Trailer PS4

Sony unveiled a new trailer for The Last of Us Part II during the State of Play. You can watch it now in 4K.

Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)

  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
  • The Last of Us Part II 4K Trailer - Screenshots - State of Play Trailer (3840x2160)
Commented on 2019-09-25 12:24:14
absolutely stunning!
In reply to
Commented on 2019-09-25 12:31:43
Thanks for the trailer it's stunning. 
Can you find/upload the trailer without "exclusive Playstation 4" mark?
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Commented on 2019-09-25 13:49:35
Absolutely amazing looking game. I'm taking a four day weekend to play this gem. :)

The naughty gods have done it again. :)
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Commented on 2019-09-25 15:15:45
Amazing, even if not as mind blowing as the e3 2018 demo (which probaby was their target for next gen version).
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Commented on 2019-09-25 15:33:41
- Naughty Dog playing the "feminism agenda" card: ✅
- Female lesbian hero: ✅
- a million hours of cutscenes (most likely): ✅
- recycling all the cliches from every zombie movie ever: ✅
- Fans acting like it's going to be the absolute gamechanger: ✅
- Fans acting like it's going to be a serious competitor to CP 2077: ✅

So this trailer is supposed to impress me, right ? After games like Metro Exodus, RDR2, Control & God Of War ?
Nice try but: ❌ (not hyped at all)
In reply to
Commented on 2019-09-25 15:35:14
great! I'm still sour about the E3 gameplay reveal though
In reply to
Commented on 2019-09-25 16:17:09
Posted by Roadmaster4K
- Naughty Dog playing the "feminism agenda" card: ✅
- Female lesbian hero: ✅

Nice try but: ❌ (not hyped at all)
Believe it or not, the existence of women and lesbians is not an agenda.
In reply to
Commented on 2019-09-25 16:17:47 In reply to agni_rzm
Posted by agni_rzm
great! I'm still sour about the E3 gameplay reveal though
What about it?
In reply to
Commented on 2019-09-25 16:25:04 In reply to internisus
Posted by internisus
Posted by Roadmaster4K
- Naughty Dog playing the "feminism agenda" card: ✅
- Female lesbian hero: ✅

Nice try but: ❌ (not hyped at all)
Believe it or not, the existence of women and lesbians is not an agenda.
People with his mentality and world views are absolutely everywhere these days now. You can't read a Youtube comment section without being bombarded with their bollocks. Everything is an "agenda" to them, like there's some grand conspiracy to ruin their entertainment. They're fucking mentalists. Best just let them get on with it. They'll fuck off eventually.
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Commented on 2019-09-25 16:32:10 In reply to Roadmaster4K
Look very impressive. The brutality of the violence plus the fidelity is giong to make me squirm, but will def be picking it up. 
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Commented on 2019-09-25 16:39:08
Is it just me or does old Joel look kind of like Charles Bronson...
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Commented on 2019-09-25 16:39:53
The game does look promising, but I'm one of the people who just don't find ND to be that good when it actually comes to the main ingredients of a game. They'll make a nice looking plate, but when you bite into most of what they make, it's just not as satisfying as it looks. TLoU being their best game, I'd agree. It's just I find it laughable the way the games media portrayed it as "the Citizen Kane of games" or some such nonsense. It was good. Borderline fantastic. But that's it. But that's just me.
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Commented on 2019-09-25 17:35:41
I agree about the developers being lauded too much, but I'm not that into them for different reasons. I love storytelling in video games and I think the ND formula for it is has virtually been the same for a very long time. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons has affected my perception on storytelling in videogames. and the formula ND uses just doesn't do it for me anymore.

i will say i think TLOU is their best game when it comes to the gameplay having an emotional effect in relation to the story. Hopefully part 2 can knock my socks off.
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Commented on 2019-09-25 17:44:49 In reply to ersel54
Posted by ersel54
Thanks for the trailer it's stunning. 
Can you find/upload the trailer without "exclusive Playstation 4" mark?
They don't "find" anything.  They post what is provided to them by the publishers.
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Commented on 2019-09-25 18:51:02 In reply to Roadmaster4K
Posted by Roadmaster4K
So this trailer is supposed to impress me, right ?
It is? I think you have your own crazy "agendas" telling you things in your head lol.
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Commented on 2019-09-25 19:13:48 In reply to internisus
Posted by internisus
Posted by agni_rzm
great! I'm still sour about the E3 gameplay reveal though
What about it?
sony didn't give gamersyde the high video for that trailer
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Commented on 2019-09-25 19:21:02 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Posted by internisus
Posted by Roadmaster4K
- Naughty Dog playing the "feminism agenda" card: ✅
- Female lesbian hero: ✅

Nice try but: ❌ (not hyped at all)
Believe it or not, the existence of women and lesbians is not an agenda.
People with his mentality and world views are absolutely everywhere these days now. You can't read a Youtube comment section without being bombarded with their bollocks. Everything is an "agenda" to them, like there's some grand conspiracy to ruin their entertainment. They're fucking mentalists. Best just let them get on with it. They'll fuck off eventually.
actualy, in the past, that mentality was all there was. they are just noisy but the truth is they are decreasing ( if we believe humans generaly evolve for the better as they have throughout history).
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Commented on 2019-09-25 19:21:11
Delete this plz
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Commented on 2019-09-25 19:22:39 In reply to internisus
Posted by internisus
Posted by Roadmaster4K
- Naughty Dog playing the "feminism agenda" card: ✅
- Female lesbian hero: ✅

Nice try but: ❌ (not hyped at all)
Believe it or not, the existence of women and lesbians is not an agenda.
It is my friend, but it's just about the person, some care and some (who don't know the fk what is going on right now) don't give a damn about our future, for the majority it's just a game with some (Love) insane graphics and gameplay, but in reality it's more that... Enjoy your game.
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Commented on 2019-09-25 19:38:37
Seems gamersyde has its share of hyper insecure members! 

As for the game it looks amazing and will likely be my game of the gen, much like the previous one was. ND do characters and dialogue better than anyone with R* being a close second. And the stealth/horror gameplay combines my favourite genres. The animations are perfect...and I can guarantee it won't come with the piss poor responsiveness of RDR2. 
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Commented on 2019-09-25 22:55:40
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Surprising when people complain about moral and spiritual decadence promoted in games created by a decadent and immoral civilization that self-destroys as we speak .Its only to be expected and it will intensify as years pass by . they ve already normalised multiculti,race-mixing ,sodomy , tomorrow pedophilia a few years god knows what..Hopefully studios from eastern Europe and Japan will resist and wewon't have to quit gaming due to abhorrent content
Commented on 2019-09-26 00:31:54 In reply to warmech25
Posted by warmech25
Surprising when people complain about moral and spiritual decadence promoted in games created by a decadent and immoral civilization that self-destroys as we speak .Its only to be expected and it will intensify as years pass by . they ve already normalised multiculti,race-mixing ,sodomy , tomorrow pedophilia a few years god knows what..Hopefully studios from eastern Europe and Japan will resist and wewon't have to quit gaming due to abhorrent content
What on Earth are you talking about? Do you even know what you sound like? Fucking hell. Someone ban this fucking melt.
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Commented on 2019-09-26 01:47:53
Posted by warmech25
Surprising when people complain about moral and spiritual decadence promoted in games created by a decadent and immoral civilization that self-destroys as we speak .Its only to be expected and it will intensify as years pass by . they ve already normalised multiculti,race-mixing ,sodomy , tomorrow pedophilia a few years god knows what..Hopefully studios from eastern Europe and Japan will resist and wewon't have to quit gaming due to abhorrent content
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Commented on 2019-09-26 02:12:36
good games usually are saved for last. In the time between however we've seen games reached such level of mo-cap and skin shaders in existing titles. it being said, it looks pretty solid in this time. Presentation wise, LGB and SJW typically have a mixed reception with gamers compared to the gameplay. i'm alright with it. 
Likely TLoS 2 will click more to a selection of gamers.  for the most part it looks solid.
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Commented on 2019-09-26 04:33:04
This would have impressed if this was released back in 2k17. 
RE2 remake and a Plague tale offer a deeper horror experience.
plus there are fewer enemies this time around.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Naughty Dog

$135 of $400 per month

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