!
its on ps3 aswell u know...
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2007-11-07 14:43:14 In reply to kring
Posted by kring
The comments are making me lean toward buying this game, I'm really not interested in MP, I just want the SP, but being so short I'm on the fence..

If I were to get it, I'd probably go with the STEAM version... that way I don't ever have to worry about installs and discs or time limits for downloading.
I like having most of my games independent of Steam. Steam is pretty cool though.. when it comes to downloading software, it's probably my #1 choice. I wish the prices reflected the distribution a little better though. The MP is great btw.. I haven't even touched the campaign yet and I've already played it for more than 6 hours. I'd still be playing it, but the master server list went down.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Infinity Ward

$135 of $400 per month

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