Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (3 Weeks ago)
Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (4 Weeks ago)
Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (4 Weeks ago)
Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (7 Weeks ago)
CraCra Y a un souci sur les forums ? (10 Weeks ago)
nostradamus very few with religious beliefs are naive or zealots, but for sure don't find amusing their beliefs being thrown in for clout. maybe STFU with that discourse? (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)
This is now the 6th year we are running this. Here are the results threads from the past 5 years:
2008 Edition
2009 Edition
2010 Edition
2011 Edition
2012 Edition
So, THE RULES OF THE VOTING for this year are:
[01] - List up to 6 games (6 is the maximum, other games could be given honourable mentions) that you have played this year regardless of platform from 1 to 6. The First being, obviously, your game of the year. The first game on the list will get 6 points, the second will get 5 points and so on... If you have played less than 6 games, that's fine, just list 5 or 4 games etc.... The minimum would, of course, have to be at least one game.
[02] - To ensure a good representation of the forum's opinion, please TRY to list only the games you have completed. Voting for a game you have barely played just isnt right. If that's difficult, list the games you have played a very good portion of to form your opinion. I believe that all games on your list should be ones that you completed because if a game deserves to be on your top list, it deserves to be completed!
[03] - Games eligible to be in the list are only those released between Jan 1st - Dec 31st 2013 in your country.
[04] - Voting will remain OPEN until JANUARY 31st 2014 and I intend to pos the results one week after that (hopefully ;) )
Get playing and most importantly get voting!
Following the conclusion of this, I intend to open up another voting thread for your games of the generation! more to follow soon. In the mean time and EARLY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL and remember Keep Playing!
1. The Last of Us - the best game ND have produced. Gameplay was dynamic and made you think on your feet. It was stealth focused but you never felt like you needed to start over of you where seen, you would simply adapt and survive. Great characters, awesome story, amazing visuals, nothing came close except for...
2. Tearaway - this took me by surprise, i liked the look of it since day 1, but i never thought it would be as unbelievably charming and likeable as it was. I was grinning like a mad man through the entire thing. Great style, innovative, fun, and a tech demo for the vita. Best game MM has made imo. It may not offer the creative freedom of LBP, but as a game i liked it more.
3. AC4 : Black Flag - another surprising one for me given my dislike of the previous entries in the series. It dropped the tedious intro associated with the franchise. It dropped MOST of the boring missions. The collectibles had a reason to be there, exploration and hunting was fun due to taking many cues from far cry 3. It had a much needed fast travel system which again, removed the tedium of travel. Sailing and boarding ships for loot was great and even the fleet minigame was entertaining. After the awful AC3 and what i consider to be the most needless extensions of a sequel ever with the ezio trilogy, i was massively impressed by this game. Not the looker it should have been on PS4, but that's the only real negative i could raise against it.
4. Bioshock : Infinite - a sequel worthy of the bioshock name, no more rapture, no more dark, depressing corridors. It was great. Shooting was tight, abilities where fun to use and combine, the sky rails where super fun and surprisingly not annoying to use. Decent length, great characters, Elizabeth was second only to Ellie as far as companion AI, the game looked great and man...dat ending. When a game sticks with me for days after completing it, i know it's a good 'un.
5. Ni No Kuni - ghibli, level 5, pokemon in 3D. What's not to like. One of very few JRP's i've enjoyed enough to finish, it was a bit too kid centric with hand holding at every turn and no real challenge to be found. But it didn't matter. It was a fun and charming adventure and a ghibli style world. Combat was simple, but i loved it. Music was great, and aside from one or 2 even the voice acting was great, especially the main bad guys like shadar. Criminally overlooked.
6. Warframe - it was a toss up between this and GTA, but for me GTA just sort of, came and went. Warframe has grabbed me by the balls and doesn't seem to want to let go. It's a basic game. But with systems in place to keep you playing. You are constantly rewarded with "stuff" only that stuff is used to make other stuff, which takes time to "cook", every warframe is distinct, the style is awesome. The random dungeons keep things relatively fresh (although not as much as i'd like) it a great, free to play mass effect 3 multiplayer-esque experience and i've sunk more time into then i care to mention.
game released before 2013 that i played in 2013 - zombiU - well worth the wait and easily met and exceeded my expectations. Even more like demon's souls with zombies then i expected. Even has messages you can leave other players and even has a system when your fallen survivor is implanted into other players games...complete with whatever you had in your bug out bag at the time, story wise it's lacking, much like demon's souls, but the atmosphere, and gameplay make up for it. I want more, but i know ubisoft have no intention of making a sequel. Which is a shame. It's a great game.
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
4. Saints Row IV
5. Pokemon Y
6. Path of Exile
2. Grand Theft Auto V
3. Metal Gear Rising
4. Rayman Legends
5. The Last of Us
These are the games with which i had most fun.
Decent ones, which i should mention - Battleblock Theater, CoJ Gunslinger, Bioshock Infinite, The Bridge, Metro Last Light...pretty sure i miss something, hmmm.
2.Bioshock Infinite
3.Forza 5
5.Fifa 14
Prepare To Drop!!
This has been a pretty good year in my opinion. I'm not ready to make a list though. Just thinking: Super Mario 3D World, Saints Row 4, Bioshock Infinite, Battlefield 4, Path of Exile (lol Isomac stfu), Spelunky... and many more really...
I will certain be playing one of these games tonight.
Also i have missed some good ones like Tearaway (don't have Vita), Super Mario 3D World etc.. Should get Wii U asap.
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. The Last of Us
4. Battlefield 4 Open Alpha
add me on PSN: scoobs0688
Currently playing: NBA2k14, Killzone:SF, FIFA14, Battlefield 4 (PC)
2. Path of Exile: This is probably the best Diablo clone I've ever played. It's full of clever systems, and the majority of those systems are deeply connected to loot. The economy/vendor recipe system and active skill systems are inherently tied to itemization. Then you have the excessive and flexible stat building in the passive skill tree. Oh and it's free but it begs for your money less than most $60 games did this year. Very close to tying Mario.
Very free. Do try. Might like.
3. Battlefield 4: The launch was a train wreck, and I could literally argue all day about design, but the core is (still) fairly solid. The infantry mechanics are solid. The vehicle mechanics are solid. And so is a lot of the level and scenario design. There's too much fun to be had here to leave this off of my list, for better or worse. I mean.. come on.. where else are you going to see shit like this: http://youtu.be/f7PJ61UV608
Nowhere. Because Battlefield isn't an FPS. It transcended genres long ago and at its best it offers more variety and more what-the-fucks per minute than any other game out there. Still. Despite itself.
4. Saints Row 4: This game is a fuckin' riot. It's jumped the shark and it's better for it. You can even feel a little Crackdown in there, although it's more Enter The Matrix (but good).
5. Bioshock Infinite: It doesn't make as much sense as it thinks it does, but it's still a fascinating, beautiful, and affective game. It's moving. For all of the wrong reasons at times. But it works.
I don't want to rank this but it probably belongs on my list: Spelunky. I just haven't played it enough. Rogue Legacy also deserves a mention. And a million other games. More later maybe. Good year.
2.Bioshock Infinite
3.Forza 5
4.Saint Row 4
5.Dead Rising 3
2: Terraria
3: Black Flag
4: Puppeteer
5: Broken Sword 5
And Honorable mention is Tearaway, but i only played demo and it was damn good.
Did love BF4 what i have played of it (SP only) just mopping up AC:BF MP before i move on to BF4 :) but there is no way i can rate it higher than the sex that is already on my list.
GT: ManThatYouFear
Steam: Psn_ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat
2. Mediocre Sequel 5
3. Predictable FPS 4
4. Totally Broken 2
5. Cut Content Forever
"The only thing that is obscene is censorship."
2. Mediocre Sequel 5
3. Predictable FPS 4
4. Totally Broken 2
5. Cut Content Forever
2: GTA 5
3: Forza 5
4: AC4
5: BF4
2. Ratchet And Clank Nexus
3. Castlevania Mirror Of Fate HD
4. Rain
5. Ni No Kuni
2. Pikmin 3 (WII U)
3. Path of Exile (PC)
4. Antichamber (PC)
5. Saints Row IV (PC)
6. Spelunky (PC)
Great games this year. I still got lots of interesting games to try, like papers please. PoE might be higher on the list if it didn't have desync issues.
Hail to the king, baby!
Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.
1. Mario 3D World
3. BF4 (Would have been number one if it weren't for the many issues)
4. Bioshock Infinite
I would put Zelda WW HD on the list, but as it is a remake I technically don't consider it a 2013 game. I'm also haven't play Path of Exile which I'm about to play it soon, so I might add it later. I also want to play the Last of Us, but I don't have a PS3 available now, but on April I will go to visit my brother on the US, so I will be able to play it on his PS3. If Alimo have this still open by that time :P as we know he likes to take his time ;) I might add it to.
When I first saw the game I just knew I'd love it (when it was being handled by Kojima Productions) then when it switched to
Platinum Games, I knew that first trailer messed it up completely for Metal Gear Solid fans and I just sat there
loving how bonkers it all was.
Fast forward in time and the demo comes with ZOE: HD and I am sceptical for all of 15 seconds as I get used to the
control scheme; a demo I played longer than most games. The combos while lacking in numbers are tuned to have
a specific level of damage depending on the enemy type - it managed to maintain its depth with a less is more approach.
The parry/counter system was a godsend managing to make the game difficult and fun while keeping you
involved at the same time, it was humorous when people begged for a dedicated block button - a game to separate the
men from the boys.
150+ hours later and it's not only my favourite action game of the generation but one of my top 5 games of the generation,
high hopes for Metal Gear Rising 2 where they will have enough dev time to put that wall run in and make it a true staple of
action games.
2. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Dragon's Dogma still had an ample amount of play time left in it before Dark Arisen, so when it was announced for £20.00
with extra everything? I couldn't pass it up.
I classify this as the game the game that made me wish I invested in capture software of some sort, or that Game DVR capabilities
were present in the PS3/360 as it is the only game that consistently hits me with spectacular moments that will not be found
in any other game prior, current or post (at least I haven't found them).
So I head into the 2nd floor of this dungeon and am immediately greeted by an Elemental Dragon - I've done this dance before so
I sprint towards the dragon, jump and just about manage to grab the end of the tail, my skin is burning but that's ok I have the HP
and he'll be dead soon. Daring as I am, I want to jump from the tail to the leg as I need to target that Dragon heart and reclaim the
skies, I angle the camera and my Arisen, steady the feet and jump... Completely missing.
The floor is a long way down 'fuck, fuck, FUCK', out of habit I hold RT hoping that a random platform will slide out of nowhere, this
isn't that kind of game. Suddenly... Goliath! Jokes, not Goliath but a gargoyle, looks more like Lexington and apparently has flown
up all this way allowing me a makeshift platform to grab onto (complete fluke), I grab its feet and it flies up all the way to the bitch
dragon distracted by my pawn, her friend and Big Bob. Nice! 2nd attempt... Success! This time I am closer to its heart, a few shuffles
against a stubborn camera and blade finally meets flesh, flooring the dragon and ensuring victory.
Hoping Capcom can find it in their lack of budget to make a 2nd one and go out in a blaze of glory; a fine game to fold on and one I would
gladly dedicate another 600+ hours to.
3. Rayman Legends
Super simple. Super fun. Super Platformer. Kung Foot may be one of the best local multiplayer games conceived by man. If you
want to know where Ubisoft's creativity is? It lives in Rayman Legends.
The only negative is that there is no counter for how long you've been playing, I wanna show the world how much I appreciate the game
it has statistics for near enough everything you do... So why not this? The sleeper hit for me of 2013, wasn't on my radar and then I played
Castle Rock.
Special Mention
All 3 of these games have fantastic soundtracks, very well tailored to the highs and lows of what is happening on-screen, allowing
you to get into a rhythm of sorts and I am a big fan of music intertwining with gameplay. If you ever have time, just listen to
some of them and I'll guarantee you'll like at least one song from each.
Honorary mention: Last Of Us
While not falling head over heels for the single player, Last of Us had me at the multiplayer. It was different and refreshing, and a game
that managed a competent single player as well as a fantastic multiplayer, a trait seldom seen in the latter phase of the generation. There
was a panic when people heard that TLOU would have multiplayer, a fear soon put to bed when people eventually got their hands on it.
If you have TLOU and haven't tried the multiplayer? I urge you to try it.
Special thanks to PhaePhae for reminding me with a particularly apt Gif.
There are two rules to success:
1. Never tell all you know.