Xbox 360 PS3

Ubisoft releases some new images of Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, now planned to be released in 2008. It looks suprisingly worse than before.

5 images

  • Images of Brothers in Arms 3 - 5 images
  • Images of Brothers in Arms 3 - 5 images
  • Images of Brothers in Arms 3 - 5 images
  • Images of Brothers in Arms 3 - 5 images
  • Images of Brothers in Arms 3 - 5 images
Commented on 2007-12-13 18:53:20
It's really hard for me to care about this after Call of Duty 4, but it looks ok. I never enjoyed having to move all my teamates around, I like the games where they just do what they are supposed to on their own.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:02:54
Woah. The visuals got a serious downgrade. That doesn't really surprise me these days. Happens an awful lot.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:04:46
I'm looking forward to this.

However, somehow I've the impression that Brothers in Arms is what Medal of Honor was. Before Medel of Honor started to suck.

Anyway, this will probably be the better single player experience compared to Call of Duty 4. Hated the single player aspects of Call of Duty 4 (love the multiplayer though), so I will most certainly get this.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:07:48
Did you sat World War? YAAAAAAAAAWN.

No disrespect to the REAL World War but man games about World War...I literally feel sick when I see that theme now.

And I thought this game was already out lol
Too much pre-release hype I guess.

Yeah, let's put it this way: If I was locked in a room with nothing but this game and a PS3 or a 360 (and TV), I rather eat the consoles than play this game.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2007-12-13 19:09:07
worse than before? Looks pretty good to me!
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:09:27
Like omg, WW2 was like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1st gen game titles, who forgot to tell them that like the latest trend is bringing old IPS into the new millenium

Lik my god...fricken noobs
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:10:13
World War II that is sooooo 1939 (to 1945). How could I ever go back to a Thompson after the M16A4.

looks alright though ;)
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:13:58
Guess we're gonna need a WWIII...
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:14:35
what the hell happened? hopefullythey are not representative of the final game:O
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:16:10
It's so trendy 2 diss WW2 games now. Sigh

This game looks very promising
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:17:21
Is this game ever gonna come out?? Looks good.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:18:33
So they had problems? They faced the problem that they're too lazy to get a steady framerate so they took the easy way and just downgraded the gfx.

Not really, it just looks better in motion. And we're used to high-def games now, so it started to look bad over this year.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 19:42:09
Wii version?...
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Commented on 2007-12-13 20:03:24
It's so trendy 2 diss WW2 games now. Sigh
I can picture you flicking your hair after you said that.

I don't care if it's trendy or not, it's not my fault my natural reaction is to feel sick when I see a game based on WW (any of the two).
That's what made Company Of Heroes (as awesome as it is) less fun for me.

But yeah whatever, enjoy this game if you like it.....¬_¬
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Commented on 2007-12-13 20:14:22
First off I agree.. WWII game = yawn. It's been done dev's. Move on.

Secondly, this game suddenly looks like poo. Look at the "tree" textures on the left side of the last screenshot. that is like PS1 resolution... :s I remember the first shots they released with that incredibly detailed Ivy and now this? Thats a serious downgrade...
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Commented on 2007-12-13 20:20:21
Looks definetly better than cod4, that game is just cod 1/2/3 in different time. This one will have some depth and strategy in it. COD4 mp is good tho, or so I hear.

Still love the era. Just hate all the crap that come out mixed to the good games, riding their wave (eg. cod 2/3, MOH-series).
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Commented on 2007-12-13 20:54:07
I don't particularly like games that 'require' flanking like Full Spectrum Warrior. I don't particularly like Gearbox after their conversion of Halo 1. Also, some of their staff are jerks.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:11:16 In reply to Jigen
Posted by Jigen
Also, some of their staff are jerks.
You say that like jerks make bad games or something.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:16:19
What happened to the trees? In the older pictures you could see each leaf on the tree and it looked great. Now it's some amorphous green blob attached to some branches.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:24:02
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:27:01
They better have 10300923480928 characters on screen or i'm going to punch a child.

I just watched some footage a month ago that had a decent frame rate and looked 3 times better than this.

What gives?
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:28:16 In reply to KUFI
Posted by KUFI
Wii version?...
PS2 version
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:28:50 In reply to DJJoeJoe
Posted by DJJoeJoe
You say that like jerks make bad games or something.
Not really, I hear the guys at Rockstars are huge jerks, but I have more confidence in their game making ability than pretty much anyone else at this point.

I just don't like the Gearbox people (played Halo 1 with them and on their forums)...
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:34:40
Note to Gearbox: Leave any hope to sell BIA3 in that shite form.
And this is not screens - this is a disaster.
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Commented on 2007-12-13 21:51:36
Omg....What the hell happened! The game looked great when they showed it at Ubidays (or what ever it was called)

From this:

To this:
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Gearbox Software

$135 of $400 per month

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