Video Xbox One

Our Ryse video from yesterday wasn't really that good, be it the video quality or the player. So here is a new one, where the player doesn't really rock, but he's at least not completely incompetent.

Commented on 2013-08-22 12:59:55
This video dispelled every negative rumor about the combat system. It's not a qte fest, you don't HAVE to initiate executions, the game doesn't play for you, and you won't be pulling off the cool moves unless you understand the system.

Now I just want to watch a someone with some skill play
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Commented on 2013-08-22 13:02:51
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Commented on 2013-08-22 14:26:32
Man how could that player not learn to block after all those hits from behind? Anyhow this certainly looks better than what I've seen so far but it still looks very slow and clunky, might as well call it the killzone of hack n slash lol.

It might not be as awful as I thought but it certainly doesn't look very good either.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 14:50:03 In reply to Nietzsche
I dunno, it looks like he had problems with pressing the A button to pick up that weapon so asking to block is abit optimistic.

I really dunno why they're showing multiplayer and not the singleplayer.. this just looks like what it probably is, tacked on. And it's still quite pretty but obviously visually downgraded from the sp.. they just released a vid selling their engine, you'd think they'd be showing their latest game of it in the best possible light.

Also, its a shame multiplayer seems to be just this arena stuff. Playing the main game in co-op could have been quite good. Especially if you both had troops to command and could attack a level from different sides.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 14:58:21 In reply to Trup1aya4rea1
Posted by Trup1aya4rea1
This video dispelled every negative rumor about the combat system. It's not a qte fest, you don't HAVE to initiate executions, the game doesn't play for you, and you won't be pulling off the cool moves unless you understand the system.

Now I just want to watch a someone with some skill play
i'm not really sure how changing the obnoxious floating button prompts and replacing them with more subtle button prompts (thin coloured outline around character representing the colour of the button that needs pushing) is actually changing all that much. they've tried to trick people into thinking it isn't a QTE but havn't actually removed the QTE. looks boring as sin in either case. so kind of irrelivant.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 16:32:43
lots a hacking and slashing : /
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Commented on 2013-08-22 16:36:45
Bad animations and gameplay.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 17:28:47 In reply to KORNdog
They're not and never were QTE...they were always button prompts. You wouldn't fail if you didn't press the flashing Y button above their heads, you just simply wouldn't excute the move that that button prompt would trigger. Its not really that difficult to understand the difference. The problem was that these button prompts were coming up every two seconds. Rather than only certain moments like games like God of War do.

If you're that deathly allergic to button prompts I wouldn't pick up Beyond if I was you
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Commented on 2013-08-22 18:04:59 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
They're not and never were QTE...they were always button prompts. You wouldn't fail if you didn't press the flashing Y button above their heads, you just simply wouldn't excute the move that that button prompt would trigger. Its not really that difficult to understand the difference. The problem was that these button prompts were coming up every two seconds. Rather than only certain moments like games like God of War do.

If you're that deathly allergic to button prompts I wouldn't pick up Beyond if I was you
B2S is a interactive movie aimed for everyone. This is a action game where combat and fighting is one of the most important factors and looks horrible.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 18:06:59 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
They're not and never were QTE...they were always button prompts. You wouldn't fail if you didn't press the flashing Y button above their heads, you just simply wouldn't excute the move that that button prompt would trigger. Its not really that difficult to understand the difference.
so if that logic applies to ryse, i assume it applies to say, heavy rain? that isn't a QTE becasue, you don't fail if you miss the button? fucking LOL! it's a QTE

and btw, i have nothing against QTE's. i do have something against a developer trying to pass them off as something other then what they are though. they're fucking QTE's. it wasn't the reason the game looks boring as fuck to begin with, so i'm not sure what difference it would make calling an orange and orange?
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Commented on 2013-08-22 18:19:58 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
lots a hacking and slashing : /
I think it's fair to say that this is a hack 'n' slasher, then? Is that a genre in itself? I dunno.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 19:33:35 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
so if that logic applies to ryse, i assume it applies to say, heavy rain? that isn't a QTE becasue, you don't fail if you miss the button? fucking LOL! it's a QTE
There;s a difference though between button prompts and QTE's. As far as i'm aware you don't have to press the buttom prompt to "win" in this.. its simply an option. Which means its no more a QTE than the "press A to pick up weapon" is in this vid. QTE''s are usually timed button pressing that you have to press in time in order to progress correct? that's not what they've said this is.
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Commented on 2013-08-23 00:08:04
I still think this game can be BIG... And yes, even the gameplay department. I mean, not every game needs to be packed with super-ultra-mega-cool moves... This can actually aim for realism quite good.
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Commented on 2013-08-23 01:52:07 In reply to TreyAndQuad4life
Posted by TreyAndQuad4life
I still think this game can be BIG... And yes, even the gameplay department. I mean, not every game needs to be packed with super-ultra-mega-cool moves... This can actually aim for realism quite good.
If they would've gone for realism I would've been in for sure. I for one don't consider big flashy sections of gates that say "smash me" "but not me", big +1 combo and multiplier indicators, text all over the screen telling you where to go and what to do, and QTE filled two button block or attack combat, to be very realistic. Even the physics are terrible. You swing right through your allies like they are ghosts, and if you hit an enemy while he is in a canned animation it goes right through without registering.

Honestly, I love the setting and visuals, but the gameplay looks so bland and unimaginative, I don't there is a chance I will be playing this.
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Commented on 2013-08-24 18:20:17
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Commented on 2013-08-26 11:39:54
When a new console launches gamers tend to grasp at exclusives as some kind of justification for investing the $400-500 on a new machine. For those of you who have actually somehow looked past all the awful gameplay and glitches and seemingly mind-numbingly boring multiplayer, i truly feel for you.

Good GOD this game looks bad
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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