Ps3 vs 360 - Here we go again - Welcome to 2008 :0)

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
Posté par Jin187
Thats very surprising, the 360 has arguably the best line up of games of all time within 3 months, on any platform and its only now that you realise that the ps3 is better?
I knew the PS3 is better once I knew what games I look most forward to, and the hardware was surprisingly better.

But 360 is nothing if it wasent for the games.

However, how are you gonna play the games if your 360 dies on you, freezes, scracthes your disc, gives disc error...etc.

Ever since I bought the Ps3 I kept liking it more and more, not saying 360 is bad, but it is sure as hell not good.

If Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2 and Too Human wasen't exclusive (mostly NG2) I would have sold my 360 after I bought the PS3 and get some cash to get some Blu-Ray movie, or PS3 games or just save them.
Posté par Isomac
Umm what? So companies should just keep the games and release them later :S That doesn't sound too wise.
yes no sense, i was mad the time i wrote that, shitty time ;)
Posté par Phellan_Wolf
(HD DVD might win DDD,I am just being a bit hilarious).
360 is a gaming console not a movie player.
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*A New Form of Change*

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 6824 Jours
I was looking at the sales data for the first 12 months all three consoles were on the market and compared it to last gen when all 3 consoles were on the market. Here were the numbers for the US:
Posté par me
In their first full 12 months (Nov 2001 - Oct 2002) of the PS2/Xbox/GCN all being on the market at the same time they sold:

PS2: 7,280k
Xbox: 3,090k
GCN: 2,450k
Total: 12,820k

From Nov 2006 - October 2007:

PS3: 2,206k
360: 4,268k
Wii: 4,946k
Total: 11,450k
Kind of interesting to see how things have flipped. Based on the first 12 months of all products competing on the market at the same time the rank looks like this:

PS2: 7,280k
Wii: 4,946k
360: 4,268k
Xbox: 3,090k
GCN: 2,450k
PS3: 2,206k

For reference the Xbox 360 did 2.9M in its first 12 months and the PS2 a little over 4M in the US in its first 12 (based on a line graph).
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My Blog:

Inscrit depuis 6795 Jours
At the end of the day, for those who's 360's havn't crashed and burnt, the 360 is a more lucrative deal.

Not only is it reasonably priced in comparison to the PS3 (Who ever put the price on the PS3 was a complete idiot) Its had a better collection of games, obviously, as it did come out way before.

Maybe if the PS3 wasn't a very ugly looking peice of plastic and was priced around the same as the 360, in my opinion it would have actually faired better.

I don't see much in the future for the PS3, especially since all these "exclusives" are slowly fading away.

Both consoles are pretty much identical, you could always see the difference between the PS + Dreamcast + N64 , PS2 + Xbox and whatever generations they were in, and they were never said to be "this gen" or whatever gen.

The better console is the cheaper one imo, and Sony can eff off if they think im paying £400 for a not really new console.
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UFC 2009, Its going to be the best game ever.

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
I'll probably end up getting a PS3. Free online, open architecture, blu ray player, and it will still have its exclusives.

Will probably be the first time I buy a Sony console.
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Inscrit depuis 6737 Jours
I would agree with that sheps only if Sony lose MGS4.

Multiplatform games don't mean shit really, its the exclusives and as far as I can see PS3 still has MGS4, FF13 and GoW.

All of which are huge system sellers, add to that Killzone 2, Tekken 6, Little Big Planet & White Knight Story the future looks pretty good for the PS3 IMO.

Sure these games don't appeal to the PC/Nerd user base that the 360 might but I think the PS3 will strike a much better balance of diversity than the 360 (not that the 360 is bad).

There is no denying that price is crippling PS3 sales and will for sometime.

Another thing to note is that we as gamers, If our 360s break we get them fixed, but a casual gamer will just get fed up and lose respect for that produce and the company who makes it. (suddenly the PS3 with its higher price tag looks a lot more attractive)

I really didn't mind paying extra for the PS3 because I haven't even had the slightest hardware fault to date, you get what you pay for as the old addage goes.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Inscrit depuis 6565 Jours
Posté par Acert93
I was looking at the sales data for the first 12 months all three consoles were on the market and compared it to last gen when all 3 consoles were on the market. Here were the numbers for the US:

Kind of interesting to see how things have flipped. Based on the first 12 months of all products competing on the market at the same time the rank looks like this:

PS2: 7,280k
Wii: 4,946k
360: 4,268k
Xbox: 3,090k
GCN: 2,450k
PS3: 2,206k

For reference the Xbox 360 did 2.9M in its first 12 months and the PS2 a little over 4M in the US in its first 12 (based on a line graph).
Those numbers did a complete 360. lol
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 6847 Jours
I see these entry level versions as a big problem.

Sony advertises their PS3 starting at $399 here, but of course we all know that's the gimp system.

I like it in the old days when the only difference was how many controllers/games came in the box.
Now, if you spend less, you are getting a worse system.

Console, I knew thee well but you are screwing me.
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Inscrit depuis 6598 Jours
Posté par Sath
But 360 is nothing if it wasent for the games.
360 would be a PS3 if it wasnt for the games :p
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Inscrit depuis 6737 Jours
Posté par NeoNemesis
Those numbers did a complete 360. lol
180 you mean, 360 is back where you started... but nice try
Posté par PlumbDrumb
I see these entry level versions as a big problem.

Sony advertises their PS3 starting at $399 here, but of course we all know that's the gimp system.

I like it in the old days when the only difference was how many controllers/games came in the box.
Now, if you spend less, you are getting a worse system.

Console, I knew thee well but you are screwing me.
Its not really a gimp system though, I never use the SD cards in my PS3 and lack of backward compatibility isn't a huge deal.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
Posté par Jollipop
its the exclusives and as far as I can see PS3 still has MGS4, FF13 and GoW.
And Killzone 2.

PS3 got more exclusives than those titles man, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank series...etc. more title that have been announced that we have yet to see as screenshot or trailers or more info in general really.
Posté par Jin187
360 would be a PS3 if it wasnt for the games :p
Hehe nice joke :P

360 dies, PS3 don't.
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*A New Form of Change*

kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Inscrit depuis 6829 Jours
well, when I eventually get around to it(silence Phaethon :p) I plan on getting the 20GB one, unless I can find a good deal on a 60GB one. Then just upgrade the HDD myself since it'll take your standard HDD(Notebook only I think?).
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If you're not down with Disturbed, then FU! Thanks.

Inscrit depuis 6884 Jours
Killzone 2 is definitely not in the same category as MGS4, FF14 and GoW3. Those are proven franchises, Killzone is very far from that.
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Inscrit depuis 6258 Jours
If you are talking about consoles then games for the 360 are as exclusive as any PS3 exclusive, even if the games are released on PC (Windows).

Because the 360 and PC are very similar architectures, both run Microsoft platforms and there are good developer tools from microsoft for a unified development process, it's very likely that games for the 360 also appears on PC.

So talking that there are less 360 exclusives is just wrong. Gears of War, Bioshock etc. are as exclusive as any other PS3 exclusive. And there are lots of 360 games, many more than PS3 exclusives.

I mean, Sony is talking about KZ2 for years. Uncharted or Heavenly Sword were hyped as those system seller for the PS3. But sales for HS and Uncharted are a big disappointment. So when will those system seller come? Why should KZ2 be more a system seller than any other shooter like CoD4 or HALO 3.
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Inscrit depuis 6797 Jours
360 has something to offer
PS3 has something to offer
Wii has something to offer

the end.
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Inscrit depuis 6565 Jours
Lock this filth.
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

Inscrit depuis 6713 Jours
WOW this is one hell of a sad thread! both consoles have great games coming this year.., just enjoy, this is the best time for gamers ever!
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Mass Effect - Nov 07 - Start the Fight!!!


Inscrit depuis 6795 Jours
Posté par ManThatYouFear
Wii has something to offer
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UFC 2009, Its going to be the best game ever.

Inscrit depuis 6258 Jours
Posté par Sheps
At the end of the day, for those who's 360's havn't crashed and burnt, the 360 is a more lucrative deal.

Not only is it reasonably priced in comparison to the PS3 (Who ever put the price on the PS3 was a complete idiot) Its had a better collection of games, obviously, as it did come out way before.

Maybe if the PS3 wasn't a very ugly looking peice of plastic and was priced around the same as the 360, in my opinion it would have actually faired better.

I don't see much in the future for the PS3, especially since all these "exclusives" are slowly fading away.

Both consoles are pretty much identical, you could always see the difference between the PS + Dreamcast + N64 , PS2 + Xbox and whatever generations they were in, and they were never said to be "this gen" or whatever gen.

The better console is the cheaper one imo, and Sony can eff off if they think im paying £400 for a not really new console.
thats the biggest load of tosh i've ever read.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
Posté par KORNdog
thats the biggest load of tosh i've ever read.
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*A New Form of Change*

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6854 Jours
Posté par Sath
But 360 is nothing if it wasent for the games.
And yet, the 360 has the games, the better multiplatform titles, and better (not more reliable) hardware. That's all it needs. It's easily the better videogame platform at the moment, and for the foreseeable future. I agree with Sheps. I couldn't care less about games that won't be out for months and months and utter unknowns like Killzone 2 (frankly, Resistance 2 is more interesting because I know Resistance 1 was actually good).

The PS3 is a glorified DVD player.
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Inscrit depuis 6737 Jours
When that comes from a mod you know the thread is shot to hell, can we close this now.. :P
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6854 Jours
Hey, that's just my opinion. There's been plenty of 360 hate around here lately, anyway. People are entitled to love their PS3's however much they like.. but I see its media functions as being its real strong point right now, and generally speaking that's not the main purpose of a videogame console.

It's the nature of the thread.. and I promised Phaethon I wouldn't lock it before things got exciting :P
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deftangel - Hot stuff!
Inscrit depuis 6722 Jours
I actually bought my PS3 on the back of three things, Heavenly Sword, Little Big Planet and the Home beta. You can couple that with being generally interested in the technology and being interested in all three platforms but basically it was those three things that sold the deal.

Though only one of those actually happened this year (and we were promised all three) I don't regret it at all but my PS3 sees very little love since I traded in Heavenly Sword save the odd burst of Super Stardust or a Blu-Ray movie.

I'm really interested in playing Everyday Shooter but for some reason it's not out here still. This part of PSN needs sorting out.

By and large though, my 2008 gaming will still be done on the 360 and I would recommend that platform to anyone who wants to play games. Hardware is now reliable, it's a bit cheaper, library is excellent, cross platform titles will not be any worse and first party this year is not an order of magnitude worse than the PS3 to swing it that way. Apart from Home, Little Big Planet and maybe Killzone 2 there is not a lot I'm personally looking forward to whereas my 360 list is in double figures.

It's not tosh to say these systems are relatively equivalent in power and that broadly, third party titles will play the same on both systems. That's reality and it makes for pretty comparable bits of hardware. At that juncture, other variables like price and first party releases for 08 come in to it so I don't see points of view in that regard invalid at all.
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XBL/PSN: deftangel. Views are my own and not representative of my employers. Boulets aren't the end of the world, you will get over them! Reading and constructive discussion classes are available, enquire via PM :)

Inscrit depuis 6799 Jours
The one thing I love about the 360 is the connectivity. Without live, the games I have would feel incomplete.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6720 Jours
I am just gonna end my line in this thread and say...I like the PS3 and 360 equally, but there are times I just hate 360 for its freezing, dies...etc.

Both got great games, just depends on each individual what they are looking for and what they like, not who says what, that is what I went for and I did a good desicion.

I won't loose on exclusives and I will have fun on both of the worlds, so I dont care which is better or worst.

For me, both have good things and bad things, good games and bad games.

But one thing that I just decided is each multiplatform game that comes out, I am getting it on PS3. IF the graphics and the perfomance is VERY bad and shitty compared to 360 then I will switch, but if it runs good and looks good as a PS3 title, I have no problem.

And thats that...good bye :)
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*A New Form of Change*

Il faut etre identifie pour participer au forum !

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

Quoi de neuf ?
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