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A 16.94 GB video, that's what CD PROJEKT RED finally sent us for you guys to watch the first gameplay reveal of Cyberpunk 2077 in high quality. Given its size, the file is only available via torrent unless you're a patron (25 dollars or more), in which case you can download it normally thanks to the dedicated server. This will be for at least a few hours as our download servers will absolutely not be able to handle such load. Anyway, enjoy!
Update: Since the peak of visitors is now gone, it's now possible to download the video normally.

Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal and Message From Game Director

27 August, 2018
CD PROJEKT RED, creators of The Witcher and GWENT, are proud to present the first gameplay recording of their upcoming open world RPG — Cyberpunk 2077.

“What we’re releasing today was recorded from a game deep in development.” — says Adam Badowski, Cyberpunk 2077 Game Director and CD PROJEKT RED Head of Studio. “Since many of the assets and mechanics in the current version of Cyberpunk 2077 are most likely to be modified, we initially decided to show this gameplay only to media. Elements like gunplay (both in terms of visuals and how RPG stats influence it), netrunning, car physics, or the game’s UI — everything’s pretty much still in the playtest phase and we felt uneasy about publicly committing to any particular design. Animation glitches, work-in-progress character facial expressions, early versions of locations — all this made us hesitant to release what you’re about to see.”

“However, we are also well aware that many of you want to see what the media saw.” — adds Badowski. “Although this is probably not the same game you’ll see on your screen when we launch, we still decided to share this 48-minute video with you. This is how Cyberpunk 2077 looks today. Let us know what you think!”

Commented on 2018-08-28 09:36:30
Awesome! thx a lot :)
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Commented on 2018-08-28 09:39:44
Thanks :)
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Commented on 2018-08-28 09:40:04
just torrent link ?! :(
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2018-08-28 09:42:49 In reply to amir456
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Commented on 2018-08-28 09:57:12
The transition between scenes is so seamless, indeed a great open world. Need to rewatch it but facial animations need improvement and they have so great hand animations for complex things but no animation for picking up things from the table is annoying. I'm not sure if they will make hand animations for this, this is what always annoying me in first person games....
But I can't nitpick more, nothing groundbreaking as the press said (of course they said those things) but definitely very promising, add a great story and it will be a great game for me.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 10:02:03
Thank you ! Finally to see the game without compression artefacts all over the place, they made me sick yesterday :/
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Commented on 2018-08-28 10:11:17
Wow! This must be your biggest file yet!
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Commented on 2018-08-28 11:32:36
I refuse to believe this is what the media jizzed their pants over. So many visual inconsistencies. If it wasn't for the cyberpunk theme I'm not sure I'd care much about what I just saw. Like the gameplay looks super derivative. The really forced waypoint markers even make the decisions seems too obvious and binary. Either this is the worst case of press overhype I've ever seen or this simply isn't the "next gen" looking demo they were shown at E3...I'm inclined to believe the latter. Maybe they'll be asked that question soon?
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Commented on 2018-08-28 11:33:54
Seems a lot like deus ex. No 3rd person camera mode either, which sucks. It Looks Pretty solid as a game. It just doesn't feel that much original I would say. The customization is probably the best aspects of this new title.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 11:35:05
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Commented on 2018-08-28 11:44:16
Every character in this video seems edgy: trying too hard to be cool, almost to a point where it's cringe worthy.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 12:10:51
It looks like a current gen game, good but nothing that would make me say ''damn, how is that possible''. But i don't care about graphics too much. What still i can't get over is that they went to the fps route with this one. ;/
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Commented on 2018-08-28 12:32:19 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
I refuse to believe this is what the media jizzed their pants over. So many visual inconsistencies. If it wasn't for the cyberpunk theme I'm not sure I'd care much about what I just saw. Like the gameplay looks super derivative. The really forced waypoint markers even make the decisions seems too obvious and binary. Either this is the worst case of press overhype I've ever seen or this simply isn't the "next gen" looking demo they were shown at E3...I'm inclined to believe the latter. Maybe they'll be asked that question soon?
Exactly! As I wrote in another thread, pretty much all YouTubers and video game journalists who saw the gameplay demo at E3 were hyped to the max (YongYea for example). Now, after seeing the demo myself, I find their reactions a bit exaggerated, to say the least.

This is far from "next gen in visuals and gameplay", it's nothing that other games hadn't done before. Visually, the demo for Ghost of Tsushima or God of War on the PS4 Pro look a LOT better, and gameplay-wise, Deus Ex has been there and done it all.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 12:54:31 In reply to Driftwood
You guys are awesome thank you! I refused to watch any footage on Youtube until now. The difference in visual quality between Youtube and videos on this site is insane.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 12:54:59
Thanks for the high quality video!!!


Noticed the lack of hand animations for picking up items and interacting with objects like doors as well. But it's still early in development, by how the developers have talked about still playtesting mechanics, I really doubt this game will come out before 2020.

However, I trust CD Projekt Red will make an epic game. There's already a lot of small details to the game, if you look closely when V holds the gun to that gang boss during the negotiations for the spider bot, her index finger is touching the trigger, but as soon as tensions are over, she removes it.

Then there's that scene with the gang of body snatchers in the beginning, where V shoves the guy's head in a tub filled with water to lower the gun firing sound and blow his head off. There are a lot of details one might miss during first watching.

In the hidden message in the video, the developers said: "there's a ton of things being modified each day" and I believe them, this is probably at the Alpha phase of development, which is why I believe we're still 2 years away from release, but they can surprise with a 2019 release.

Still, this means that a lot of what we're seeing here will be even better at release. So if this already looks impressive in many aspects, it will be even better when it launches.

Just look at CD Projekt Red's pedigree by comparing the crazy level of quality increases they went through from The Witcher 1 to TW2, and from TW2 to TW3 - and even from TW3 to TW3: Blood and Wine. I trust CD Projekt Red won't rest until the game is as best as it can be.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 12:55:02
Thanks guys for the video. The game looks amazing! Can't wait!
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Commented on 2018-08-28 13:02:19 In reply to KORNdog
Also, in addition to my post above (my edit somehow wasn't saved): I think the YouTubers/game journalists at E3 saw exactly this demo, or at least one with the same sequence of events on screen, because YongYea for example has a video titled "Everything I Saw in the Mind Blowing Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Demo" on his YouTube channel (I don't know whether external links are okay in here, so I just post the title), in which he describes what he saw on screen in very much detail.

Some game magazines here in Germany did the same thing, and they all saw the same material. I just asked in a forum at CDPR whether the released gameplay was the same as shown at E3 - let's see what (if) they answer.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 13:02:33 In reply to Sdarts
Yes, I know that but you would assume that after this long in the development they have these things. But not that a big deal but this way it looks too 90s :D However I received massive downvotes at Reddit for mentioning this and people said that they don't want any animations for these things and that I'm idiot :D
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Commented on 2018-08-28 13:14:11
Nice. Thanks a lot for the high quality video.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 14:09:00
just enjoy the damn video, if you don't like it go play your fortnite and do the exact same thing in it 500,000 times and loose your shit thinking how good that game is!
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Commented on 2018-08-28 14:12:20 In reply to unknownuser0001
"after this long in the development they have these things."
How long? While the game was announced in 2012, the development was started for real somewhere after the release of Witcher 3, i.e. in 2015. Or even later, after releasing Blood and Wine.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 14:36:01
Oh hey there, thank's for the High Quality Gameplay.. downloading
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Commented on 2018-08-28 14:38:10
I'm glad that for once a Cyberpunk game isn't a copy pasta of Blade Runner, Matrix or Deus EX. It's its own thing even if it features some of these things and manages to feel fresh and original.

I'd torrent the video but given the size i doubt my old pc would read it smoothly and treaming it on the ps4 isn't always guaranted succes.

So thanks for putting these in HQ streaming.Still better than Youtube and better community.(they fight but at least it means Gamersyde is not a hive)
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Commented on 2018-08-28 14:44:06 In reply to unknownuser0001
Posted by unknownuser0001
Yes, I know that but you would assume that after this long in the development they have these things. But not that a big deal but this way it looks too 90s :D However I received massive downvotes at Reddit for mentioning this and people said that they don't want any animations for these things and that I'm idiot :D

That's the internet, unfortunately. Which is quite ironic, considering that most of the time where people call someone else an "idiot", that's exactly what they themselves are acting/being like. But it's best just to ignore such people. As they say: "Don't feed the trolls".

Getting back Cyberpunk 2077, even though it seems like the game has been in development since the CG trailer announcing it, most of the team was focused on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and its story expansions till around the middle of 2016. I remember a few interviews with CD Projekt Red themselves stating that they were finally working full time on Cyberpunk 2077 after that period.

The first years were mostly focused on "pre-production", where they focused on developing concepts, story, characters, prototyping ideas, etc. So CP2077 has only been in full development for just little over 2 years - when the majority of the team moved from TW3 to CP2077.

If you need a little more insight, Marcin Iwiński, co-founder and co-CEO of CD Projekt Red, talked with Jason Schreier from Kotaku in a June 2018 interview explaining why it took so long from the CG announcement till they showed a trailer at E3 2018:

Kotaku - Why Cyberpunk 2077 Is Taking So Long:

I also remember CDPR saying they are working on another AAA RPG project as well to be released till 2021, but being careful to explain that it's not a new Witcher game, so Witcher fans shouldn't keep their hopes. If they ever make another The Witcher game, it will be over 10 years from TW3. Which sucks, but it's understandable since Geralt's story is done - though they could focus on Geralt's earlier years or on Ciri.

Below is the link to the May 2016 interview Robert Purchese from EuroGamer did with Marcin Iwiński about it:

EuroGamer - Don't expect The Witcher 4 any time soon - or maybe ever:

Taking all of that into account, CD Projekt Red is working on 3 games at the moment: Cyberpunk 2077, Gwent and that mysterious AAA RPG project. Of which Cyberpunk 2077 has only been in full development for little over 2 years.

Considering the size and scope of what CD Projekt Red is trying to achieve with Cyberpunk 2077, and the fact that they're still testing new ideas and mechanics to see what works and what doesn't even at this phase of development, we shouldn't judge this demo too much.

Because like they themselves have stated multiple times (like in this Gamersyde's article's description):

"Although this is probably not the same game you’ll see on your screen when we launch".

So we all should take this as an "prototype" or "concept" demonstration more than what the final game will absolutely be. Think of it like a "Pitch" video companies do to show to potential investors in order to get financial funding to develop the project.

I trust CD Projekt Red's talent and vision and am still excited for the game, the only reason this felt underwhelmed to me is because the gaming media praised it as the best thing ever and the future of gaming, which this 48 minute gameplay demo is clearly nothing like that. Still, it's a very impressive demo and the vision they're going for is great.
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Commented on 2018-08-28 14:49:10 In reply to syder
Posted by syder
I'd torrent the video but given the size i doubt my old pc would read it smoothly and treaming it on the ps4 isn't always guaranted succes.
You should try downloading it, if you don't have an internet bandwidth cap. I say this because it's still at 1080p quality and at 30 fps with 48967 bitrate. Basically the standard quality of videos developers and publishers send Gamersyde.

If your PC or PS4 can handle 1080p@30fps at 40-50k bitrate, it will play this video file just fine. No need to be intimidated by the size, it's not 4k@60fps at 80-100k bitrate.

I hope this helps, the increase of quality compared to YouTube's 4k video is well worth it. As a comparison, YouTube's 4k video's size is 4.94 GB.
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About the game
Published by
CD Projekt RED
Developed by
CD Projekt RED

$135 of $400 per month

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  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)

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