DjMizuhara is as always going crazy with the gameplay videos of the latest games released in Japan, and I doubt anyone is complaining! This time we get two more videos of Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan! (Yakuza 3), with even more to follow! The game seems to be difficult to understand without some Japanese knowledge, so let's hope Sega will localize this game.

Commented on 2008-03-07 19:46:20
I'd say at the absolute least a person does need minimal Japanese vocab, and know katakana and hiragana by heart and have at least a few kanji knowledge.

You'd probably get stuck in some of the first tutorials without at least that much (knowing to press back and a button to dodge, knowing when to press buttons and so on).

That's even ignoring understanding the story and such (some awesome cutscenes so far, and I'm just entering chapter 2). I'm only getting some of the story (most of the main points, but missing quite a few of the subtleties I'm sure).

Anyways, I'm really liking it. The environmental audio has been turned up from the demo, which is great. Music and acting are really well done, IMO. For the graphics being so realistic, I haven't had a feeling that it felt like computer characters... As atmospheric and engrossing as I had hoped.
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Commented on 2008-03-07 22:18:08
^^ i may consider getting the english version now, it looks really good gameplay, story and graphics wise.
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Commented on 2008-03-07 22:31:19
still no voice acting outside of cut-scenes i see...all that blu-ray disc space and they didint give NPC's voices...strange.
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Commented on 2008-03-07 23:05:11 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
still no voice acting outside of cut-scenes i see...all that blu-ray disc space and they didint give NPC's voices...strange.
That is just seriously disturbing, blu-ray or not. It's the reason I put off Dead Rising pretty much instantly (that along with the most horrible controls I've ever witnessed in a videogame).

Not quite sure what this game's about, but I'm not really digging it so far. Don't understand what this game's main attraction is, but whatever.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Commented on 2008-03-07 23:08:21 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
Don't understand what this game's main attraction is, but whatever.
Japanese swords and geisha's of course :p

Anyway, the demo gave me mixed feelings which kind of put me off. I'm still looking forward to the western release though. The Japanese impressions have been rather good, even coming from people who originally disliked the demo. So I'm hoping I'll enjoy it too. Then again, I enjoyed games like Way of the Samurai. So this game shouldn't have a problem with keeping my interest :p
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Commented on 2008-03-07 23:11:15 In reply to kenshin2418
Posted by kenshin2418
Japanese swords and geisha's of course.
Ah yes, that helps I suppose. :p
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Commented on 2008-03-07 23:19:06 In reply to jmd749
There are 3 types of dialog. Cutscenes with a lot of animation (and voice), just talking parts with voice, and then the text without voice. The voice quality itself seems high.

The appeal of the game is mostly in the story, presentation, graphics, and extras. It does have a similar appeal as Shenmue. The combat is OK, and has tons of moves, moves learning, money and all of that too.

The full game is better than the demos mostly in there's just a ton more stuff, in every way. Not radically different other than the nice sound tweak which adds a lot to the atmosphere.
Posted by jmd749
^^ i may consider getting the english version now, it looks really good gameplay, story and graphics wise.
How much Japanese do you know? You won't enjoy it very much if you're always lost.
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Commented on 2008-03-08 05:52:13 In reply to KORNdog
I'm guessing its because of bugetary reasons, but yeah a little disappointing.
Posted by KORNdog
still no voice acting outside of cut-scenes i see...all that blu-ray disc space and they didint give NPC's voices...strange.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Amusement Vision

$135 of $400 per month

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