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After DOOM, Bethesda is back on the Nintendo Switch with one of their best FPS, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. We were sent an early copy of the game and we've had a bit of time to play it in dock mode and handheld mode. If you've played DOOM on Switch, you won't be surprised by the very low resolution of the game, which can be explained by the fact that the developers wanted to keep as many details as possible. Though locked at 30 fps, the framerate is pretty solid from what we've seen, but aiming will require a bit of getting used to, even with the motion controls activated. Check out our videos inside and let us know what you think of such a release on Switch.

Commented on 2018-06-28 19:09:01
Wolfenstein fan since 1995 I love them all and even finished 3 times the ravensoft's one. I'm also a starbreeze fan sine Riddick and The Darkness so when i heard these guys left Starbreeze to fund Machinegames and developed The New order for Bethesda i was pumped.
Needless to say i Loved The New Order and The Old Blood.

The New Colossus on the other hand i couldn't even finish.
Endless cinematics lost in bad comedy, awfull headbobbing, Emphasis on cover in high difficulties, level design too far from it's own franchise and so on...
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2018-06-28 20:09:14
I also find it a lot more engaging than the first one.
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Commented on 2018-06-29 00:45:45
I found Wolf II to be much better than the New Order but frankly, the ending ruined it for me. It was too abrupt and unsatisfying. it ends where I expected things to really jump off. And I even had warning that the ending sucked and was still disappointed. Shame because up until that point it was a 10/10 in my book.
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Commented on 2018-06-29 00:49:14 In reply to syder
Posted by syder
Wolfenstein fan since 1995 I love them all and even finished 3 times the ravensoft's one. I'm also a starbreeze fan sine Riddick and The Darkness so when i heard these guys left Starbreeze to fund Machinegames and developed The New order for Bethesda i was pumped.
Needless to say i Loved The New Order and The Old Blood.

The New Colossus on the other hand i couldn't even finish.
Endless cinematics lost in bad comedy, awfull headbobbing, Emphasis on cover in high difficulties, level design too far from it's own franchise and so on...
Endless cinematics? Since when is that a bad thing. Especially when they're as well directed and acted as in this game.

Bad comedy? HAHAHAHA Wow, you clearly don't know what comedy is then. The game is hilarious and it fits in perfectly with the characters

Emphasis on cover in high difficulties - Very true however, it's not as bad as something like Call of Duty for example. The running speed is high enough for you to at least be able to travel the battlefield without being instantly killed. But still, you have a point.

but I don't see what's wrong with the level design. I really liked it personally. It's linear but with much more freedom and open areas. I think that's a good thing IMO
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Commented on 2018-06-29 00:58:23
Is it just me or do the graphics look a hell of a lot worse in the town level? It's in Motion Controls #2 video.

The rest of the vids the graphics look pretty good although really blurry compared to Ps4 (same story with Doom). but in the town it looks even worse than that and also the animations look to be at a lower framerate there too.
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Commented on 2018-06-29 03:49:18 In reply to HugoStiglitz
I guess it scratched you Inglorious Basterds itch then given your name(This movie was actually funny to me tho).
I just wanted Wolfenstein. At least i still have the new DOOM which stuck to its roots and is a far better game. And no, Wolf 2 didn't make me laugh it made me cringe.
Comedy is subjective,sorry.
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About the game
Published by
Bethesda Softworks
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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