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How to Hitman: Immersion is the first video of a series dedicated to showcase the features of Hitman 2. As the name suggests, the video shows how the player can blend into the massive crowd, exploit the detailed locations, use to his advantage the various AI/personalities and watch the consequences of created actions.

Commented on 2018-08-16 21:14:50
It's a shame it's gonna be just 6 levels.
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Commented on 2018-08-16 22:40:17
I have already played Hitman 2 but I don't remember any of this...
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Commented on 2018-08-16 22:44:32 In reply to MinorDespera
If they're like season 1 they're about the size of 3 blood money levels and are very well utilised across all the different modes of play (main targets/challenges/escalations/elusives) plus unlike last season they're going to release new levels for the season pass. So it could end up totaling 8 :D
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Commented on 2018-08-17 11:13:00 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
If they're like season 1 they're about the size of 3 blood money levels and are very well utilised across all the different modes of play(main targets/challenges/escalations/elusives)
Yeah, and I'm not sure if the last part is good. At the end of the day it's 6 maps and ones in Season 1 overstayed their welcome. It wouldn't be as bad if it was Season 2 but since they're making it a standalone game it's underwhelming to have so little content, again. I've clocked over 200 hours in S1 and definitely don't feel like grinding the same map for all collectibles (mastery, challenges, elusive targets) for days again, especially since little changed gameplay wise (same animations, same assortment of basic actions, etc.).
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Commented on 2018-08-17 12:45:09 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
Yeah, and I'm not sure if the last part is good. At the end of the day it's 6 maps and ones in Season 1 overstayed their welcome. It wouldn't be as bad if it was Season 2 but since they're making it a standalone game it's underwhelming to have so little content, again. I've clocked over 200 hours in S1 and definitely don't feel like grinding the same map for all collectibles (mastery, challenges, elusive targets) for days again, especially since little changed gameplay wise (same animations, same assortment of basic actions, etc.).
i don't really see it as an issue since it is a second season to what is essentially the same game and not a sequel. thankfully we're getting all maps at once this time around so it won't feel like we're stuck with a single map for too long and it overstaying it's welcome, as you say. we'll be able to jump around between stages doing the challenges, and illusive etc.

i just like the fact we'll ultimately end up with potentially 8 full maps as opposed to season 1 where we had 6, released piecemeal (which i hated) and a couple shitty remixes. full levels are always my preference.
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Commented on 2018-08-17 13:54:05 In reply to KORNdog
The difference is you're paying AAA price again. Plus season pass for those two maps you've mentioned. That's the only reason for this disjointed experience where the game is obviously built with HitmanTM framework in mind, on same engine, but is cut out into a separate game. No unified hub, no shared unlocks, you're less likely to come back to old Hitman, etc. And of course they wouldn't be able to price it that high.
Sigh, I guess it can't be helped, I get them, Square Enix sent IO into freefloat and to not drown they went to extremes (remember those 3 suits for $15 GOTY edition?) and now they have to make it a separate game.
But 12-14 levels within one game would feel better than two games with 6-8 levels in them. Maybe sometime later they will port old Hitman over, like Valve did with Left4Dead and Left4Dead2.
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Commented on 2018-08-17 14:30:32 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
The difference is you're paying AAA price again.
except there is no such thing. retail price has no relation to development costs or what you consider to be value.. reality is the levels in hitman are leagues more complex than any other game, even within it's own franchise, and with them getting larger, they need more time, more money, more talent. blood money was universally loved and is still to this day considered to be the best the series has been (they'd be wrong, but that's another debate) and that was comprised of 13 comparatively tiny missions, and as i originally said, you could get 3 of them inside a single mission in these new games. so in regards to actual content creation, as in the time requires to make assets, and animate and flesh out these scenes, the new games are offering WAY more. which is perfectly deserving of full "AAA" price. it's certainly had more time and effort put into it then a lot of other full retail price titles. it seem you're getting hung up on a number. 6 might sound small, but what those 6 actually amount to is massive...and we get an additional 2 on top of that. it's great.
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Commented on 2018-08-17 17:17:50 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
It's a shame it's gonna be just 6 levels.
THANK YOU. You are the first person besides me to point this out as a highly negative thing instead of giving it blind, damaging for us all as gamers, praise. I always call the "first game" Hitman: The First Six Entire Complete Levels......... Edition.

How this game went from a full brand new Hitman game at E3 2015, to what it became by the end of the year I will never know. How did they have the gall to announce a brand new full Hitman game at the biggest game show of the year for release in 5 months time, to then turn around and say "whoops we haven't even got TWO levels playable for release so its going to get split into pieces now with the first 2 not even coming for another 6 months now."

They absolutely lost me as a fan of this franchise and I'm never coming back........................ unless they get Jesper Kyd back to do the music since it isn't a proper Hitman game without him regardless.
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Commented on 2018-08-17 20:27:57 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
13 comparatively tiny missions
And that's more than 2 latest Hitman games combined, how about that. And the new levels are good, really good, the best series ever had, but the games won't be held to the 12 year old standards. Just 6 maps, however grand they are in comparison to Blood Money, is simply not enough content.

P.S.: obviously I'm gonna play it anyway, just sad IO are not on the scale and budget to do a full game.
Posted by andrewsqual
unless they get Jesper Kyd back to do the music since it isn't a proper Hitman game without him regardless.
Amen to that.
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Commented on 2018-08-18 03:17:36 In reply to MinorDespera
I cancelled my Red Dead 2 pre-order cause I realised it's only 1 map.
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Commented on 2018-08-18 09:09:12 In reply to b0vril
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Commented on 2018-08-18 10:58:10 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
I cancelled my Red Dead 2 pre-order cause I realised it's only 1 map.
King of comedy, everyone.
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Commented on 2018-08-18 13:53:40 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
King of comedy, everyone.
It's your comments that's the comedy here.
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Commented on 2018-08-18 18:10:30 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
I cancelled my Red Dead 2 pre-order cause I realised it's only 1 map.
Lmao, this totally caught me off guard! I thought you were serious about that.
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Commented on 2018-08-20 15:07:23
just announced. hitman season 1 missions will be updated and playable in hitman season 2. so there you go minordepera. 14 maps for you. is that enough?
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Commented on 2018-08-20 20:08:33 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
just announced. hitman season 1 missions will be updated and playable in hitman season 2. so there you go minordepera. 14 maps for you. is that enough?
Nice, yes, that is exactly what I wanted.
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About the game
Published by
Warner Bros. Int...
Developed by
IO Interactive

$135 of $400 per month

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