Xbox 360 PS3

Sega today released the first trailer and images of Virtua Tennis 2009, with just two months to go until the release on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii and PC. Only the player models are shown, so we'll have to wait a bit more for some gameplay.

Wii images

  • Virtua Tennis 2009 trailer & images - Wii images
  • Virtua Tennis 2009 trailer & images - Wii images
  • Virtua Tennis 2009 trailer & images - Wii images

PS3 image

  • Virtua Tennis 2009 trailer & images - PS3 image
Commented on 2009-03-05 21:48:59
I'll stick with TS3. VT gameplay doesn't really appeal to me, way too arcadey.

Graphics look nice though!
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Commented on 2009-03-05 22:08:32
I thought Virtua Tennis 3 was terrific, so much so that when Top Spin 3 arrived a year or so later it felt slow and dull. Yes, Virtua Tennis 3 might not be realistic but it's hard to deny that it isn't fun.

I'm personally looking forward to this game but at the same time I can't help wondering what SEGA can do to actually improve the game. I mean there isn't really that much you can do with tennis games really apart from update the roster and tweak a few things here and there.

That said, I'm a sucker for the Virtua Tennis games so I'm sure I'd buy it anyway. Wii version looks horrible though as expected and I'm not convinced that the Wiimote will make up for the weaker presentation either.
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Commented on 2009-03-05 22:53:53
I feel the exact opposite to Jato.

Top Spin 1 was AWESOME on the Xbox (PS2 port sucked). Love it. I still play the game every now and then with my friends just to be able to use Sampras and other oldies :)
Top Spin 2 was OKAY. Different developer so it was different, a bit slower, not bad though.
Top Spin 3 is WAY too slow and dull like Doctor_Hades said. They tried to make it more realistic but it's just not intuitive at all. The timing and button pressing are so different from previous games that it feels weird.

Virtua Tennis on the other hand hasn't changed. And that's a good thing for an arcade tennis game. Gameplay is brilliant in VT3. Very easy to pick up and that's what I want a multiplayer game to be. Can't wait for Virtua Tennis 2009 :)
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Commented on 2009-03-05 23:21:29
Last Virtua Tennis game I played was the original on the DC, might have to give this version a look, I enjoyed the old game, especially four player doubles...
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Commented on 2009-03-06 02:03:57 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
I'll stick with TS3. VT gameplay doesn't really appeal to me, way too arcadey.

Graphics look nice though!
1. Virtua Tennis actually IS an arcade game. Duh!

2. I actually find the slightly simpler controls of the Virtua Tennis games more realistic than other games with more complex button presses and stuff. Just running smoothly (ie 60fps) to the ball, selecting a shot and directing the ball when you hit it is pretty much real tennis spot on.

3. You used arcadey as a derogatory term, you fail! Lol!

Having said all that I'll definitely have to play a demo of this first as it seems a bit too soon after VT3.
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Commented on 2009-03-06 02:30:23
nah sorry guys, top spin 3 is by far the best tennis game for those looking for something realistic. Yes the learning curve is extreme, but once you get the hang of it, the control of the ball and the movement of your character is amazing. You can play how you want to play, rushing the net, staying back, take some pace off the ball allow your footwork to be better to get back to the middle of the court. Yes the pace of the game is slow, but it needs to be, otherwise it would be too difficult. Its a shame so many, including reviewers, wrote off the game before giving it enough time to actually get good at it.

VT3 is heaps of fun, but not really that great a representation of tennis, but as others are saying, there's not much they can improve with that formula, unless they decide to go in a slightly different direction, which i doubt.

Also, graphics need to improve more i reckon, i still think tennis games could look better than they do.

Also, was amazed to find out how much players are payed so that the company can include them in the game. Hewitt got payed $100,000 (AUS), to be in one tennis game. And he wouldn't be the most sought out player either. No wonder the player rosters always seem to leave a lot to be desired
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Commented on 2009-03-06 02:36:19
Blah, i like the Virtua Tennis game alot better, yeah the other may be more realistic or not but Virtua Tennis is more fun. All i want them to do really is get rid of that stupid ass diving animation and im good to go.
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Commented on 2009-03-06 02:40:11
if you keep getting the diving animation, it just means your were too far away from the ball when you started powering up your shot. It is different from the first 2 topspins, you have to be much closer to the ball than you do in those two games
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Commented on 2009-03-06 02:51:18 In reply to monkey1988
Posted by monkey1988
if you keep getting the diving animation, it just means your were too far away from the ball when you started powering up your shot. It is different from the first 2 topspins, you have to be much closer to the ball than you do in those two games
Nah, the diving animation happens un-necessarily even when the ball is close to you, even if you NOT powering up, if you react late a little it'll happen as well as well as other times. This is not how tennis work, the reviews pointed this out as well so i know it wasn't just me. I actually watch tennis, this is not even close to what suppose to happen, its something they need to fix.
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Commented on 2009-03-06 03:47:08
Virtua Tennis is king of fun
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Commented on 2009-03-06 05:25:33
was playing this on the dreamcast just be honest theres not really much thats changed
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Commented on 2009-03-06 09:01:09
SEGA need to re-vamp this franchise, fast.

I bet you good money they'll advertise "new training modes!" and "new mini-games!" and will hardly touch on gameplay....Because it stayed the same all these years.

This trailer hardly shows/ says anything....Because it's pretty much the same as the other games lol.
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Commented on 2009-03-06 09:06:02 In reply to Corellianrogue
Yes I know the game is arcade, and I was mearly pointing out it's TOO arcadey for me to really enjoy. I prefer my tennis games to have real depth to them, not mindless fun.

Now, nowhere in my post do I suggest arcade gameplay is a bad thing perse, so you reading comprehension
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Commented on 2009-03-06 13:08:12
I loved Virtua Tennis 2 on the DC (best version too; kicked the PS2's arse)

Missed VT 3. Was it any good? I seem to remember something about it being native 1080p (which I thought was supposed to be the standard for this gen, but how many times have we been proved wrong on that front?), so could be quite nice!

The wii version doesn't look that bad (certainly better than that Time-Crisis-type game that was shown about 9 months ago - that was fucking terrible).
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Commented on 2009-03-06 16:50:22
Virtua Tennis is so uninteresting.. Top Spin ftw :)
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Commented on 2009-03-06 17:36:02 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
Yes I know the game is arcade, and I was mearly pointing out it's TOO arcadey for me to really enjoy. I prefer my tennis games to have real depth to them, not mindless fun.

Now, nowhere in my post do I suggest arcade gameplay is a bad thing perse, so you reading comprehension
How is it mindless and how is it being fun a bad thing?? Oh well, have fun with a videogame called Ultra Complex Tennis Simulation that'll require a keyboard and you have to type in the precise angles and equations for speed and power before you hit the ball, lol!
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Commented on 2009-03-06 19:37:51 In reply to Corellianrogue
It's mindless because it's super basic. No shot modifiers, certain types of strokes/shots are missing, there's no proper stat progression/modification, certain variables like running speed or timing have absolutely NO influence on the shot making, and you can NEVER even hit a ball out of bounds.

Seriously, if there's a game out there that's's VT. But that's fine, most people, aparently, prefer this type of game...but I don't, not regarding tennis games anyways. However, I myself prefer arcade racing games over the sim-racers. I also prefer more arcadey MP games like COD4 over the more tactical, in-depth shooters. Seriously, I don't think you're even trying to read my posts properly.
Posted by Corellianrogue
Oh well, have fun with a videogame called Ultra Complex Tennis Simulation that'll require a keyboard and you have to type in the precise angles and equations for speed and power before you hit the ball, lol!
Haha, what the hell?! Smartass... :P
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Commented on 2009-03-06 22:14:40 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
It's mindless because it's super basic. No shot modifiers, certain types of strokes/shots are missing, there's no proper stat progression/modification, certain variables like running speed or timing have absolutely NO influence on the shot making, and you can NEVER even hit a ball out of bounds.

Seriously, if there's a game out there that's's VT. But that's fine, most people, aparently, prefer this type of game...but I don't, not regarding tennis games anyways. However, I myself prefer arcade racing games over the sim-racers. I also prefer more arcadey MP games like COD4 over the more tactical, in-depth shooters. Seriously, I don't think you're even trying to read my posts properly.

Haha, what the hell?! Smartass... :P
I've hit the ball out. Maybe you've only played the very beginning of the career mode because you don't get many outs there as you start off quite weak so you don't really have overpowered shots. Also I'm pretty sure timing does affect the shot. I just don't think certain games have to be overly complex. I haven't got a Wii but surely the most realistic tennis game would be a Wii tennis game using Motionplus? It would just use the nunchuck to move around and the Wiimote as the racquet and as long as it has perfect physics (or as perfect as the Wii can get it if it can't be 100% perfect) good A.I. in SP and a good enough 3D representation of the court and other players (you wouldn't see your player other than the racquet and maybe your arms as it would be in first person) then it would be a virtually perfect tennis videogame despite being almost as simple as Pong. (It wouldn't be 100% perfect unless you could hook up a treadmill to the Wii or something like that, lol!)
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Commented on 2009-03-07 15:38:40
virtua tennis 2009 i was really disapointed to find out the 3 on ps3 did not have online ..THIS one must have it or else i'll drop a bomb at every sega agency around the world ( GOT IT i want my online mode )
and if you have some time maybe you could improve the 10-year campaign with more tweaks on the place you can go and the challenges ? ..

Otherwise virtua tennis is an arcade game with an arcade feeling ... yes the core didnot change in 3 opus but most arcade games don't change their core ...

Look at mario kart or wipeout ... the arcade feeling is still present and is the same in each game ...

As for top spin , the first was fine , but the third is just too hard for no reason ...yeah maybe some prefer the simulation aspect but if you can't enjoy the game with a friend because he won't enjoy it as everyone agrees here the learning curve is Way too hard , then that game is utter disapointment for me .
Fifa or Pes have some decent simulation but you can learn it on the way ..the enjoyment is fast .. and the same can be found in many other simulation games ...
TOP spin is just too hard for 98% of the people who are not tennis gamers experts to enjoy

even the learning curve in Gran turismo or forza is not as hard ...
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Commented on 2009-03-07 19:14:14
Top Spin 3 was crap in my opinion, and I loved the last Virtua Tennis.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
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Commented on 2009-03-09 12:37:02
let's hope it worQs out!!!!
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