Trailer Xbox 360

About the only exciting announcement of Microsoft's press conference was the upcoming released of Halo 4 in 2012. First teaser inside.
Update: Added some captures from the teaser.

Teaser captures

  • E3: Halo 4 teaser trailer - Teaser captures
  • E3: Halo 4 teaser trailer - Teaser captures
  • E3: Halo 4 teaser trailer - Teaser captures
  • E3: Halo 4 teaser trailer - Teaser captures
  • E3: Halo 4 teaser trailer - Teaser captures
Commented on 2011-06-06 20:41:45
The ONLY thing that I kinda...liked about the whole conference...was this.

Cortana rocks.
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:48:26
And there are those who said this day will never come.... What are they have to say now!!!!
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:49:07
Yes please.
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:53:53
seriously, chief we love ya :)
i am glad someone else is on board to make this, i think bungie was getting burnt out (its my opinion leave me alone lol)
but if the sheer quality of this trailer is anything to go by, i think 343 now what there doing, fantastic, made me not think i wasted a hour and 28 minutes of my life lol
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:54:26
Guy from 343 Industries said, that in Halo: CE Anniversary, we'll be able to change graphics layer between the new one and the old one back and forth at any moment. They just put a layer of new updated gfx on the old physics engine, so Halo: CE Anniv. will definately feel like Halo: CE.
Great news for me!!
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:54:53 In reply to mykmarian
Posted by mykmarian
And there are those who said this day will never come.... What are they have to say now!!!!
someone said microsoft wouldn't keep making halo games? What are they, insane?
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:56:28
i dont get the whole "dawn of a new trilogy" thing. Not with a giant 4 attatched to it.. surely its simply continuing the saga.

Unless its the much rumoured halo rpg... offering something different from the previous titles.

Either way, shame there was no gameplay. And by the interview they just did it may be using the same engine as Reach... so probably wont end up looking as nice as the trailer shows
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Commented on 2011-06-06 20:58:08
The should have definitely waited till the next console... At least to announce a trilogy. The remake was a nice touch, they should cross-platform to pc with Halo CE, and then, that would be good to hold off.
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Commented on 2011-06-06 21:00:03
It was either that or delay Gears of War 3 to Sep 2012. Hello people, of course they need something like this for next year.
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Commented on 2011-06-06 21:24:01
isnt Bungie was the developer??
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Commented on 2011-06-06 21:29:52
Love the look of the new armor but hate the look of the new Cortana.
And how the f$$k did chief got a new armor with incorporated jetpap in cryostatis?

I think that's the Onyx there heading in too,what do you guys think?
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Commented on 2011-06-06 22:45:22 In reply to killerxclub
Posted by killerxclub
I think that's the Onyx there heading in too,what do you guys think?
I has to be, if its not... then well fuck knows, but it HAS to be, but did we all not have this discussion with the hidden(after credits) ending on halo 3?
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Commented on 2011-06-06 23:29:54
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Commented on 2011-06-06 23:30:20 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
And by the interview they just did it may be using the same engine as Reach... so probably wont end up looking as nice as the trailer shows
Of course it won't look like the trailer, it's CGI! I wish they would wait for the new Xbox and make the game look like in this trailer. Seriously i want games to look like this or like some other CGI trailers, i find this gen already very outdated :(
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Commented on 2011-06-06 23:34:31 In reply to mykmarian
Posted by mykmarian
And there are those who said this day will never come.... What are they have to say now!!!!
Damn it, wanted to say that!
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Commented on 2011-06-07 00:17:34 In reply to Drsw36
milking?? oh right because halo has 4 main games now, and other franchises have more right??? milking is what they've done like rts halo wars, this isn't milking this is halo 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the king is back
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:54:45
It will be interesting to see if 343 use the Reach engine (which is likely) and follow the same sort of gameplay of the original trilogy. As much as I love Halo (played some Reach co-op the other day and fell in love all over again), I definitely want to see a new style.

Also I hope they put those writers from the Ascendant Justice blog to good use! I miss those guys and their fantastic write ups.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 02:57:07
That, was surprising.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 08:50:58
Wow.. wow.. orgas...

I'm so glad that Bungie is gone. The series really needed a fresh set of talented people to bring it back up to the level of the first game. The first game's incredibly talented group LEFT to pursue other things after the first game was done. It was never the same again. Now they have the chance to bring it back to greatness with new talent. Good riddance to Bungie.
I'm also really glad they got the same voice actor back! Chief's voice is now irreplaceable. They already got something right with this. I think Cortana's voice is also the same person. Nice!
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Commented on 2011-06-07 09:08:45 In reply to infamouz956
Posted by infamouz956
milking?? oh right because halo has 4 main games now, and other franchises have more right??? milking is what they've done like rts halo wars, this isn't milking this is halo 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the king is back
I said milking because they said that they stop at 3. Then they release Halo Wars, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Reach and now Halo 4. They only releasing Halo games now to make as much money as possible. Thats milking.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 11:09:43 In reply to infamouz956
Posted by infamouz956
milking?? oh right because halo has 4 main games now, and other franchises have more right??? milking is what they've done like rts halo wars, this isn't milking this is halo 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the king is back
This is milking to the max, are you kidding? There are going to be 11 Halo games now if you count windows re-releases. ELEVEN. Microsoft really offered a poor line-up this year, people were joking that they'd just announce a new Halo game. Joking. Can't believe they actually did.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 15:32:58 In reply to sikbeta
Posted by sikbeta
This is milking to the max, are you kidding? There are going to be 11 Halo games now if you count windows re-releases. ELEVEN. Microsoft really offered a poor line-up this year, people were joking that they'd just announce a new Halo game. Joking. Can't believe they actually did.
and what about god of war ???

sonyers out of here please , you dont know what halo means
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Commented on 2011-06-07 15:38:59
Hoping for this to be an RPG or something as opposed to the standard FPS.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 17:25:46
Actually the CE Remake uses the Reach graphics engine. They haven't said that about Halo 4, if I'm right.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 20:57:12
When it came on G4, I stood up and ran to the screen and right when it got to the "explosion" looking burst in the first few seconds- I turned to my wife and yelled "it's his synapses firing- Cortana is waking him up from Cryo!!" hahahhahaha. I felt like a little kid at Christmas. I'm so happy to see Halo 4 come up! I just hope they tie in the Rings to this story- otherwise... why call it Halo??
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
343 Industries

$135 of $400 per month

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