Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One

After months of rumors and leaks, Ubisoft has finally announced Watch_Dogs 2, to be released on the usual platforms this November. 2 trailers go along with the announcement, a CG one, and another presenting the new hero, named Marcus.



SAN FRANCISCO — June 8, 2016 — Today, Ubisoft® announced that Watch_Dogs® 2, the newest installment in the blockbuster Watch_Dogs franchise, will be available worldwide on November 15 for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC.

Watch_Dogs 2 is the product of over two years of intensive development by the original creative team behind the Watch_Dogs brand. Players enter a massive and dynamic open world environment set in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is the latest city to adopt ctOS 2.0, an advanced operating system networking the city infrastructure, and in the wrong hands, ctOS 2.0 can be used to invasively control and manipulate everyday citizens.

Players will explore the birthplace of the tech revolution as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker who has fallen victim to ctOS 2.0’s predictive algorithms and is accused of a crime he did not commit. In Marcus’ quest to shut down ctOS 2.0 for good, hacking is the ultimate weapon, and players can not only hack into the city’s infrastructure but also every person and any connected device they possess, to trigger unpredictable chains of events. With the ability to take control of drones, cars, cranes, security robots and much more at their disposal, players can choose whether to use stealth hacking to complete missions without killing a single enemy or go guns blazing for a more ferocious approach. In this vast open world, players can hack their way through traffic while engaging in dangerous car chases through the winding streets of San Francisco, traverse the rooftops of the vibrant neighborhoods of Oakland and infiltrate the offices of cutting-edge companies in Silicon Valley.

“Our creative team is working hard to deliver an outstanding Watch_Dogs experience,” said Dominic Guay, senior producer, Ubisoft Montreal. “In Watch_Dogs 2, we’re excited to give players a captivating storyline with engaging characters that offers deeper, more meaningful hacking options, a greater variety of gadgets and weapons and a brand new seamless multiplayer experience that will appeal to fans of the original Watch_Dogs as well as players new to the brand.”

In addition to the standard game, several editions are available for pre-order:

• Deluxe Edition includes the Game and the Deluxe pack of digital customization items.
• Gold Edition includes the Game, the Deluxe pack of digital customization items and the Season Pass.
• Players can pre-order the Collector’s Edition – with either the Standard, Deluxe or Gold Edition of Watch_Dogs 2 – on the Uplay shop and receive the exclusive Wrench Junior robot, a motorized and endearing companion, controlled by an app available on smartphones or tablets

Players who pre-order any edition get an extra mission named Zodiac Killer: An unwanted ghost of San Francisco’s past has resurfaced after fifty years. While completing the mission, the player unlocks an additional exclusive outfit.

For more information on the Collector’s Edition, please visit:
For more information on Watch_Dogs 2, please visit
For the latest on all of Ubisoft’s games, please visit

Concept Arts

  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Concept Arts
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Concept Arts
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Concept Arts

5 screenshots

  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - 5 screenshots
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - 5 screenshots
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - 5 screenshots
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - 5 screenshots
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - 5 screenshots

Marcus Renders

  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Marcus Renders
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Marcus Renders

Key Art

  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Key Art


  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Artworks
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Artworks
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Artworks


  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Packshots
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Packshots
  • Watch_Dogs2 finally official - Packshots
Commented on 2016-06-08 18:43:04
Thanks for the trailers in high quality! As always.
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Commented on 2016-06-08 18:57:52
Apparently there was a gameplay sequence shown too. Saw the embedded Youtube video on Eurogamer. Weird tactics by Ubi with their conference at E3 only 5 days away. Normally they always release a CG trailer for a game at some point. Sometimes its the debut of the game or just a side trailer that wasn't at their actual conference but is released online anyway.
For example, The Divison debuted with a gameplay sequence. A whole year later they showed a CG trailer during their conference. Can't remember what was shown last year off the top of my head.
But here they've shown a lot already. I don't think Watch Dogs 2 will be at E3 unless they show some other gameplay sequence.
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Commented on 2016-06-08 19:00:11 In reply to andrewsqual
They'd done the same with AC Syndicate, so why not WD2?
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Commented on 2016-06-08 19:01:35
runs with a gun in one hand and his cell in the other
Trailer looked pretty hipster as well

Definitely aimed at kids
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Commented on 2016-06-08 19:01:51
Any chance we can get the announcement trailer?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2016-06-08 19:02:12 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
Definitely aimed at kids
Millennials. So yes.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2016-06-08 19:10:03 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
runs with a gun in one hand and his cell in the other
Trailer looked pretty hipster as well

Definitely aimed at kids
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Commented on 2016-06-08 19:14:52
You can tell they had an focus group meeting, and listed all the things associated with millennials. They're really trying way too hard...
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Commented on 2016-06-08 20:24:35 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Millennials. So yes.
Well people born in the 80's have been looped into the Millennial definition unfortunately, so I try to steer clear from involving myself :P
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Commented on 2016-06-08 20:43:57 In reply to andrewsqual
Posted by andrewsqual
Apparently there was a gameplay sequence shown too. Saw the embedded Youtube video on Eurogamer. Weird tactics by Ubi with their conference at E3 only 5 days away. Normally they always release a CG trailer for a game at some point. Sometimes its the debut of the game or just a side trailer that wasn't at their actual conference but is released online anyway.
For example, The Divison debuted with a gameplay sequence. A whole year later they showed a CG trailer during their conference. Can't remember what was shown last year off the top of my head.
But here they've shown a lot already. I don't think Watch Dogs 2 will be at E3 unless they show some other gameplay sequence.
At the end of the yt-thingy they said WD2 will be at E3 with a gameplay demo/playthough.
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Commented on 2016-06-08 20:45:33 In reply to andrewsqual
Who cares if their "gameplay" E3 trailers might as well be marked CG?
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Commented on 2016-06-08 21:32:19
I can not wait until that CG trailer becomes actual in-game graphics. It looks absolutely gorgeous.
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Commented on 2016-06-08 21:33:12
I watched the gameplay footage and the lighting specifically looks really good. Lots of aliasing though.
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Commented on 2016-06-08 21:41:45
So much lack of inspiration i see. such a waist for a new IP.
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Commented on 2016-06-08 22:15:23 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
I watched the gameplay footage and the lighting specifically looks really good. Lots of aliasing though.
Ambient occlusion seemed to be quite lacking imho
They will probably slap a Nvidia HBAO on that for PC, given their history
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Commented on 2016-06-09 01:47:30
You remember how cringy and try-hard marc echo's getting up: contents under pressure was? This is like, 10 times worse than that.
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Commented on 2016-06-09 13:04:32 In reply to under02
That was a month before E3 though and the CG trailer for it was released during Sony's E3 conference because it was still something to show. So they must be shown another sequence during somebody's conference and that's it.

Lol all this talking about it and I haven't watched one clip CG or not, as I'm not interested in the game at all. For some reason I am more into the marketing behind it though. :)
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Commented on 2016-06-09 13:45:34
First thing I noticed is how "meh" the graphics were. It seems they finally learned their lesson with bullshit unrealistic graphics. Not that it looks bad, but its definitely not blowing anyone out of the water.
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Commented on 2016-06-09 14:26:36 In reply to scoobs0688
Posted by scoobs0688
First thing I noticed is how "meh" the graphics were. It seems they finally learned their lesson with bullshit unrealistic graphics. Not that it looks bad, but its definitely not blowing anyone out of the water.
it looks so much like GTAV on PS4 to me. even down to the lighting and slightly "clay like" skin shaders. i expected better considering they don't have to make a previous gen version.
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Commented on 2016-06-09 15:07:00
Why is the maincharacter black? i think that dont fit to that game. the same with MAFIA 3.
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Commented on 2016-06-09 15:19:06 In reply to Grisso
Posted by Grisso
Why is the maincharacter black? i think that dont fit to that game. the same with MAFIA 3.
mild racism...

...this is awkward
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Commented on 2016-06-09 15:28:28 In reply to KORNdog

mild racism...

...nope. thats typical. if anybody say "BLACK" you have to be carefully because someone calls you mild rasist.
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Commented on 2016-06-09 15:44:38
How does being black having anything to do with "fit of the game?" Why should that matter? Are there not black hackers?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2016-06-09 16:04:32 In reply to scoobs0688
Posted by scoobs0688
How does being black having anything to do with "fit of the game?" Why should that matter? Are there not black hackers?
Ever seen the movie "Hackers" with Angelina Jolie?
One of them in the group called "Nikon" he was black.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Montreal

$135 of $400 per month

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