Trailer Xbox Series X

The rumours about the project from The Initiative, the young and ambitious developer from Xbox Game Studios, were confirmed yesterday when Perfect Dark was announced. The secret agent thriller is set in a post-ecological disaster world of corporate crime and is in development for Xbox Series X/S without a release date yet.
Update: developer interview added.

Commented on 2020-12-11 22:08:14
Such an amazing announcement, when I saw that DataDyne logo on the rooftop, excitement was on the rise...
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Commented on 2020-12-11 22:19:18
nothing much to go on...premise sounds fairly interesting though
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Commented on 2020-12-12 08:16:21
Hmm it is not developed by Rare 
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Commented on 2020-12-12 14:13:56
You'd think they would have learned to not do another outsourced CG trailer that gives no indication whatsoever what the game world will look or feel like.
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Commented on 2020-12-12 14:35:33 In reply to andrewsqual
Posted by andrewsqual
You'd think they would have learned to not do another outsourced CG trailer that gives no indication whatsoever what the game world will look or feel like.
i know you prolly weren't born in turn of the millenium, but people who did had the previlege of enjoying Perfect Dark, preeeeeety pretty much know what to expect. A shot at one of the most unique and best fps ever made. As per said in the below Interview by that Bloke Dan,

The Initiative - Perfect Dark Developer Interview - The Game Awards 2020
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Commented on 2020-12-21 21:02:07
He's right, though. What's the point of a shit CGI trailer? Hype, hype and more hype? So, I take it the game is what, 5 years out, at least? They have fuck all working as a prototype, no screenshots, but this trailer gets people wet? In an age of social media, you could literally get the same reaction, if not an even better one, by leaving a tweet stating that PD sequel is in the works, and leave some game design details about it. That right there would convey more of what to expect than this shit. I'm literally sick of the disingenuous bollocks going on here from these developers. It's as if they themselves aren't confident or even sure of their own product and need a flashy expensive CG trailer to convince people. Back in the day of the original, all we needed was one or two actual screen shots and a paragraph detailing the ambitions of the game. Hype achieved. Simple. Effective. No bullshit. No lies.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
The Initiative

$135 of $400 per month

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