GSY Review PS5 Xbox Series X PC

Jusant is a game I was particularly eager to play as I've been a big fan of climbing in video games ever since the very first Tomb Raider. If you tried the PC demo, you know that the climbing mechanics are a bit less simplistic than in the Uncharted or Assassin's Creed series. Each trigger corresponds to a hand, forcing you to grab and let go regularly in order to progress, as you would in real life. Now I should be clear about the fact that DONTNOD hasn't gone for a challenging experience. You can't die in the game as you can't fall to your death, even when you're walking at the edge of a cliff. Indeed, as long as you're not tied to something, the character won't drop down (unless it's not too high and there's an explorable area below you). There's an endurance bar, and it can affect the time you'll take to climb a portion of a cliff, but since you always have a rope preventing you from falling, there is no real sense of fear. Some might find it a bit disappointing, but as for me, I didn't mind at all and I had a great time playing the game until its (literal) peak. It took me about five hours to reach the end and I honestly think it's the right length not to get a redundant experience. The bits of the story you find in the different notes or journals found are quite interesting and touching. They help understand this world, the problems people had to face and the consequences they had on their lives. There are no dialogs in the game so that's how you're able to understand what's going on, along with environmental storytelling. It's probably not a title for everyone, but if you're anything like me and you like beautiful vistas, virtual climbing and poetic atmospheres, you're in for a treat. Last but not least, the game comes at a pretty cheap price!

Gamersyde images (PS5)

  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
  • We reviewed Jusant on PS5 and PC - Gamersyde images (PS5)
Commented on 2023-10-31 16:45:21
they know how to make a good looking game without textures
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Commented on 2023-11-01 18:25:05
yeh currently playing and enjoying this on game pass, really relaxing and fun game actually, big areas to explore in a fantasy world - hope there'd be more climbing games in the future! ;)
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About the game
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$135 of $400 per month

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