Poor Jade Raymond? Stupid Lawyer?

Inscrit depuis 6167 Jours

The above link has an insane story to tell.

The image in question can be found on a popular forum.

Personally, I think Jade should not be upset. She's a celebrity, and this isn't nearly as bad as the kind of stuff "real" celebrities endure.

And it's just a cartoon. And what is the point of UBISOFT trying to sue the forum in question?

What happens if people turn around and start posting that image on tons and tons of forums and public web albums all over the net? Worse, what if more and more show up out of spite?

Isn't making a big deal out of this just giving the image that much more exposure? Won't this have the exact opposite effect of what she wants to achieve?

Shouldn't she just giggle this away? Or find some way to make money from it?
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Inscrit depuis 6186 Jours
whats differant between this and every other game parody out there?
i think ubi's a bit over the top if they want to sue

im not defending the image, its stupid and not funny, but its freedom of (a rather lifeless persons')speech. and whats differant between this and all the other photoshopped images of game covers out there? because shes a girl she should get special treatment?

i didnt even think it was that offensive, if it were done to me, id just be like 'meh...well somebody has no life... ok moving on'

yeah, she should giggle it off. imo
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Inscrit depuis 6884 Jours
The cartoon is childish, but not as much as the letter from the lawyer (but Lowtax's response is awesome!). Put yourself in the public eye and you are susceptible to this kinda thing, hell tabloid newspapers wouldn't exist if it weren't the case.
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Inscrit depuis 6667 Jours
The fact that its a cartoon is no excuse. Jade shouldnt have to put up with this shit to begin with. If she let this go, she would never be taken seriously, she already has enough trouble with that when game forum dorks jerk off to the mere mention of her name.
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Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy

Inscrit depuis 6186 Jours
oh wait...
nevermind, the thing i commented on isnt actually the thing everyones talking about lol... well im searching but i cant find it anywhere... oh well i give up.
im sure its not that bad though

if i was a game producer and people were making fun of me id think it was really awesome lol

btw, isnt this thread just helping to spread the publicity?
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Inscrit depuis 6746 Jours
Its disrespectful and should be removed period. I'm happy to see that Ubisoft is willing to go this far for one of their employees.

It isn't necessarily just that the cartoon is about jade, but how it portrays her.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6167 Jours
Posté par mkk316
The fact that its a cartoon is no excuse. Jade shouldnt have to put up with this shit to begin with. If she let this go, she would never be taken seriously, she already has enough trouble with that when game forum dorks jerk off to the mere mention of her name.
Of course it's not an excuse. If people had a real photo of her performing the act depicted that's what we would be looking at right now - instead of a cartoon.

Nobody ever said it being a cartoon was an excuse. But at least it's just a cartoon.

I also don't believe it's a matter of whether she should put up with this or not, it's a matter of dealing with it like an adult or crying like a child about it. It's not up to her whether or not she has to deal with it. The internet has already decided that for her.

She's going to deal with it. How she deals with it is what matters. If she handles this the wrong way I'm willing to bet the next image we see will be a photoshop of one of her publicity shots with a big frack in her mouth.

Other people have had the same thing done to them, and it's been proven time and time again that the harder you push to silence something the louder and louder it gets.

Celebrity has a price - I say she needs to get over it.
Posté par Optimusv2
Its disrespectful and should be removed period. I'm happy to see that Ubisoft is willing to go this far for one of their employees.
And it was removed.
However the image has already been rehosted god knows how many times.

And it may be nice of UBISOFT, but it's also a wasteful claim that won't go anywhere.

I think we should also remember that she consented to having herself whored out as pretty face behind AC. Can she really act like she wasn't aware of the effect her image might have on horny video gamers everywhere?
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Inscrit depuis 6884 Jours
Well the problem I have with it is..

a) They are chasing the wrong people, SomethingAwful was not responsible for the creation of the image merely reposting it in a forum.

b) They didn't take into account the MILLIONS of fake pornographic images of far bigger celebrities readily available.

c) They totally fucked up by trying to stop SomethingAwful from doing something they legally are allowed to do. SA thrives on ridiculous threats like this, especially when they have little or no grounds in reality.

d) Ubi are apparently being massive dicks about AC and Jade Raymond in general if the Eurogamer advertising debacle is to be believed.
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Inscrit depuis 6795 Jours
uhhh a link to the picture would be a nice idea as i really wouldn't want to comment without seeing what they're talking about.

EDIT: Ooh its one of them naked photo shopped photos, wow, who gives a damn for one? There are tons of them everywhere, I'd bet my house there are tons of every near hot female celeb in the world, you don't see them getting their panties in a legal twist over it, wow, thats kind of taking it a bit to far.....
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 6825 Jours
Personally, I think Jade should not be upset. She's a celebrity, and this isn't nearly as bad as the kind of stuff "real" celebrities endure.

She isn't a celebrity. She is a developer. Her job isn't even very high profile outside of talking and occassionaly demoing her product.

She is only a celebrity in the minds of adolescent peons who get off on the idea that, shock, a pretty woman may actually work on computers and, gasp, make games. If she was a director of, say, Microsoft Word development (even more high profile) young twits and men living in their mother's basement wouldn't be fawning over the poor lady.

It has to do with the immaturity of the gaming public that they are so shallow to believe a woman in the industry is some sort of celebrity. :|

Btw, there have been a number of recent cases in the US where people are actively being prosecuted for harrassment for using the internet to cause 'harm' to others through media as discussed in this thread.
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My Blog: http://www.NextGenThinkTank.com

Inscrit depuis 6832 Jours
Posté par mkk316
The fact that its a cartoon is no excuse. Jade shouldnt have to put up with this shit to begin with. If she let this go, she would never be taken seriously, she already has enough trouble with that when game forum dorks jerk off to the mere mention of her name.
I agree! I feel so sorry for her right now and I'm glad that Ubisoft actually threatened to sue that site. I, for one, am getting sick of the Jade Raymond -thing going on with the gamers and the gaming websites. She's making a videogame and some of the gamers act like its the first time they have seen a woman in their whole lives.

What was done to her constitute as harrassment and public humiliation. She did the right thing by showing that she isn't going to shy away from this simply because its on the internet.

And please stop likening her to some shallow hollywood celebrity. Those bimbos crave that kind of coverage. Jade Raymond does not. Some of the comments here are so disappointing and, as acert has mentioned highlights, the immaturity of the gaming public.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Uh. I didn't see the picture, but..........the point here is that Ubisoft is overreacting by threatening that website, for which they have no control over what the user posts and the image wasn't even hosted by them.

There's tons of that. Should Billgates sue for this?


It is disrespectful, maybe not as bad, but it's the same thing.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6832 Jours
That thing was mild compared to how they depicted Jade Redmond. It hardly qualifies as the "same thing".

At this rate, people can just take a photo of your girlfriends and wives and make lewd images over them and splatter them all over the internet. And you can't complain because its 'normal' in the internet to do such a thing.
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Inscrit depuis 6976 Jours
Posté par wuffyx
Does it depict Bill Gates in a sexual manner or like whore? That thing was mild compared to how they depicted Jade Redmond.
Well I haven't seen the pic. But the thing is that Ubi and its lawyer are dumb for trying to scare that site. As long as the site does not endorse that, and as long as they keep deleting that stuff, they shouldn't be threatened or you end up looking stupid. Proof? Well, the e-mail reply the site admin gave.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Inscrit depuis 6832 Jours
Some action is better than none. I certainly don't believe Jade Redmond should just *giggle* over this. If the idiot gamers drive her out of the gaming industry because she's hot, then so be it. She deserves more respect as a developer and not as a pin up doll.

As for the site, they should have deleted the image as quickly as possible and made their stand clear, that they do not support these kinds of defamation.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 6877 Jours
I looked it up. Essentially she's giving three guys a blowjob and then they come all over her.

I can't really give you an objective opinion of whether or not Ubi are doing the right thing here. I just think this thing is sad. For reasons mentioned, and a bunch of obvious unmentioned ones.
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Inscrit depuis 6459 Jours
They are after the wrong people. And to be honest I think they are over-reacting. I was surprised at the quality of the "comic" though. I was expecting one of those stupid photoshop jobs.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Inscrit depuis 6877 Jours
But it is blatant, it is stupid and it's insulting. It's driving across a point that didn't have to be remotely as graphic either, and just shows how tasteless these people are.

It doesn't stop with just depicting her as a whore, it casually discredits her work and character in every concievable way.

Last time I checked, baseless slander wasn't allowed on the net or anywhere else, and this is nothing short of it.
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Inscrit depuis 6459 Jours
Point taken.
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Inscrit depuis 6410 Jours
This is very lowlife and despicable, i think letting it go means thinking its ok, well its NOT, so many times people let things go because theyre too lazy, theyre even embarrassed to fight back, thats WRONG! Lowlifes thrive on weakness, show them none, never... its like muggers, if they knew half the people they mug would fight back, theyd probably stop, or die out, as the % of normal population far exceeds them... just saying, NEVER let something awful go by, youre just encouraging it.

PS and the site is guilty of posting it... they have power over whats being posted...
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GoW, War3, Halo, MYST, Civilazation

Inscrit depuis 6746 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Personally, I think Jade should not be upset. She's a celebrity, and this isn't nearly as bad as the kind of stuff "real" celebrities endure.

She isn't a celebrity. She is a developer. Her job isn't even very high profile outside of talking and occassionaly demoing her product.

She is only a celebrity in the minds of adolescent peons who get off on the idea that, shock, a pretty woman may actually work on computers and, gasp, make games. If she was a director of, say, Microsoft Word development (even more high profile) young twits and men living in their mother's basement wouldn't be fawning over the poor lady.

It has to do with the immaturity of the gaming public that they are so shallow to believe a woman in the industry is some sort of celebrity. :|

Btw, there have been a number of recent cases in the US where people are actively being prosecuted for harrassment for using the internet to cause 'harm' to others through media as discussed in this thread.
Well said. Very well said.
En réponse à

Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

Inscrit depuis 6598 Jours
Posté par Acert93
Personally, I think Jade should not be upset. She's a celebrity, and this isn't nearly as bad as the kind of stuff "real" celebrities endure.

She isn't a celebrity. She is a developer. Her job isn't even very high profile outside of talking and occassionaly demoing her product.

She is only a celebrity in the minds of adolescent peons who get off on the idea that, shock, a pretty woman may actually work on computers and, gasp, make games. If she was a director of, say, Microsoft Word development (even more high profile) young twits and men living in their mother's basement wouldn't be fawning over the poor lady.

It has to do with the immaturity of the gaming public that they are so shallow to believe a woman in the industry is some sort of celebrity. :|

Btw, there have been a number of recent cases in the US where people are actively being prosecuted for harrassment for using the internet to cause 'harm' to others through media as discussed in this thread.
Couldnt agree more.
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Street Fighter 4... Believe.

Kudgel - Bernard Pavot
Inscrit depuis 6153 Jours
If you make a comic about me and three girls coming on my face, I'll sue you!
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If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh.

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Inscrit depuis 6854 Jours
Posté par Kudgel
If you make a comic about me and three girls coming on my face, I'll sue you!
I'm on it!
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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 6825 Jours
Posté par LEBATO
the point here is that Ubisoft is overreacting by threatening that website, for which they have no control over what the user posts and the image wasn't even hosted by them.
Actually, websites *are* responsible for the content that appears on them. If you post illegal material on Gamersyde and the owner(s) of Gamersyde fail to remove said contrent *they* (and the poster) can be held legally liable.

Somethingawful (?) should have removed the post immediately, hence they are being persued.
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My Blog: http://www.NextGenThinkTank.com

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