Video PS3

Sony just send us the second making of video of Beyond: Two Souls, looking quite good for our now aging current generation of consoles.

Commented on 2013-07-24 14:34:07
I swear I keep trying to get excited for this genre, but I'm still not, at least to the point of buying the game. But like I said in previous Beyond Two Souls videos: I really appreciate its production values and story telling. Maybe I will change my mind by the times reviews come out. Looks pretty decent tho.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 15:30:06
Tearing in this game is excessive.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2013-07-24 15:40:57
graphics gets worse with every video. but if it has the choices and multiple story arcs like Heavy rain i will enjoy playing it.. if i havent sold my PS3 by then
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Commented on 2013-07-24 15:55:35
i think this comes after GTA, so it will officially be my last current gen release. can't wait.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 16:09:20
Game still looks great
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Commented on 2013-07-24 17:26:09
On a side note. I'm starting to read more books, so games that are heavily story driven are really starting to appeal to me. Like this one
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Commented on 2013-07-24 18:23:29 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i think this comes after GTA, so it will officially be my last current gen release. can't wait.
You skipping Dark Souls II? I'm more interested in this rather than all these early next-gen titles tbh.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 18:32:02 In reply to Seth
Posted by Seth
You skipping Dark Souls II? I'm more interested in this rather than all these early next-gen titles tbh.
Yeah, probably gonna skip it. unless they announce a next gen version. or better yet, sony announce a demon's souls 2 at TGS *drools*
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Commented on 2013-07-24 19:54:16 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
or better yet, sony announce a demon's souls 2 at TGS *drools*
This better be developed by From Software, otherwise meh.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 20:16:05
This looks quite bad to be honest, thought the videos are from earlier builds? Cause I recall seeing much better gameplay video of it.

I think LA Noire still has better facial animation
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Commented on 2013-07-24 20:37:49 In reply to Seth
Posted by Seth
This better be developed by From Software, otherwise meh.
I just want miyazaki involved tbh. He's on the quiet side atm, stepped away from dark souls 2 for something else, just hoping he's been helping sony with a demon's sequel...i'd squeel like a girl tbh.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 20:40:14 In reply to maxccchan
Posted by maxccchan
I think LA Noire still has better facial animation
For sure, the only problem was that the other aspects weren't as up to par with the facial animations making the heads feel disconnected from the world. I really do Hope someone decides to use Motionscan next gen because the tech was revolutionary imho.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 20:49:21 In reply to ace9846
Posted by ace9846
For sure, the only problem was that the other aspects weren't as up to par with the facial animations making the heads feel disconnected from the world. I really do Hope someone decides to use Motionscan next gen because the tech was revolutionary imho.
I'm sure someone will, or at least adapt the tech to work in conjunction with fictional faces. That was a big problem with it on a larger scale, cross game sense. You litterally had to capture that person, exactly as is, with hair stylists, makeup artists etc. if they could let you transfare the data onto a facial model that wasn't the one captured, it would be far more usefull. It also was a head only capture, making the body acting jarring and manakin like. The future seems to be full body/face/voice capture though, And what was in LA noire doesn't do that...yet.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 21:16:03 In reply to ace9846
That snow looked pretty cool. Getting less sure about picking this game up though since the e3 demo they showed.. I would've preferred it to be like heavy rain throughout.. but not sure how fresh that would've felt when just playing the one character throughout.

Looks like the horse is replacing the bow this year.
Posted by ace9846
For sure, the only problem was that the other aspects weren't as up to par with the facial animations making the heads feel disconnected from the world. I really do Hope someone decides to use Motionscan next gen because the tech was revolutionary imho.
I think Quantum Break is doing something similar? capturing the actors in full that will also appear in the "tv show". Sounds ambitious however they're going about it.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 21:40:23 In reply to TreyAndQuad4life
Posted by TreyAndQuad4life
I swear I keep trying to get excited for this genre, but I'm still not, at least to the point of buying the game. But like I said in previous Beyond Two Souls videos: I really appreciate its production values and story telling. Maybe I will change my mind by the times reviews come out. Looks pretty decent tho.
Yeah I know what you mean, I was excited when they announced it but now im not feeling it anymore, maybe its just the previous trailers though. At first I thought it was a thriller but then the part were there seems to be a lot of moments for action was what really put me off (Scenes in a foreign country, alot of combat scenes) but then again it might just be marketing, trying to appeal to more broader audience.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 22:02:07 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i think this comes after GTA, so it will officially be my last current gen release. can't wait.
So this must mean... No Last Guardian for Korn ? But to think of it, maybe the reason for the game's constant delays is it undergoing a nextgen overhaul, so the time to abondon that rusty ol'ship wouldn't be chosen so badly anyway.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 22:12:00
I love the trailers they have shown. I din't buy HR but will surely get this
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Commented on 2013-07-24 22:30:39 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
So this must mean... No Last Guardian for Korn ? But to think of it, maybe the reason for the game's constant delays is it undergoing a nextgen overhaul, so the time to abondon that rusty ol'ship wouldn't be chosen so badly anyway.
I can't imagine they'd release TLG current gen anymore. Assuming it's still alive (which E3 indicates it is) i think it's a PS4 game, hopefully shown at TGS, but more likely some time in 2014.
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Commented on 2013-07-24 23:08:14
Or it's just dead (>;___;)>
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Commented on 2013-07-24 23:29:55 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
Or it's just dead (>;___;)>
Without peeking inside the walls of sony, it's a schrodinger's cat/bird/dog-thing situation. The guy at sony japan said it was in full development after E3 though after jack tretton mentioned it being on hiatus. Maybe it's just another versus 13 situation. Long bouts of silence, and when they're ready they'll re-reveal a re-imagined re-named pile of awesomesauce...i hope.
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Commented on 2013-07-25 03:00:21
They're not gonna be happy until they post the whole game, before it's even released. (and for the record, I didn't watch this video)
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Quantic Dream

$135 of $400 per month

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