Trailer PS4

Sony also announced DriveClub pour PS4, developed by Evolution Studios. Much too short teaser tailer inside.

Commented on 2013-02-21 12:45:34
it looked great and the walk around the car was a nice touch ... for me racers are not pushing it far enough for me to stay interested
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Commented on 2013-02-21 13:23:45
Wow...the environemnt is damn amazing, from these short shots.
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Commented on 2013-02-21 15:02:00
Absolutely stunning, cannot wait to see what Gran Turismo 6 looks like!
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Commented on 2013-02-21 16:13:29 In reply to GFreeman
Posted by GFreeman
Absolutely stunning, cannot wait to see what Gran Turismo 6 looks like!
that i don't know, but i guess PD is in panic mode, they now have competidors in the lion's mouth rising questions about why they are being payed monthly for a game per gen, when these guys make this.
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Commented on 2013-02-21 16:29:23 In reply to nostradamus
Agree. If PD will develop their GT so long again, we will see it on the end of PS4 life cycle and it will have only PS3 new tracks remastered. GT5 is great, but it has things, which piss me off. But this looks great!
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Commented on 2013-02-21 16:52:19
This did nothing for me... I would've killed to see GT6
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Commented on 2013-02-21 16:54:54
looked great, but i just don't know if it was real time.

kinda odd comparing what PD want to achieve and what these guys do. this is the sort of game that'll have 75 exotic sports's not quite the same as a game that aims to achieve a complete catalogue of cars, road and sport.
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Commented on 2013-02-21 18:09:30 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
looked great, but i just don't know if it was real time.

kinda odd comparing what PD want to achieve and what these guys do. this is the sort of game that'll have 75 exotic sports's not quite the same as a game that aims to achieve a complete catalogue of cars, road and sport.
Completely agree. This seems to just try to capture an experience rather then GT trying to emulate really driving cars. This looks great though, will hold me off till GT6.
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Commented on 2013-02-21 18:42:47
Is this game a sim? If so this will make me buy a PS4 day 1!!!

As for GT6...i fear for that game as imo it will have PS2 cars, PS3 cars and PS4 cars. Like GT5 it is going to suffer an incredibly long dev time and in the end will be disappointing.

Personally i think PD would be better making an open world game and start a fresh as i know this is what they want to do it's just whether Sony want that?
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Commented on 2013-02-21 18:53:41
Gran Turismo has always aimed to be an encyclopedia and a love note for ALL cars (even though they do have an obsession with Nissan).

I think this will probably control closer to a PGR than a sim though.
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Commented on 2013-02-21 18:56:11
PD should have been busy building high res assets for PS4 so that they could just easily port them down to the system. I'm guessing they fell off the wagon at the end of the PS2 era and are just being left behind due to inadequate planning and tools, that is if GT5 was anything to go by. If they pull the same stunt here by porting PS3 models over (they did say PS3 models are good enough for next gen. Tsk Tsk A massive no no!)then that is unforgivable.
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Commented on 2013-02-21 19:05:30 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
PD should have been busy building high res assets for PS4 so that they could just easily port them down to the system. I'm guessing they fell off the wagon at the end of the PS2 era and are just being left behind due to inadequate planning and tools, that is if GT5 was anything to go by. If they pull the same stunt here by porting PS3 models over (they did say PS3 models are good enough for next gen. Tsk Tsk A massive no no!)then that is unforgivable.
To be fair, the premium models in GT5 do look easily on par with what's on show here...hell, i wouldn't be surprised if some of them are...
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Commented on 2013-02-21 21:16:54
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Commented on 2013-02-21 21:30:04
Not that I don't believe the PS4 can pull off this level of detail...
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Commented on 2013-02-21 21:34:25 In reply to anm8rjp
Posted by anm8rjp
Not that I don't believe the PS4 can pull off this level of detail...
I really doubt they'd do that again. And the start of the demonstration was definitely real time. The trailer just looks too good, but then racers always do look pretty amazing visually, so maybe it's the baseline for racers next gen...if so, w00t
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Commented on 2013-02-22 01:08:38
Would love to see a new motorstorm game fully made for the PS4.
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Commented on 2013-02-22 01:14:51 In reply to xgei8ht
Posted by xgei8ht
Would love to see a new motorstorm game fully made for the PS4.
I'd prefer new ip's than more of the same average one's, The last Motorstorm game was shit. Get them doing a new race title.
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Commented on 2013-02-22 01:15:43
Anyone else get a Test Drive Unlimited vibe from this? I would say the actual racing visuals looked real to me (look at the trees and the backgrounds, they're not that impressive), but the up close vehicles looked pretty damned nice. Overall though, racers are one area where there is little room to innovate. The only thing I would like to see will probably never happen, and that is fully realistic physics with full damage and wear modelling along with in car view and fully modeled interiors.
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Commented on 2013-02-22 01:20:13 In reply to xgei8ht
Posted by xgei8ht
Would love to see a new motorstorm game fully made for the PS4.
Same, considering fancy particles seem to be the "in" thing for next gen, it'd be perfect. They'd finally be able to achieve the dust trails and mud of the CGi trailer for motorstorm 1. Love motorstorm though, i do hope we see a sequel, maybe when this game fails at retail? (Which i genuinely think it will)
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Commented on 2013-02-22 01:55:00
Yeah MS would be better. This looks like TDU, Forza Horizon.
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Commented on 2013-02-22 10:53:32 In reply to xgei8ht
Posted by xgei8ht
Would love to see a new motorstorm game fully made for the PS4.
exactly, a reimagination of Motorstorm with even more freedom in a race (like a big open map with just some checkpoints and a goal instead of courses) would be highly appreciated from my side
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Commented on 2013-02-23 13:17:19 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
that i don't know, but i guess PD is in panic mode, they now have competidors in the lion's mouth rising questions about why they are being payed monthly for a game per gen, when these guys make this.
PD is in panic mode? hehe how do u know that? did u went to their office and see if they are panic? useless comment by a person who was bashing PD and GT since the first reveal of the GT5... PD are happy of what they achieved they have one of the biggest communities they sold over 10 million copies and ppl these days still play GT5 online.

GT6 will be released much earlier than u all think, because their game engine is ready they don't have to build a new one like they did with GT5 (building new game engines takes a LONG time)...

"competitors" Their competitors are themselves...

This game looks great, and I think DriveClub (as Gameplay) it will be just like Test driver but way better... Evolution studios are one the best Arcade racing developers so they will pull this of.
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Commented on 2013-02-23 17:15:23
Call me crazy but this is not impressive at all. This is the same level as what we saw on the current gen consoles..
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Commented on 2013-02-23 17:29:07 In reply to Trebby
Posted by Trebby
Call me crazy but this is not impressive at all. This is the same level as what we saw on the current gen consoles..
Car model wise? Yes, environment, lighting, graphics wise? No.
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Commented on 2013-02-25 14:10:48 In reply to Trebby
You are crazy.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Evolution Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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