Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One

Marvel’s Avengers is finally in the spotlight with these first trailers showing a rather impressive looking game. Of course time will tell if the gameplay is also as good as the visuals. Release is on May 15 2020 on Xbox One, PS4, PC and Stadia.
Update: high quality trailers added.

Commented on 2019-06-11 08:08:05
The visuals in the footage looks good, but none of it is gameplay. Was a weird way to present the game. They talked like they had actually showed gameplay...
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Commented on 2019-06-11 08:09:51
please put a 4K  quality for Cyberpunk and FFVII
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Commented on 2019-06-11 08:20:45
The game looks good, though some of the faces and specially the hair look weird. I just wish we had gotten a proper gameplay trailer, since it's only months away.

Still, there is gameplay in the trailer, very short scenes like when Iron Man is flying and shooting rockets in the bridge, Hulk running and then jumping a gap in the bridge, Thor hovering and throwing his mjölnir hammer at an enemy, Black Widow running and jumping from a bridge - reminded me a lot of Lara Croft's running in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and finally Captain America fighting, grabbing an enemy and slamming him into the ground.
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Commented on 2019-06-11 08:37:20 In reply to Arnosix
Posted by Arnosix
please put a 4K  quality for Cyberpunk and FFVII
Really?  This is still a thing?  You've been a member since 2015, you should know how it works...
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Commented on 2019-06-11 09:18:04
when can we expect high quality trailer of Cyberpunk 2077?
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2019-06-11 10:38:40 In reply to thepostman
Do you really think we have a clue? Maybe never, maybe later, who knows? We're not the ones you should ask in fact.
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Commented on 2019-06-11 10:43:24
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
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Commented on 2019-06-11 10:59:59 In reply to agni_rzm
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
You seem to have gotten it.  What's the confusion? lol
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Commented on 2019-06-11 11:07:12 In reply to AMDman18
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
Posted by AMDman18
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
You seem to have gotten it.  What's the confusion? lol
Avengers trailer had a lot more action but all in all I didn't feel much difference, visually.
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Commented on 2019-06-11 14:06:24 In reply to agni_rzm
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
Posted by AMDman18
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
You seem to have gotten it.  What's the confusion? lol
Avengers trailer had a lot more action but all in all I didn't feel much difference, visually.
yeah, diminished returns or it could just be that halo is a cross gen title. the halo footage isn't that impressive imo but does show a few nice little details, it seems to be using raytracing for one and the textures seem very high res. but when devs can fake it pretty accurately, it kinda makes the legit implementation seem less...impressive. 
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Commented on 2019-06-11 14:52:45 In reply to agni_rzm
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
Posted by AMDman18
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
You seem to have gotten it.  What's the confusion? lol
Avengers trailer had a lot more action but all in all I didn't feel much difference, visually.
The difference will, most likely, lie in the resolution and performance.  Halo is featuring similar (or better) quality graphics POSSIBLY at full 4K and 60fps on Scarlett compared to an upscaled 4K at 30fps for Avengers.  Even if it doesn't quite LOOK like a monumental leap (especially the particular scenes we were shown) in quality, trying to achieve 4K at such a solid framerate as was on display is QUITE a bit more difficult than what Avengers is doing.  If Avengers is AAA game design, then Halo is that same thing on hard mode with handicaps enabled.  If that analogy makes any sense, lol!
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Commented on 2019-06-11 20:32:27
Posted by KORNdog
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
Posted by AMDman18
Posted by agni_rzm
So, this was an in-engine current gen trailer and Halo was a next gen in-engine trailer, right? what is happening?
You seem to have gotten it.  What's the confusion? lol
Avengers trailer had a lot more action but all in all I didn't feel much difference, visually.
yeah, diminished returns or it could just be that halo is a cross gen title. the halo footage isn't that impressive imo but does show a few nice little details, it seems to be using raytracing for one and the textures seem very high res. but when devs can fake it pretty accurately, it kinda makes the legit implementation seem less...impressive. 
yeah it does seem to have ray tracing. also, Halo was kinda deliberatly shot mostly in close up and at a slow pace just to show off when Avengers is full of action. closest thing to a comparison was probably Banner in the quinjet
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Commented on 2019-06-12 20:58:42
Hmmm it seems the graphics may actually be reflective of gameplay. Very impressive then.
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Crystal Dynamics

$135 of $400 per month

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