Since 6746 Days

Some guy on the Team Xbox forums is saying that Alan Wake is to be published by Microsoft. Anyone know if this is true?
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"Use Humlilty to make them Haughty"-Sun Tzu

Since 7002 Days
I've heard the rumour elsewhere aswell, could just be idle chatter but Remedy didn't have a publisher before and Microsoft would do well to get them on board.
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Since 6844 Days
Apparantly the guy is very reliable
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Since 6746 Days
Well I guess now Alan Wake for the PS3 if its true.
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"Use Humlilty to make them Haughty"-Sun Tzu

Since 7024 Days
Nexus works or worked on a danish gaming site or magazine,i cant remember.
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Since 6906 Days
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Since 6855 Days
Don't expect to see this game at E3, i read the dev's said they would rather spend time on developing the title.

Think it was on IGN of TXB.
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Since 6953 Days
Nexus is a good poster, I remember him from the fable forums. The fact that he posted this makes it a helluva lot more believable.
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Since 6864 Days
Ouch... alot of ps3 fans have been talking about this one.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 6864 Days
Fable 2 will have a presence as well.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Since 7002 Days
Posted by Jollipop
Don't expect to see this game at E3, i read the dev's said they would rather spend time on developing the title.

Think it was on IGN of TXB.
Yeah and I don't mind to be honest, it might get overshadowed by other games and the more time they get to work with the 360 the better!
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Since 6953 Days
Posted by Optimusv2
Fable 2 will have a presence as well.
Yup. Highly looking forward to that.
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Since 6950 Days
I'll also vouch for Nexus' credibility.

And yes Alan Wake is an awesome game for the XBOX 360. The premise of the game is very interesting. It has the potential to be the next-big 'Silent Hill'.

From everything I've gathered so far, Alan Wake is still in development but chances are an announcement will be made in E3. Microsoft must have seen something special in this game...

Btw what Nexus provided is information that the games are coming to the XBOX 360 (some exclusive / some shared with the PC) but he did not offer confirmation about the games being shown completely in the E3 showfloor...closed doors perhaps.
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